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在Jetpack Compose中有可能做到吗?还是不支持滚动条?




  • 在"旋钮"之外增加了"轨道"
  • 推广了垂直和水平滚动条的解决方案
  • 提取了多个参数以帮助自定义滚动条行为;包括断言其有效性的代码
  • 修正了旋钮在滚动时改变其大小的问题,增加了在项目没有统一大小的情况下传入固定的KnobRatio参数的能力
  • 添加了留档和评论
 * Renders a scrollbar.
 * <ul> <li> A scrollbar is composed of two components: a track and a knob. The knob moves across
 * the track <li> The scrollbar appears automatically when the user starts scrolling and disappears
 * after the scrolling is finished </ul>
 * @param state The [LazyListState] that has been passed into the lazy list or lazy row
 * @param horizontal If `true`, this will be a horizontally-scrolling (left and right) scroll bar,
 * if `false`, it will be vertically-scrolling (up and down)
 * @param alignEnd If `true`, the scrollbar will appear at the "end" of the scrollable composable it
 * is decorating (at the right-hand side in left-to-right locales or left-hand side in right-to-left
 * locales, for the vertical scrollbars -or- the bottom for horizontal scrollbars). If `false`, the
 * scrollbar will appear at the "start" of the scrollable composable it is decorating (at the
 * left-hand side in left-to-right locales or right-hand side in right-to-left locales, for the
 * vertical scrollbars -or- the top for horizontal scrollbars)
 * @param thickness How thick/wide the track and knob should be
 * @param fixedKnobRatio If not `null`, the knob will always have this size, proportional to the
 * size of the track. You should consider doing this if the size of the items in the scrollable
 * composable is not uniform, to avoid the knob from oscillating in size as you scroll through the
 * list
 * @param knobCornerRadius The corner radius for the knob
 * @param trackCornerRadius The corner radius for the track
 * @param knobColor The color of the knob
 * @param trackColor The color of the track. Make it [Color.Transparent] to hide it
 * @param padding Edge padding to "squeeze" the scrollbar start/end in so it's not flush with the
 * contents of the scrollable composable it is decorating
 * @param visibleAlpha The alpha when the scrollbar is fully faded-in
 * @param hiddenAlpha The alpha when the scrollbar is fully faded-out. Use a non-`0` number to keep
 * the scrollbar from ever fading out completely
 * @param fadeInAnimationDurationMs The duration of the fade-in animation when the scrollbar appears
 * once the user starts scrolling
 * @param fadeOutAnimationDurationMs The duration of the fade-out animation when the scrollbar
 * disappears after the user is finished scrolling
 * @param fadeOutAnimationDelayMs Amount of time to wait after the user is finished scrolling before
 * the scrollbar begins its fade-out animation
fun Modifier.scrollbar(
    state: LazyListState,
    horizontal: Boolean,
    alignEnd: Boolean = true,
    thickness: Dp = 4.dp,
    fixedKnobRatio: Float? = null,
    knobCornerRadius: Dp = 4.dp,
    trackCornerRadius: Dp = 2.dp,
    knobColor: Color = Color.Black,
    trackColor: Color = Color.White,
    padding: Dp = 0.dp,
    visibleAlpha: Float = 1f,
    hiddenAlpha: Float = 0f,
    fadeInAnimationDurationMs: Int = 150,
    fadeOutAnimationDurationMs: Int = 500,
    fadeOutAnimationDelayMs: Int = 1000,
): Modifier {
  check(thickness > 0.dp) { "Thickness must be a positive integer." }
  check(fixedKnobRatio == null || fixedKnobRatio < 1f) {
    "A fixed knob ratio must be smaller than 1."
  check(knobCornerRadius >= 0.dp) { "Knob corner radius must be greater than or equal to 0." }
  check(trackCornerRadius >= 0.dp) { "Track corner radius must be greater than or equal to 0." }
  check(hiddenAlpha <= visibleAlpha) { "Hidden alpha cannot be greater than visible alpha." }
  check(fadeInAnimationDurationMs >= 0) {
    "Fade in animation duration must be greater than or equal to 0."
  check(fadeOutAnimationDurationMs >= 0) {
    "Fade out animation duration must be greater than or equal to 0."
  check(fadeOutAnimationDelayMs >= 0) {
    "Fade out animation delay must be greater than or equal to 0."

  val targetAlpha =
      if (state.isScrollInProgress) {
      } else {
  val animationDurationMs =
      if (state.isScrollInProgress) {
      } else {
  val animationDelayMs =
      if (state.isScrollInProgress) {
      } else {

  val alpha by
          targetValue = targetAlpha,
          animationSpec =
              tween(delayMillis = animationDelayMs, durationMillis = animationDurationMs))

  return drawWithContent {

    state.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.firstOrNull()?.let { firstVisibleItem ->
      if (state.isScrollInProgress || alpha > 0f) {
        // Size of the viewport, the entire size of the scrollable composable we are decorating with
        // this scrollbar.
        val viewportSize =
            if (horizontal) {
            } else {
            } - padding.toPx() * 2

        // The size of the first visible item. We use this to estimate how many items can fit in the
        // viewport. Of course, this works perfectly when all items have the same size. When they
        // don't, the scrollbar knob size will grow and shrink as we scroll.
        val firstItemSize = firstVisibleItem.size

        // The *estimated* size of the entire scrollable composable, as if it's all on screen at
        // once. It is estimated because it's possible that the size of the first visible item does
        // not represent the size of other items. This will cause the scrollbar knob size to grow
        // and shrink as we scroll, if the item sizes are not uniform.
        val estimatedFullListSize = firstItemSize * state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount

