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Mac OSx(Macbook Pro M1,Monterey 12.3)上的Java(8和17)认为外部USB驱动器不可读。这曾经奏效,相信问题始于12.3的安装。下面的测试例程显示了两个文件(..)。canRead()和文件。可阅读(…)返回false。所有其他应用程序(Finder、terminal、Time Machine)都使用相同的驱动器,没有任何问题。问题报告提交给了苹果,但还有其他人看到过这个问题吗?


import java.nio.file.*;
import java.io.*;

/** Test routine for failure to access external USB drive (USBExtA in testPath) from Java.
 *  The testPath is attempting to access Time Machine backups on the external drive, which shows as not readable in Java.
 *  BUT IT IS READABLE with no problems from Finder, the terminal, and other applications. Time Machine is still
 *  successfully writing backups to this drive.
 *  THIS USED TO WORK -- believe that it stopped working with installation of Monterey 12.3, and took a while
 *                       before I noticed the problem (but not exactly sure of the date when 12.3 installed).
 *  ----------- Output of executions using Java 8 and Java 17 ------------------
 * --------- Execution Context ----------
 *       java.version -- 1.8.0_311
 *        java.vendor -- Oracle Corporation
 *    java.vm.version -- 25.311-b11
 *     java.vm.vendor -- Oracle Corporation
 * java.class.version -- 52.0
 *            os.name -- Mac OS X
 *            os.arch -- x86_64
 *         os.version -- 10.16
 * java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes
 * java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable: *F*, Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable: *F*, Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes/USBExtA
 *  --------- Execution Context ----------
 *       java.version -- 17.0.1
 *        java.vendor -- Oracle Corporation
 *    java.vm.version -- 17.0.1+12-LTS-39
 *     java.vm.vendor -- Oracle Corporation
 * java.class.version -- 61.0
 *            os.name -- Mac OS X
 *            os.arch -- aarch64
 *         os.version -- 12.3
 * java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes
 * java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable: *F*, Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable: *F*, Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes/USBExtA
public class ExtUSBTest {

  public static String testPath = "/Volumes/USBExtA/Backups.backupdb/JDCMacBook";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    showContext("java.version", "java.vendor", "java.vm.version", "java.vm.vendor", "java.class.version",
                "os.name", "os.arch", "os.version");


  /** Recursively check all sub-components of the given path - stops if not exists && readable */
  public static boolean checkPath(Path path) {
    if(path.getParent() == null)
      return true;
    else if(checkPath(path.getParent()))
      return checkThisPath(path);
      return false;
  /** Check this particular path to see if exists & readable */
  public static boolean checkThisPath(Path path) {
    File f            = path.toFile();
    boolean fExists   = f.exists();
    boolean fReadable = f.canRead();
    boolean fDir      = f.isDirectory();
    boolean pExists   = Files.exists(path);
    boolean pReadable = Files.isReadable(path);
    boolean pDir      = Files.isDirectory(path);

    String rslt = String.format("java.io.File -- Exists: %s, Readable: %s, Dir: %s, java.nio.Files -- Exists: %s, Readable: %s, Dir: %s --- PATH: %s",
                                  bstr(fExists), bstr(fReadable), bstr(fDir), bstr(pExists), bstr(pReadable), bstr(pDir), path.toString());
    return (fExists && fReadable) || (pExists && pReadable);
  public static void showContext(String ... props) {
    ln("--------- Execution Context ----------");
    for(int i = 0; i<props.length; i++) showProp(props[i]);
  public static void showProp(String property) {
    ln(String.format("%18s -- %s", property, System.getProperty(property)));
  public static String bstr(boolean b) { return b ? " T " : "*F*";}

  public static void ln(String s) { System.out.println(s); }



当我在Monterey 12.3上运行M1 Pro Mac时,我看到了以下输出。所以,我不认为这是特定于最新版本的蒙特利(12.3)!

    **--------- Execution Context ----------
      java.version -- 17.0.2
       java.vendor -- Amazon.com Inc.
   java.vm.version -- 17.0.2+8-LTS
    java.vm.vendor -- Amazon.com Inc.
java.class.version -- 61.0
           os.name -- Mac OS X
           os.arch -- aarch64
        os.version -- 12.3
java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes
java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes/SSD1
java.io.File -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T , java.nio.Files -- Exists:  T , Readable:  T , Dir:  T  --- PATH: /Volumes/SSD1/cp**
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