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我无法使用Docker将我的简单Socket.io应用程序扩展到大约980个并发连接。但是,如果我在macOS Sierra 10.12.6上本地运行它,我可以获得3000多个连接。我已经包含了一个简单的SocketIO应用程序的回购,我正在用它进行测试:https://github.com/gsccheng/simple-socketIo-app

我的Docker-for Mac配置为4个CPU和5 GB内存。版本是

Version 17.09.0-ce-mac35 (19611)
Channel: stable


$ artillery run load-test.yaml


$ docker build . -t socket-test
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -c 1024 -m 4096M --privileged --ulimit nofile=9000:9000 -it test-socket:latest /bin/sh
#> DEBUG=* npm start


Connected to Socket!
  socket.io:client writing packet {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} +0ms
  socket.io-parser encoding packet {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} +0ms
  socket.io-parser encoded {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} as 2["news",{"hello":"world"}] +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "message" (2["news",{"hello":"world"}]) +0ms
  socket.io:socket joined room 0ohCcHMWYASnfRgJAAPS +0ms
  engine:ws received "2" +5ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine upgrading existing transport +2ms
  engine:socket might upgrade socket transport from "polling" to "websocket" +0ms
  engine intercepting request for path "/socket.io/" +2ms
  engine handling "GET" http request "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Ly8pfqL&b64=1&sid=0ohCcHMWYASnfRgJAAPS" +0ms
  engine setting new request for existing client +0ms
  engine:polling setting request +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:polling writing "28:42["news",{"hello":"world"}]" +0ms
  engine:socket executing batch send callback +1ms
  engine:ws received "2probe" +4ms
  engine:ws writing "3probe" +0ms
  engine intercepting request for path "/socket.io/" +4ms
  engine handling "GET" http request "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Ly8pfqV&b64=1&sid=0ohCcHMWYASnfRgJAAPS" +0ms
  engine setting new request for existing client +0ms
  engine:polling setting request +0ms
  engine:socket writing a noop packet to polling for fast upgrade +10ms
  engine:polling writing "1:6" +0ms
  engine:ws received "5" +2ms
  engine:socket got upgrade packet - upgrading +0ms
  engine:polling closing +0ms
  engine:polling transport discarded - closing right away +1ms
  engine:ws received "2" +20ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +1ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine intercepting request for path "/socket.io/" +1ms
  engine handling "GET" http request "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Ly8pfr1&b64=1" +0ms
  engine handshaking client "6ccAiZwbvrchxZEiAAPT" +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "open" ({"sid":"6ccAiZwbvrchxZEiAAPT","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}) +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "message" (0) +0ms
  engine:polling setting request +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:polling writing "97:0{"sid":"6ccAiZwbvrchxZEiAAPT","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}2:40" +0ms
  engine:socket executing batch send callback +0ms
  socket.io:server incoming connection with id 6ccAiZwbvrchxZEiAAPT +0ms
  socket.io:client connecting to namespace / +1ms
  socket.io:namespace adding socket to nsp / +0ms
  socket.io:socket socket connected - writing packet +0ms
  socket.io:socket joining room 6ccAiZwbvrchxZEiAAPT +0ms
  socket.io:socket packet already sent in initial handshake +0ms
Connected to Socket!


