js prettyprint-override">// Hash table implementation
class HashTable {
// constructor functio
constructor(size) {
this.size = size;
this.buckets = this.initArray(size);
this.limit = 0;
// init array function
initArray(size) {
// init an array
const array = [];
// populate the array base on the size
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// push null to the array
// return the array
return array;
// mapping key to index
hash(key) {
let total = 0;
// get unique code of character in the string
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
let keyCode = key.charCodeAt(i)
// console.log("Key code:", keyCode)
// sum up the unique code
total += keyCode;
// console.log(total);
// mod the total to the size of the hash table
const hashIndex = total % this.size;
// return that index
return hashIndex;
// put method
put(key, value) {
// throw an erro if hashTable is full
if (this.limit >= this.size) throw "Hash Table is full";
// hash the key
let hashIndex = this.hash(key);
// console.log(hashIndex);
// linear probing
while (this.buckets[hashIndex] != null) {
hashIndex = hashIndex % this.size;
// add the value at that key to the buckets array
this.buckets[hashIndex] = value;
// increase the limit
// get method
get(key) {
// hash the key
let hashIndex = this.hash(key);
let value = this.buckets[hashIndex];
// return the value at that index
return value;
} // end of hash table
// sanity check
const ht = new HashTable(3);
// ht.hash("Rosalby");
ht.put("Alejandro", "555-5555");
ht.put("Rosalby", "123-1231");
ht.put("Lalaland", "000-0000");
// ht.put("Lalaland", "919-1919");
console.log("Alejandro:", ht.get("Alejandro"), "Rosalby:", ht.get("Rosalby"), "Lalaland:", ht.get("Lalaland"));
class HashTable {
this.data = new Array(size);
// this.data = [];
_hash(key) {
let hash = 0;
for (let i =0; i < key.length; i++){
hash = (hash + key.charCodeAt(i) * i) % this.data.length
return hash;
set(key, value) {
let address = this._hash(key);
if (!this.data[address]) {
this.data[address] = [];
this.data[address].push([key, value]);
return this.data;
const address = this._hash(key);
const currentBucket = this.data[address]
if (currentBucket) {
for(let i = 0; i < currentBucket.length; i++){
if(currentBucket[i][0] === key) {
return currentBucket[i][1]
return undefined;
const keysArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++){
return keysArray;
const myHashTable = new HashTable(50);
myHashTable.set('grapes', 10000)
myHashTable.set('grapes', 10000)
myHashTable.set('apples', 9)
class HashTable
if(!getHash) throw "Argument is null: getHash";
this.getHash = getHash;
this.buckets = {};
this._count = 0;
// throws an exception if the key already exists
add(key, value)
const hashCode = this.getHash(key);
const bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
this.buckets[hashCode] = [{key, value}];
for(let length = bucket.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i)
const item = bucket[i];
if(item.key == key) throw "Duplicate key.";
bucket.push({key, value});
// replaces the value if the key already exists
set(key, value)
const hashCode = this.getHash(key);
const bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
this.buckets[hashCode] = [{key, value}];
for(let length = bucket.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i)
const item = bucket[i];
if(item.key == key)
item.value = value;
bucket.push({key, value});
get(key, defaultValue)
const hashCode = this.getHash(key);
const bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
if(!bucket) return defaultValue;
for(let length = bucket.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i)
const item = bucket[i];
if(item.key == key) return item.value;
return defaultValue;
const hashCode = this.getHash(key);
const bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
if(!bucket) return false;
for(let length = bucket.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i)
const item = bucket[i];
if(item.key == key) return true;
return false;
get count()
return this._count;
HashTable.unitTests = function()
function getHash(value)
const stringValue = String(value);
let result = 0;
for(let length = stringValue.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i) result ^= stringValue.charCodeAt(i);
return result;
let ht;
// empty
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
if (ht.count != 0) throw "failed";
if (ht.has(null)) throw "failed";
if (ht.has("")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get(null) != void (0)) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("") != void (0)) throw "failed";
if (ht.get(null, 1) != 1) throw "failed";
// add new
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.add("a", 1);
if (ht.count != 1) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("a")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("a") != 1) throw "failed";
// set new
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.set("a", 1);
if (ht.count != 1) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("a")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("a") != 1) throw "failed";
// add duplicate
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.add("a", 1);
try { ht.add("a", 1); throw "failed"; } catch (ex) { if (ex != "Duplicate key.") throw "failed"; }
// add+set duplicate
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.add("a", 1);
ht.set("a", 1);
if (ht.count != 1) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("a")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("a") != 1) throw "failed";
// set+add duplicate
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.set("a", 1);
try { ht.add("a", 1); throw "failed"; } catch (ex) { if (ex != "Duplicate key.") throw "failed"; }
// set duplicate
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.set("a", 1);
ht.set("a", 1);
if (ht.count != 1) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("a")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("a") != 1) throw "failed";
// add multiple
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.add("a", 1);
ht.add("b", 2);
if (ht.count != 2) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("a")) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("b")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("a") != 1) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("b") != 2) throw "failed";
// add with collision
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.add("ab", 1); // hash code 3
ht.add("ba", 2); // hash code 3
if (ht.count != 2) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("ab")) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("ba")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("ab") != 1) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("ba") != 2) throw "failed";
// set with collision
ht = new HashTable(getHash);
ht.set("ab", 1); // hash code 3
ht.set("ba", 2); // hash code 3
if (ht.count != 2) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("ab")) throw "failed";
if (!ht.has("ba")) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("ab") != 1) throw "failed";
if (ht.get("ba") != 2) throw "failed";
<script src="HashTable.js"></script>
问题内容: 我目前在OpenLayers上工作,并且有大量的数据可以绘制到矢量层中(大于100000个矢量)。 我现在正尝试将所有这些向量放入JavaScript哈希图中以分析性能。我想知道如何在JavaScript中实现哈希图,它是真正的哈希函数还是只是使用简单数据结构和搜索算法的包装函数? 问题答案: 每个javascript对象都是一个简单的hashmap,它仅接受字符串值作为其键,因此您可
问题内容: 在C / C ++ / Java / C#中是否有相对简单易懂(易于实现)的局部敏感哈希示例? 我想了解更多有关此概念的信息,因此想在几个文本文件上尝试实现只是为了了解其工作原理,因此我不需要任何高性能或任何内容……仅是哈希示例对于相似的输入返回相似的哈希值的函数。我可以通过后面的例子从中学到更多。:) 问题答案: 对于字符串,您可以使用近似匹配算法。 产生随机字串 对于所有字符串,使
问题内容: 我目前正在尝试了解为Python的内置数据类型定义的哈希函数背后的机制。该实现显示在底部,以供参考。我特别感兴趣的是选择此分散操作的原理: 每个元素的哈希值在哪里。有人知道这些来自哪里吗?(也就是说,是否有任何特定的原因来选择这些数字?)还是只是简单地任意选择了它们? 这是来自官方CPython实现的代码片段, 以及Python中的等效实现: 问题答案: 除非Raymond Hetti
问题内容: 我试图了解链表和哈希表的Linux内核实现。实现的链接在这里。我了解链表的实现。但是我对为什么在hlist(* pprev)中使用双指针感到困惑。hlist的链接在这里。我知道hlist用于实现哈希表,因为列表的头仅需要一个指针,并且可以节省空间。为什么不能使用单个指针(就像链接列表一样 prev)来完成?请帮我。 问题答案: 原因可以在以下注释之一中找到: 如果您使用的是 prev而
我正在使用Google Maps API,觉得除了大量的语句之外,还有一种更好的方法来搜索全景图像。我认为使用外部哈希表会更有效,更容易维护。每个图像都有一个唯一的,我可以定义它。阅读哈希表,我相信我的说法是正确的,我可以做一个表和完善的函数,以获得我需要的数据,在恒定的时间。有没有一个很好的资源如何构建这个?我对哈希一点经验都没有。 我的逻辑是这样的:每个图像都以的形式保存在一个目录中,其中是一