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import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withGoogleMap, GoogleMap, withScriptjs, InfoWindow, Marker } from "react-google-maps";
import Geocode from "react-geocode";
import Autocomplete from 'react-google-autocomplete';
Geocode.setApiKey( "AIzaSyDGe5vjL8wBmilLzoJ0jNIwe9SAuH2xS_0" );

class Map extends Component{

constructor( props ){
    super( props );
    this.state = {
        address: '',
        city: '',
        area: '',
        state: '',
        mapPosition: {
            lat: this.props.center.lat,
            lng: this.props.center.lng
        markerPosition: {
            lat: this.props.center.lat,
            lng: this.props.center.lng
 * Get the current address from the default map position and set those values in the state
componentDidMount() {
    Geocode.fromLatLng( this.state.mapPosition.lat , this.state.mapPosition.lng ).then(
        response => {
            const address = response.results[0].formatted_address,
                addressArray =  response.results[0].address_components,
                city = this.getCity( addressArray ),
                area = this.getArea( addressArray ),
                state = this.getState( addressArray );

            console.log( 'city', city, area, state );

            this.setState( {
                address: ( address ) ? address : '',
                area: ( area ) ? area : '',
                city: ( city ) ? city : '',
                state: ( state ) ? state : '',
            } )
        error => {
            console.error( error );
 * Component should only update ( meaning re-render ), when the user selects the address, or drags the pin
 * @param nextProps
 * @param nextState
 * @return {boolean}

shouldComponentUpdate( nextProps, nextState ){
        if (
            this.state.markerPosition.lat !== this.props.center.lat ||
            this.state.address !== nextState.address ||
            this.state.city !== nextState.city ||
            this.state.area !== nextState.area ||
            this.state.state !== nextState.state
        ) {
            return true
        } else if ( this.props.center.lat === nextProps.center.lat ){
            return false
 * Get the city and set the city input value to the one selected
 * @param addressArray
 * @return {string}
getCity = ( addressArray ) => {
    let city = '';
    for( let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++ ) {
        if ( addressArray[ i ].types[0] && 'administrative_area_level_2' === addressArray[ i ].types[0] ) {
            city = addressArray[ i ].long_name;
            return city;
 * Get the area and set the area input value to the one selected
 * @param addressArray
 * @return {string}
getArea = ( addressArray ) => {
    let area = '';
    for( let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++ ) {
        if ( addressArray[ i ].types[0]  ) {
            for ( let j = 0; j < addressArray[ i ].types.length; j++ ) {
                if ( 'sublocality_level_1' === addressArray[ i ].types[j] || 'locality' === addressArray[ i ].types[j] ) {
                    area = addressArray[ i ].long_name;
                    return area;
 * Get the address and set the address input value to the one selected
 * @param addressArray
 * @return {string}
getState = ( addressArray ) => {
    let state = '';
    for( let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++ ) {
        for( let i = 0; i < addressArray.length; i++ ) {
            if ( addressArray[ i ].types[0] && 'administrative_area_level_1' === addressArray[ i ].types[0] ) {
                state = addressArray[ i ].long_name;
                return state;
 * And function for city,state and address input
 * @param event
onChange = ( event ) => {
    this.setState({ [event.target.name]: event.target.value });
 * This Event triggers when the marker window is closed
 * @param event
onInfoWindowClose = ( event ) => {


 * When the marker is dragged you get the lat and long using the functions available from event object.
 * Use geocode to get the address, city, area and state from the lat and lng positions.
 * And then set those values in the state.
 * @param event
onMarkerDragEnd = ( event ) => {
    let newLat = event.latLng.lat(),
        newLng = event.latLng.lng();

    Geocode.fromLatLng( newLat , newLng ).then(
        response => {
            const address = response.results[0].formatted_address,
                addressArray =  response.results[0].address_components,
                city = this.getCity( addressArray ),
                area = this.getArea( addressArray ),
                state = this.getState( addressArray );
            this.setState( {
                address: ( address ) ? address : '',
                area: ( area ) ? area : '',
                city: ( city ) ? city : '',
                state: ( state ) ? state : ''
            } )
        error => {