disconnected to Socket!
transport close
  engine intercepting request for path "/socket.io/" +27ms
  engine handling "GET" http request "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Ly8pg1T&b64=1" +0ms
  engine handshaking client "C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh" +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "open" ({"sid":"C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}) +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "message" (0) +0ms
  engine:polling setting request +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:polling writing "97:0{"sid":"C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}2:40" +0ms
  engine:socket executing batch send callback +0ms
  socket.io:server incoming connection with id C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh +0ms
  socket.io:client connecting to namespace / +0ms
  socket.io:namespace adding socket to nsp / +0ms
  socket.io:socket socket connected - writing packet +1ms
  socket.io:socket joining room C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh +0ms
  socket.io:socket packet already sent in initial handshake +0ms
Connected to Socket!
  socket.io:client writing packet {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} +0ms
  socket.io-parser encoding packet {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} +0ms
  socket.io-parser encoded {"type":2,"data":["news",{"hello":"world"}],"nsp":"/"} as 2["news",{"hello":"world"}] +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "message" (2["news",{"hello":"world"}]) +0ms
  socket.io:socket joined room C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh +0ms
  engine intercepting request for path "/socket.io/" +13ms
  engine handling "POST" http request "/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=Ly8pg1g&b64=1&sid=C-pdSXFCbwQaTeYLAAPh" +0ms
  engine setting new request for existing client +1ms
  engine:polling received "1:1" +0ms
  engine:polling got xhr close packet +0ms
  socket.io:client client close with reason transport close +0ms
  socket.io:socket closing socket - reason transport close +1ms
disconnected to Socket!
 engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine:ws received "2" +42ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +1ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine:ws received "2" +4ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine:ws received "2" +45ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
  engine:ws received "2" +7ms
  engine:socket packet +0ms
  engine:socket got ping +0ms
  engine:socket sending packet "pong" (undefined) +0ms
  engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
  engine:ws writing "3" +0ms
COPY limits.conf /etc/security/
COPY sysctl.conf /etc/
COPY rc.local /etc/
COPY common-session /etc/pam.d/
COPY common-session-noninteractive /etc/pam.d/
COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/
$ ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 64000
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 1
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 2048
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited




在本地应用程序的网络路径和在Docker for Mac中运行的应用程序之间有很大的不同。


client -> lo -> nodejs


      mac               |                 vm                   |  container    
client -> lo -> vpnkit -> if -> docker-proxy -> NAT -> bridge -> if -> nodejs


  mac         |                vm                    |  container
client -> if -> if -> docker-proxy -> NAT -> bridge -> if -> nodejs


  mac         |  container   <- there is a little vm here, but minimal. 
client -> if -> if -> nodejs

  mac         |      vm       |  container
client -> if -> if -> bridge -> if -> nodejs


  • 问题内容: 我正在使用rsa密钥对要发送到服务器的长字符串进行加密(将使用服务器的公钥和我的私钥对它进行加密),但是它抛出一个异常,就像 我觉得到目前为止我还不了解rsa的工作原理一样(使用内置库是造成这种情况的原因)。 可以请一个人解释为什么抛出此异常。根本不可能发送加密的长字符串吗? 问题答案: RSA算法只能加密具有以字节为单位的RSA密钥长度的最大字节长度除以8减去11的填充字节的数据,即

  • 我正在制作一个实时多人游戏socket.io和node.js,我有一个html文件,运行一个公共脚本连接到服务器并运行命令,以及定义我需要的库

  • 问题内容: 使用Twitter4j API是否可以获得100条以上的推文? 如果是这样,谁能指出这样做的方法? 问题答案: 需要查看您的代码以提供特定于您的案例的代码示例,但是您可以通过或进行操作。 此信息适用于Twitter API。 要获取 前 100条推文: 在您刚刚通过查询检索的集合中找到 最低的 ID 使用设置为您刚刚找到的ID 的选项执行相同的查询。 要获取 接下来的 100条推文:

  • 我正在使用ApacheHttpClient(4.2.2)/Java7打开许多到Tomcat7服务器的可重用连接(以模拟许多用户反复点击该服务)。Ubuntu 12上的客户端和服务器(但不同的机器)。我确保了systctl。形态和限制。我们允许这种情况。 这在多达1500个模拟用户/连接的情况下运行良好。这些连接按预期得到重用。然而,在1500到1600个模拟用户之间,连接不再被重复使用,并且一直处

  • 我使用rsa密钥加密一个长字符串,并将它发送到我的服务器(将使用服务器的公钥和私钥加密它),但它会引发类似我觉得到目前为止我还没有正确理解rsa的工作方式(使用内置库是造成这种情况的原因)。 有人能解释为什么会引发此异常吗?难道根本不可能发送加密的长字符串吗?

  • 我设置了一个测试平台,试图在同一客户端和后端服务器之间创建两个套接字。打开调试后,我可以看到对两个不同套接字(AAAA和AAAB)的xhr open GET请求,对应的套接字接收类型为“open”的消息,数据的sid响应套接字id(AAAA或AAAB)。我在下面的跟踪中突出显示了这些内容。但是,这两次都发生在socket.on之前(“connect...函数被调用,因此socket.io.engi