function collideWithBall() {
var dx = (ball.x + ball.radius) - (ballm.x + ballm.r);
var dy = (ball.y + ball.radius) - (ballm.y + ballm.r);
var distance = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
if (distance < ball.radius + ballm.r) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.font = "18px Arial";
ctx.fillText("Game Over ", 300, 200);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
<canvas id="tim's-game" width="800px" height="600px"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
// up top. creates the canvas with given dimensions
// declares script type
// Gets a handle to the element with id canvasOne.
var canvas = document.getElementById("tim's-game");
// Get a 2D context for the canvas.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Creates object for the balls
var ball = {
// determines the position where the ball will apear math.random gives a random position on the x ace
position: {x: Math.floor((Math.random() * 780) + 20), y: 10}
// Will determine the size of the ball
, radius: 6
// Will determine the speed of the ball
, velocity: {x: 3, y: 0}
// Will determine if the ball will get faster or slower
, acceleration: {x: 0, y: 0.1}
// Function that draws the ball
,drawBall: function(){
// Collour of the object
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(25, 100, 100)";
// begins path
// calls the object it will draw with positions and size
ctx.arc(ball.position.x, ball.position.y, ball.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// fills the colour
// Update the y location.
ball.velocity.y += ball.acceleration.y;
ball.position.x += ball.velocity.x;
ball.position.y += ball.velocity.y;
// Keep the animation going while the ball has not touched the canvas bottom.
// Note there's a bug here.
if ((ball.position.x >= canvas.width - ball.radius) || (ball.position.x <= ball.radius))
ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x;
if ((ball.position.y >= canvas.height - ball.radius) || (ball.position.y <= ball.radius))
ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y;
// Created a second ball object
var ball2 = {
// determines the position where the ball will apear math.random gives a random position on the x ace
position: {x: Math.floor((Math.random() * 780) + 20), y: 10}
// Will determine the size of the ball
, radius: 6
// Will determine the speed of the ball
, velocity: {x: 3, y: 0}
// Will determine if the ball will get faster or slower
, acceleration: {x: 0, y: 0.1}
// Function that draws the ball
,drawBall2: function(){
// Collour of the object
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(25, 100, 100)";
// begins path
// calls the object it will draw with positions and size
ctx.arc(ball2.position.x, ball2.position.y, ball2.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// fills the colour
// Update the y location.
ball2.velocity.y += ball2.acceleration.y;
ball2.position.x += ball2.velocity.x;
ball2.position.y += ball2.velocity.y;
// Keep the animation going while the ball has not touched the canvas bottom.
// Note there's a bug here.
if ((ball2.position.x >= canvas.width - ball2.radius) || (ball2.position.x <= ball2.radius))
ball2.velocity.x = -ball2.velocity.x;
if ((ball2.position.y >= canvas.height - ball2.radius) || (ball2.position.y <= ball2.radius))
ball2.velocity.y = -ball2.velocity.y;
// Creates a new ball object
// This ball will be used for moving around the canvas
var ballm = {
// spawns the ball in the middle of the canvas
position:{ x: canvas.width / 2
, y: canvas.height / 2
}, r: 50
// Creates a draw circle function
function drawCircle() {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
ctx.arc(ballm.position.x, ballm.position.y, ballm.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function collideWithBall() {
var dx = (ball.position.x + ball.radius) - (ballm.position.x + ballm.r);
var dy = (ball.position.y + ball.radius) - (ballm.position.y + ballm.r);
var distance = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
if (distance < ball.radius + ballm.r) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.font = "18px Arial";
ctx.fillText("Game Over ", 300, 200);
// A function to repeat every time the animation loops.
function repeatme() {
// clears the screan/canvas i.e. where the ball was previously does not show up.
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// calls the function in the ball object
//calls the draw circle function
// gets the animation going
// Add an event listener to the keypress event.
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Right
if (event.keyCode == 39 && ballm.position.x < canvas.width - ballm.r)
ballm.position.x += Math.min(10, canvas.width - ballm.position.x - ballm.r);
// Left
else if (event.keyCode == 37 && ballm.position.x > ballm.r)
ballm.position.x -= 10;
// down
else if (event.keyCode == 40 && ballm.position.y < canvas.height - ballm.r)
ballm.position.y += 10;
// For up movement
else if (event.keyCode == 38 && ballm.position.y > ballm.r)
// updates location by int given
ballm.position.y -= 10;
// Get the animation going.
if (distance < ball.radius + ballm.r) {
var dx = ball.position.x-ballm.x;
var dy = ball.position.y-ballm.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
我遵循Mozilla游戏开发教程,并在HTML5 Canvas和JS中制作了一个简单的突破游戏。 然而,我想放大画布,因为它有点小,所以我尝试了800x600画布。然后,我注意到对于这个新的画布大小来说,球有点慢。 最初在mozilla教程中,球的速度是2。我尝试使用3。因此,问题就来了。。。 当我使用每秒刷新60倍的requestAnimationFrame时,我们可以说我的球将每秒移动3 x
碰撞检测 现在你知道了如何制造种类繁多的图形对象,但是你能用他们做什么?一个有趣的事情是利用它制作一个简单的 碰撞检测系统 。你可以用一个叫做:hitTestRectangle 的自定义的函数来检测两个矩形精灵是否接触。 hitTestRectangle(spriteOne, spriteTwo) 如果它们重叠, hitTestRectangle 会返回 true。你可以用 hitTestRect
本节暂未进行完全的重写,错误可能会很多。如果可能的话,请对照原文进行阅读。如果有报告本节的错误,将会延迟至重写之后进行处理。 当试图判断两个物体之间是否有碰撞发生时,我们通常不使用物体本身的数据,因为这些物体常常会很复杂,这将导致碰撞检测变得很复杂。正因这一点,使用重叠在物体上的更简单的外形(通常有较简单明确的数学定义)来进行碰撞检测成为常用的方法。我们基于这些简单的外形来检测碰撞,这样代码会变得
基本上我在做一个游戏的过程中,这是像乒乓球,突破等,我有一些问题时,球和桨碰撞。。。但只是有时候! 下面的视频是正在发生的事情:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFZIxFIg0rI 所以是的,基本上,当球与球拍相撞时,它有时会变得有点疯狂......通常情况下,如果我将球拍移动到球接近它的相反方向。此外,球有时会被夹在游戏窗口的底部和球拍之间......即使我有代码
The Sphere Collider is a basic sphere-shaped collision primitive. 球体碰撞器是一个基本的球体形状的原型碰撞器。 A pile of Sphere Colliders 一堆球体碰撞器 Properties 属性 Material 材质 Reference to the Physic Material that determines h
我正在尝试做一个平台游戏,其中没有斜坡。我正在尝试将碰撞检测降下来,但是我在pygame中找不到一种方法来获得哪一边与另一个Sprite发生了碰撞。有没有人能给我一个好的方法来做到这一点,那不是太庞大,但也能很好地工作在我的情况? 下面是我的玩家类: 我已经将它添加到我的player类中,每次播放器更新时我都运行它,并且它工作...差一点。 在平台顶部的碰撞起作用,在侧面的碰撞几乎总是起作用,除非