 * When the user types an address in the search box
 * @param place
onPlaceSelected = ( place ) => {
    console.log( 'plc', place );
    const address = place.formatted_address,
        addressArray =  place.address_components,
        city = this.getCity( addressArray ),
        area = this.getArea( addressArray ),
        state = this.getState( addressArray ),
        latValue = place.geometry.location.lat(),
        lngValue = place.geometry.location.lng();
    // Set these values in the state.
        address: ( address ) ? address : '',
        area: ( area ) ? area : '',
        city: ( city ) ? city : '',
        state: ( state ) ? state : '',
        markerPosition: {
            lat: latValue,
            lng: lngValue
        mapPosition: {
            lat: latValue,
            lng: lngValue

    const AsyncMap = withScriptjs(
            props => (
                <GoogleMap google={ this.props.google }
                           defaultZoom={ this.props.zoom }
                           defaultCenter={{ lat: this.state.mapPosition.lat, lng: this.state.mapPosition.lng }}
                    {/* InfoWindow on top of marker */}
                        position={{ lat: ( this.state.markerPosition.lat + 0.0018 ), lng: this.state.markerPosition.lng }}
                            <span style={{ padding: 0, margin: 0 }}>{ this.state.address }</span>
                    <Marker google={this.props.google}
                            name={'Dolores park'}
                            onDragEnd={ this.onMarkerDragEnd }
                            position={{ lat: this.state.markerPosition.lat, lng: this.state.markerPosition.lng }}
                    <Marker />
                    {/* For Auto complete Search Box */}
                            width: '100%',
                            height: '40px',
                            paddingLeft: '16px',
                            marginTop: '2px',
                            marginBottom: '100px'
                        onPlaceSelected={ this.onPlaceSelected }
    let map;
    if( this.props.center.lat !== undefined ) {
        map = <div>
                <div className="form-group">
                    <label htmlFor="">City</label>
                    <input type="text" name="city" className="form-control" onChange={ this.onChange } readOnly="readOnly" value={ this.state.city }/>
                <div className="form-group">
                    <label htmlFor="">Area</label>
                    <input type="text" name="area" className="form-control" onChange={ this.onChange } readOnly="readOnly" value={ this.state.area }/>
                <div className="form-group">
                    <label htmlFor="">State</label>
                    <input type="text" name="state" className="form-control" onChange={ this.onChange } readOnly="readOnly" value={ this.state.state }/>
                <div className="form-group">
                    <label htmlFor="">Address</label>
                    <input type="text" name="address" className="form-control" onChange={ this.onChange } readOnly="readOnly" value={ this.state.address }/>

                    <div style={{ height: `100%` }} />
                    <div style={{ height: this.props.height }} />
                    <div style={{ height: `100%` }} />
    } else {
        map = <div style={{height: this.props.height}} />
    return( map )

export default Map




    shouldComponentUpdate( nextProps, nextState ){
    if (
    this.state.markerPosition.lat !== this.props.center.lat ||
    this.state.address !== nextState.address 
    ) {
    return false
    } else if ( this.props.center.lat === nextProps.center.lat ){
    return true


  • 所以我正在准备一个页面,其中有一个谷歌地图,有两个形式,即纬度和经度,和一个提交按钮。

  • 我正在创建一个google maps应用程序,我如何使用JavaScript/HTML5创建一个按钮,在地图上的任何地方随机投下一个标记呢?

  • 我有谷歌地图搜索框,当我搜索特定的地方时,我想用(lat,lng)访问标记位置,当我通过拖放标记时,我可以准确地访问位置 但我希望在搜索完成时获得标记位置,而不使用&

  • 在我的应用程序中,我有一个按钮,它从数据库中提取经度和纬度,并将它们存储到一个名为bgworker的类中的两个变量中,然后这些变量显示在屏幕上,如下所示:https://I.imgur.com/5ld231v.png 然后将变量与代码一起发送到Google Maps片段: 然而,地图片段本身从不更新,坐标总是设置为0,0我如何更新我的地图上的位置,每当变量更新(这是在单击按钮) 我遇到的两个问题是

  • 我在一个Google Map组件中使用,在主组件中发送道具(坐标作为数组),最后第二个组件(地图)重新使用了这个,我想在地图上显示新的位置。 不幸的是,这没有工作,坐标,正确地改变和组件(地图)累加,但没有刷新。因为当尝试这样做时,地图是白色的(空的),没有什么可显示的 > LAT和Lng以一个坐标开始,setState放入一个新的 不要把整个组件,但这是我调用映射的方式 Map组件

  • 我有一张地图,上面有很多自定义的大标记。现在,我希望允许用户在地图上创建路径(显示为折线,稍后保存为地理坐标对列表)。 如果用户单击地图,我可以使用地图的setOnMapClickedListener方法收集这些位置。但是如果用户点击一个标记(setOnMarkerClickedListener),我只能检索标记的位置(通常是标记的ancor的位置)。