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使用Repast Simphony的意外结果


我需要使用Repast Simphony作为模拟器开发迭代囚徒困境的Java版本。


由于在Repast Simphony中没有一个内置的系统来在代理之间交换消息,所以我不得不实施某种解决方案来处理代理的同步(a对B和B对a应该算作同一轮,这就是为什么它们需要同步)。


  • 玩家我为4个敌人中的每一个选择下一步
  • 玩家我向四个敌人中的每一个发送正确的移动
  • Player我等待4个敌人中的每一个回复

根据我对Repast Simphony的理解,计划的方法是顺序的(没有代理级别的并行性),这意味着我不得不使用与发送不同的方法进行等待(计划的优先级较低,以确保在开始等待之前完成所有发送)。



// myPoint is the location inside the grid (unique, agents can't move and only one per cell is allowed)
public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = 1;
    result = prime * result + ((myPoint == null) ? 0 : myPoint.hashCode());
    return result;

// Returns enemy's choice in the previous round
private byte getLastPlay(Player enemy) {
    return (neighbors.get(enemy)[1]) ? COOPERATE : DEFECT;

// Elements are saved as (player, choice)
private void receivePlay(Player enemy, byte play) {
    System.out.println(this + " receives (" + play + ") from " + enemy);
    while (!playSharedQueue.add(new Object[] { enemy, play })){
        // This doesn't get printed, meaning that the insertion is successful!
        System.out.println(this + " failed inserting");

@ScheduledMethod(start = 1, interval = 1, priority = 10)
public void play() {
    System.out.println(this + " started playing");
    // Clear previous plays
    for (Player enemy : neighbors.keySet()) {
        // properties[0] = true if we already played together
        // properties[1] = true if enemy choose to cooperate on the previous round
        Boolean[] properties = neighbors.get(enemy);
        // Choose which side we take this time
        byte myPlay;
        if (properties[0]) {
            // First time that we play, use memory-less strategy
            myPlay = (Math.random() <= strategy[0]) ? COOPERATE : DEFECT;
            // Report that we played
            properties[0] = false;
            neighbors.put(enemy, properties);
        } else {
            // We already had a round, use strategy with memory
            byte enemyLastPlay = enemy.getLastPlay(this);
            // Choose which side to take based on enemy's previous decision
            myPlay = (Math.random() <= strategy[(enemyLastPlay) == COOPERATE ? 1 : 2]) ? COOPERATE : DEFECT;
        // Send my choice to the enemy
        System.out.println(this + " sent (" + myPlay + ") to " + enemy);
        enemy.receivePlay(this, myPlay);

// Waits for the results and processes them
@ScheduledMethod(start = 1, interval = 1, priority = 5)
public void waitResults() {
    // Clear previous score
    lastPayoff = 0;
    System.out.println(this + " waits for results [" + playSharedQueue.size() + "]");
    if (playSharedQueue.size() != 4) {
        // Well, this happens on the first agent :(
    // ... process ...

这是控制台输出,因此您可以看到所有内容似乎都是无问题发送和接收的(使用的是一个3 x 3的网格):不再显示任何问题):技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能技能

Player[2, 0] started playing
Player[2, 0] sent (0) to Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] receives (0) from Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] sent (0) to Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] receives (0) from Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] sent (0) to Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] receives (0) from Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] sent (0) to Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] receives (0) from Player[2, 0]
Player[1, 2] started playing
Player[1, 2] sent (1) to Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] receives (1) from Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] sent (1) to Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] receives (1) from Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] sent (1) to Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] receives (1) from Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] sent (1) to Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] receives (1) from Player[1, 2]
Player[0, 2] started playing
Player[0, 2] sent (1) to Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] receives (1) from Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] sent (1) to Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] receives (1) from Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] sent (1) to Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] receives (1) from Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] sent (1) to Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] receives (1) from Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 1] started playing
Player[0, 1] sent (1) to Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] receives (1) from Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] sent (1) to Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] receives (1) from Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] sent (1) to Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] receives (1) from Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] sent (1) to Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] receives (1) from Player[0, 1]
Player[1, 0] started playing
Player[1, 0] sent (0) to Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] receives (0) from Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] sent (0) to Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] receives (0) from Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] sent (0) to Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] receives (0) from Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] sent (0) to Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] receives (0) from Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 1] started playing
Player[1, 1] sent (0) to Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] receives (0) from Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] sent (0) to Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] receives (0) from Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] sent (0) to Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] receives (0) from Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] sent (0) to Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] receives (0) from Player[1, 1]
Player[2, 2] started playing
Player[2, 2] sent (0) to Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] receives (0) from Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] sent (0) to Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] receives (0) from Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] sent (0) to Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] receives (0) from Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] sent (0) to Player[1, 2]
Player[1, 2] receives (0) from Player[2, 2]
Player[0, 0] started playing
Player[0, 0] sent (1) to Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] receives (1) from Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] sent (1) to Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] receives (1) from Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] sent (1) to Player[0, 2]
Player[0, 2] receives (1) from Player[0, 0]
Player[0, 0] sent (1) to Player[1, 0]
Player[1, 0] receives (1) from Player[0, 0]
Player[2, 1] started playing
Player[2, 1] sent (1) to Player[2, 0]
Player[2, 0] receives (1) from Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] sent (1) to Player[2, 2]
Player[2, 2] receives (1) from Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] sent (1) to Player[0, 1]
Player[0, 1] receives (1) from Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 1] sent (1) to Player[1, 1]
Player[1, 1] receives (1) from Player[2, 1]
Player[2, 2] waits for results [1]








@ScheduledMethod(start = 1, interval = 1, priority = 10)
public void play() {
    System.out.println(this + " started playing");
    // Clear previous plays

playSharedQueue。清除() 被执行以清除之前的结果,但由于调用是连续的,第二个玩家将在第一个玩家向他发送游戏后调用它,因此游戏被丢弃。


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