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Feature: Test Test Smoke scenario

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials
    Given open firefox and start application


  Scenario: Test shop for cart
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product
Scenario: Test login with valid credentials1
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "kumar.rakesh@yopmail.com" and valid "admin@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart1
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product


package runner;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

@Cucumber.Options(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"})

public class TestRunnr {





Feature: Test Milacron Smoke scenario

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "kumar.rakesh@thoughtfocus.com" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product

  Scenario: Test login with valid credentials1
    Given open firefox and start application
    When I click on Login
    And enter valid "kumar.rakesh@thoughtfocus.com" and valid "Thought@123"
    Then Click on login and User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Test shop for cart1
    Given Click on shop for carts
    And select plates
    When Click on Add to cart
    Then product should be added in the cart successfully
    And verify the product


import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

@CucumberOptions(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"},tags={"@Test1"})
public class TestRunner {



import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

    import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
    import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

    @CucumberOptions(features="features",glue={"steps"},format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination"},tags={"@Test1,@Test2"})
    public class TestRunner {

  • 我有一套为Cucumber-JVM编写的验收测试。为了减少反馈时间,我想并行运行(功能)的场景。如何以最简单、最方便的方式做到这一点? (我更希望能够在Java代码中表达这一点,作为一个常规的JUnit测试/运行程序,即我不希望使用maven-sureFire或maven-故障安全插件来解决一些问题,这将需要(?)之后对Cucumber报告进行旋转和合并。)

  • 我是IntelliJ和Cucumber的新手。 如何在IntelliJ中仅运行带有特定标记的场景? 我看到有这样一个命令: 但我更喜欢使用IDE UI。

  • 我不能在不同浏览器的browserstack中并行运行特性文件(java-maven-intellij)。我能够在我的JUnit框架中实现并行测试,但不知道如何在cucumber Java中实现。你能帮忙吗? 目前,我能够在browserstack上执行测试,但只能在一个浏览器上执行。请看附件

  • 大家好,如果有人能帮忙的话——我正在尝试使用Cucumber标签运行一个特定的场景——这是我用来运行用Webdriver-Cucumber框架构建的测试的表达式- npx wdio运行wdio。conf.js——cucumber。tagExpression='@Tag 当我使用上面的命令时,什么也不会发生——我已经在功能级别定义了标记-“@tag”——所以我希望功能文件中的所有场景都会得到执行,但

  • 我正在寻求关于如何仅按名称运行特性文件场景的帮助。我已经试了一段时间了,但它没有出来。我知道这可以通过标签或行号来完成,但我想知道我们是否可以通过名称来运行cucumber测试,或多或少使用这个命名法。 给定一个名为“features/test.feature”的文件,其中包含: 我想从控制台按名字运行一个场景,或者用gradle运行一个场景,可能类似于这种方式 或者和gradle在一起