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   ioctl_kgsl_sharedmem_alloc: FATAL ERROR : (null)
E/qdmemalloc(17414): ion: Failed to map memory in the client: Out of memory
E/qdgralloc(17414): Could not mmap handle 0x7e55bf40, fd=143 (Out of memory)
E/qdgralloc(17414): gralloc_register_buffer: gralloc_map failed
E/GraphicBuffer(17414): unflatten: registerBuffer failed: Out of memory (-12)

Google Maps-内存不足异常





Near as I can tell from some basic MAT sleuthing, what you are seeing is a cache 
maintained by Maps V2 of downloaded map data. The cache seems to be bigger if you pan
and zoom a lot. The cache shrinks if you leave the map and return to a fresh map later
on. I could not get N caches from N times launching the map activity of your sample
app, and the cache size ebbed and flowed depending upon what the user did.

Alas, this cache is unconfigurable, AFAIK, in terms of how big it is, when it gets
cleared out, does it spill over to disk, etc.

So, by default, all you can do is leave aside a healthy chunk of your heap space for 
Maps V2 to play with, and take steps to stay within this smaller subset of heap.

If you wanted to experiment, you could try calling clear() on GoogleMap, or
onLowMemory() on your SupportMapFragment, to see if any help reduce this cache size.


  • activity_main.xml 舱单 错误输出

  • 我想创建一个页面,用户在其中输入一个位置,我搜索这个位置,我搜索数据库中属于该位置的所有对象,我还搜索距离该位置一英里以内的所有对象。我已经创建了一个结构,该结构允许我查找自动完成的位置,并使用以下代码在地图上指出: 但是在这一点上,我如何运行一个查询来返回所需的对象并更新地图? 感谢所有

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  •        LSV默认的对谷歌影像进行了加载,如果需要加载其他的谷歌地图数据,可以通过LSV中直接点击即可加载。

  • 我有问题加载一个谷歌地图在我的片段。一切都从一个循环器视图适配器开始,该适配器启动活动“ViatGedetAllViewActivity”: 这是我的DetallViewActivity: =2 03-24 02:55:53.881 639-7362/com.example.usuari.MyApplication3 w/ResourcesManager:GetTopleVelResources: