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为什么在Scala 3中循环如此缓慢时填充数组?



Execute 'filling via Array.fill' in 84 ms
Execute 'filling via while' in 8334 ms

为什么第二个变种需要100倍以上的时间?它不是GC,因为我可以删除第一次执行,同时删除第二次执行。我使用Scala 3在Java 11上运行它:

.jdks/adopt-openjdk-11.0.11/bin/java ... Fill


object Fill extends App {
  def timeMeasure[R](name: String)(block: => R): R = {
    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val r = block
    val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    println(s"Execute '$name' in ${endTime - startTime} ms")

  val n = 1000 * 1000 // * 10
  var ar = timeMeasure("filling via Array.fill") {
  ar = timeMeasure("filling via while") {
    val array = new Array[Int](n)
    var i = 0
    while (i < n) {
      array(i) = i
      i += 1

PS:我在Scala 2.12上重复这个测试:

Execute 'filling via Array.fill' in 118 ms
Execute 'filling via while' in 6 ms

所以Scala 3的问题...



更新:我发现当val n位于代码块之外时,执行时间大约慢了1000倍。但是我不明白为什么。

您可以在Scala 3编译器的存储库中看到对此问题的评论:https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/13819



Scala 3使用这段代码做了一些非常奇怪的事情。


object Fill extends App {
  def timeMeasure[R](f: => R): (java.lang.Long, R) = {
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    val r = f
    val endTime = System.nanoTime()
    (endTime - startTime, r)

  def warmup(): Unit =  {
    println("== warmup start =====================")
    for (i <- 0 to 10) {
    println("== warmup finish =====================")

  def measureForN(n: Int): Unit = {
    val t1 = timeMeasure { Array.fill[Int](n)(10) }

    val t2 = timeMeasure({
      val array = new Array[Int](n)
      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        array(i) = 10
        i += 1

    val t3 = timeMeasure({
      val array = new Array[Int](n)
      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        array(i) = i
        i += 1

    // just to ensure actual array creations
    val length = List(t1._2.length, t2._2.length, t3._2.length).min

    println(s"n: ${n}, length: ${length}, fill: ${t1._1 / 1000} μs , while constant: ${t2._1 / 1000} μs, while changing: ${t3._1 / 1000} μs")




== warmup start =====================
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 23533 μs , while constant: 3804 μs, while changing: 3716 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 7070 μs , while constant: 1606 μs, while changing: 1783 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3911 μs , while constant: 1497 μs, while changing: 1689 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3821 μs , while constant: 1543 μs, while changing: 1718 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3798 μs , while constant: 1510 μs, while changing: 1662 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3801 μs , while constant: 1524 μs, while changing: 1796 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3896 μs , while constant: 1541 μs, while changing: 1703 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3805 μs , while constant: 1486 μs, while changing: 1687 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3854 μs , while constant: 1606 μs, while changing: 1712 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3836 μs , while constant: 1509 μs, while changing: 1698 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3846 μs , while constant: 1553 μs, while changing: 1672 μs
== warmup finish =====================
n: 10, length: 10, fill: 3 μs , while constant: 0 μs, while changing: 0 μs
n: 100, length: 100, fill: 2 μs , while constant: 3 μs, while changing: 0 μs
n: 1000, length: 1000, fill: 6 μs , while constant: 1 μs, while changing: 2 μs
n: 10000, length: 10000, fill: 41 μs , while constant: 19 μs, while changing: 17 μs
n: 100000, length: 100000, fill: 378 μs , while constant: 156 μs, while changing: 170 μs
n: 1000000, length: 1000000, fill: 3764 μs , while constant: 1464 μs, while changing: 1676 μs
n: 10000000, length: 10000000, fill: 36976 μs , while constant: 15687 μs, while changing: 10860 μs
n: 100000000, length: 100000000, fill: 312242 μs , while constant: 190274 μs, while changing: 221980 μs


object Fill extends App {

  def timeMeasure[R](name: String)(block: => R): R = {
    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val r = block
    val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    println(s"Execute '$name' in ${endTime - startTime} ms")

  val n = 1000 * 1000 // * 10

  def measureFill(x: Int): Unit = {
    val ar1 = timeMeasure("filling via Array.fill") {

  def measureWhile(x: Int): Unit = {
    val ar2 = timeMeasure("filling via while") {
      val array = new Array[Int](x)
      var i = 0
      while (i < x) {
        array(i) = i
        i += 1

  println("== warmup ==================")
  println("== warmup ==================")




== warmup start ==================
Execute 'filling via Array.fill' in 26 ms
Execute 'filling via while' in 5 ms
== warmup finish ==================
Execute 'filling via Array.fill' in 6 ms
Execute 'filling via while' in 1 ms

编辑2:: 正如Mikhail所指出的,这是因为n的用法与生成Java代码中方法n()的用法相同。

object Test3 {

  val n = 1

  val k = n



//decompiled from Test3.class
public final class Test3 {
   public static int k() {
      return Test3$.MODULE$.k();

   public static int n() {
      return Test3$.MODULE$.n();

        //decompiled from Test3$.class
import java.io.Serializable;
import scala.runtime.ModuleSerializationProxy;

public final class Test3$ implements Serializable {
   private static final int n = 1;
   private static final int k;
   public static final Test3$ MODULE$ = new Test3$();

   private Test3$() {

   static {
      k = MODULE$.n();

   private Object writeReplace() {
      return new ModuleSerializationProxy(Test3$.class);

   public int n() {
      return n;

   public int k() {
      return k;

但是,Scala 2.13.6生成的Java代码几乎相同(只是ScalaSignature部分不同)。

//decompiled from Test3.class
import scala.reflect.ScalaSignature;

   bytes = "\u0006\u0005\r:Qa\u0002\u0005\t\u0002=1Q!\u0005\u0005\t\u0002IAQ!G\u0001\u0005\u0002iAqaG\u0001C\u0002\u0013\u0005A\u0004\u0003\u0004!\u0003\u0001\u0006I!\b\u0005\bC\u0005\u0011\r\u0011\"\u0001\u001d\u0011\u0019\u0011\u0013\u0001)A\u0005;\u0005)A+Z:ug)\u0011\u0011BC\u0001\ta\u0016\u0014X.\u00192be*\u00111\u0002D\u0001\u0005g\u0016\u0014\u0018NC\u0001\u000e\u0003\tiWm\u0001\u0001\u0011\u0005A\tQ\"\u0001\u0005\u0003\u000bQ+7\u000f^\u001a\u0014\u0005\u0005\u0019\u0002C\u0001\u000b\u0018\u001b\u0005)\"\"\u0001\f\u0002\u000bM\u001c\u0017\r\\1\n\u0005a)\"AB!osJ+g-\u0001\u0004=S:LGO\u0010\u000b\u0002\u001f\u0005\ta.F\u0001\u001e!\t!b$\u0003\u0002 +\t\u0019\u0011J\u001c;\u0002\u00059\u0004\u0013!A6\u0002\u0005-\u0004\u0003"
public final class Test3 {
   public static int k() {
      return Test3$.MODULE$.k();

   public static int n() {
      return Test3$.MODULE$.n();

        //decompiled from Test3$.class
public final class Test3$ {
   public static final Test3$ MODULE$ = new Test3$();
   private static final int n = 1;
   private static final int k;

   static {
      k = MODULE$.n();

   public int n() {
      return n;

   public int k() {
      return k;

   private Test3$() {

这意味着这是由Scala 3中的其他一些错误(导致这个n()产生这样的性能影响)造成的。

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