struct Dog {
var name: String
var gender: String
var speed: Int
struct MyDogs {
let myDogs = [
Dog(name: "Saleks", gender: "Male", speed: 50),
Dog(name: "Balto", gender: "Male", speed: 70),
Dog(name: "Mila", gender: "Female", speed: 20)
let some3DArray =
[["Hello", "World"],
["This", "Is", "An"],
//To loop through all the dogs in your array. Useful for your "List"
for dog in yourDogs {
print(" Name: \(dog.name) "
// To find a dog based on some property you can do something like this.
let dog = {
for dog in yourDogs {
if dog.name == yourSearchValue {
return dog
} else {
//What do you want to happen if NO dog is found?
return null
// You can use the values from the array by accessing it directly via an index.
// This can be done with whatever conditional you need to specifically reach.
let specificDog = dogs[3]
// Once you have your copy of the specific dog you want to access.
// You can then get the values of that object.
let dogName = specificDog .name
let dogGender = specificDog .gender
let dogSpeed = specificDog .speed
var yourDogArray = [Dogs]()
yourDogArray.append(Dog(name: "xxx", gender: "female", speed: 20))
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath {
let name = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].name
let gender = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].gender
let speed = yourDogArray[indexPath.row].speed
//Do whatever else you need to do here with your data. In your case you'd
//probably segue to the details view controller and present this data.
//Read up on Segue and Prepare for Segue to pass data between controllers.
问题内容: 如何在Python中获取字典中的值列表? 在Java中,将Map的值作为列表获取就像在操作中一样容易。我想知道Python中是否有类似的简单方法可以从字典中获取值列表。 问题答案: 是的,这与Python 2 完全相同: 在Python 3中 (在其中返回字典值的 视图 ):
问题内容: 我有一本Swift字典。我想获得钥匙的价值。密钥方法的对象对我不起作用。如何获得字典键的值? 这是我的字典: 问题答案: 使用下标访问字典键的值。这将返回一个可选: 要么 您还可以枚举所有键和值: 或枚举所有值:
我有以下代码: LR是类的列表类型。在这个列表中,我有15个索引,例如在索引[0]中,我有: 现在在这个索引[0]中,我有两个int的变量end 88和start 96 在这个for循环中,我需要做的是: _fts是一个<代码>列表 我有两个错误: 错误31“系统”的最佳重载方法匹配。集合。通用。列表。添加(int)”有一些无效参数 和 错误32参数1:无法从“Lightings\u提取器”转换。
我必须从文件中获取一个数字,有些文件包含字母和数字。比如(dsh8kuebw9)或者有(8)这样的空格,我怎样才能得到这些数字?我试过很多次了。我有一个方法可以找到一个数字出现在一个数字中的方法是count8方法。 parseInt将文件的行转换为整数,但由于在某些文件中有字母,我的方法遇到了问题,因为它只接受整数而不接受字符串
我做了一个ping实验,结果是: 我需要的是收到的数据包数,丢包数,min,avg和max。 我试图使用