        // The difference in position between the first pixels visible in our viewport as we scroll
        // and the top of the fully-populated scrollable composable, if it were to show all the
        // items at once. At first, the value is 0 since we start all the way to the top (or start
        // edge). As we scroll down (or towards the end), this number will grow.
        val viewportOffsetInFullListSpace =
            state.firstVisibleItemIndex * firstItemSize + state.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset

        // Where we should render the knob in our composable.
        val knobPosition =
            (viewportSize / estimatedFullListSize) * viewportOffsetInFullListSpace + padding.toPx()
        // How large should the knob be.
        val knobSize =
            fixedKnobRatio?.let { it * viewportSize }
                ?: (viewportSize * viewportSize) / estimatedFullListSize

        // Draw the track
            color = trackColor,
            topLeft =
                when {
                  // When the scrollbar is horizontal and aligned to the bottom:
                  horizontal && alignEnd -> Offset(padding.toPx(), size.height - thickness.toPx())
                  // When the scrollbar is horizontal and aligned to the top:
                  horizontal && !alignEnd -> Offset(padding.toPx(), 0f)
                  // When the scrollbar is vertical and aligned to the end:
                  alignEnd -> Offset(size.width - thickness.toPx(), padding.toPx())
                  // When the scrollbar is vertical and aligned to the start:
                  else -> Offset(0f, padding.toPx())
            size =
                if (horizontal) {
                  Size(size.width - padding.toPx() * 2, thickness.toPx())
                } else {
                  Size(thickness.toPx(), size.height - padding.toPx() * 2)
            alpha = alpha,
            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(x = trackCornerRadius.toPx(), y = trackCornerRadius.toPx()),

        // Draw the knob
            color = knobColor,
            topLeft =
                when {
                  // When the scrollbar is horizontal and aligned to the bottom:
                  horizontal && alignEnd -> Offset(knobPosition, size.height - thickness.toPx())
                  // When the scrollbar is horizontal and aligned to the top:
                  horizontal && !alignEnd -> Offset(knobPosition, 0f)
                  // When the scrollbar is vertical and aligned to the end:
                  alignEnd -> Offset(size.width - thickness.toPx(), knobPosition)
                  // When the scrollbar is vertical and aligned to the start:
                  else -> Offset(0f, knobPosition)
            size =
                if (horizontal) {
                  Size(knobSize, thickness.toPx())
                } else {
                  Size(thickness.toPx(), knobSize)
            alpha = alpha,
            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(x = knobCornerRadius.toPx(), y = knobCornerRadius.toPx()),






  fun Modifier.simpleVerticalScrollbar(
    state: LazyListState,
    width: Dp = 8.dp
  ): Modifier {
    val targetAlpha = if (state.isScrollInProgress) 1f else 0f
    val duration = if (state.isScrollInProgress) 150 else 500

    val alpha by animateFloatAsState(
      targetValue = targetAlpha,
      animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = duration)

    return drawWithContent {

      val firstVisibleElementIndex = state.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.firstOrNull()?.index
      val needDrawScrollbar = state.isScrollInProgress || alpha > 0.0f

      // Draw scrollbar if scrolling or if the animation is still running and lazy column has content
      if (needDrawScrollbar && firstVisibleElementIndex != null) {
        val elementHeight = this.size.height / state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
        val scrollbarOffsetY = firstVisibleElementIndex * elementHeight
        val scrollbarHeight = state.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.size * elementHeight

          color = Color.Red,
          topLeft = Offset(this.size.width - width.toPx(), scrollbarOffsetY),
          size = Size(width.toPx(), scrollbarHeight),
          alpha = alpha


  • 我使用的是底部导航栏,每个菜单将用户导航到特定的可组合屏幕。我使用了导航库来管理它们之间的导航。 我正在为所有可组合使用通用的ViewModel。我正在其中一个可组合中使用懒惰列,当我在底部导航栏中单击菜单项在菜单项之间导航时,它会按预期工作,在懒惰列的滚动位置保存的位置。 当我在具有一个lazyColumn的可组合屏幕中单击按钮(我已经将它编程为导航到导航图中的起始目的地)并导航回该按钮时,问题

  • 在我的主页上,我有一个懒散的专栏,其中一个项目是水平寻呼机。在每个水平寻呼机中都有一些页面,我也需要在其中设置懒散栏。错误是不允许在同一方向上使用嵌套滚动。我应该如何实现这个ui?

  • 我试图确保有一个视觉指示,表明用户正在尝试滚动到底部,即使他已经到达了LazyColumn中列表的末尾。 默认情况下,此功能在XML布局中可用。 我们如何在Jetpack compose中实现这一点?对于顶部的过度滚动,我看到有一个“滑动刷新”等效项。目前有解决方案吗?

  • 上周我更新了Kotlin 1.5,昨天看到谷歌打算让Jetpack成为设计UI的首选选项后,我想做一些测试。 问题是将我的项目更新为静态编程语言1.5,当尝试构建项目时,我得到以下错误: 静态编程语言1.5与Jetpack Compose不兼容吗?在谷歌搜索问题后,我找到了版本,其中提到了Jetpack Compose,但不是以“不兼容”的方式。 你对此有任何答案吗?我应该使用吗?在这种情况下,我

  • 我正在开发一款小型jetpack compose演示聊天应用程序。所以我需要在底部有一个带文本字段和发送按钮的栏,就像WhatsApp一样……我想最好使用带底部栏的脚手架。 现在的问题是,当键盘打开时,底部栏隐藏在键盘后面。有办法吗?

  • 我想以编程方式更改当用户滚动下面列表中的每个“查看更多”项目时选择的选项卡。我如何才能最好地完成这项工作?