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授权协议 Unlicense License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 红富
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知


Full-featured Socket.IO client implementation for NativeScript.


This library is production-ready. Both Android and iOS implementations are stable and in sync.

Please check releases and changelog and roadmap for more information.


Android: Socket.IO-client Java v1.*

iOS: Socket.IO-Client-Swift v12.*


tns plugin add nativescript-socket.io


const SocketIO = require('nativescript-socket.io');

SocketIO.enableDebug(); // optionnal

// or use your own debug function
// SocketIO.enableDebug(myCustomDebugFunction);

const options = {
  query: {
    token: 'SOME_TOKEN_HERE',
  android: {
    // http://socketio.github.io/socket.io-client-java/apidocs/io/socket/client/IO.Options.html
  ios: {
    // https://nuclearace.github.io/Socket.IO-Client-Swift/Enums/SocketIOClientOption.html

const socketio = SocketIO.connect('http://somewhere/namespace', options);

socketio.on('connect', function(){

socketio.on('hello', function(){
  console.log('hello', arguments);

socketio.on('request', function(info, ack){
  console.log('request', info);
  if (info === 'datetime') {
    ack(new Date());
  } elseif (info === 'random') {
  } else {

socketio.emit('hello', {
  username: 'someone',

socketio.emit('hello-ack', {
  username: 'someone',
}, function ack(){
  console.log('hello-ack', arguments);

Usage with TypeScript

import using either of the following:

import * as SocketIO from "nativescript-socket.io"`

// OR

const SocketIO = require("nativescript-socket.io")


  1. replace all instance of with your IP address or domain.

  2. start the socket.io demo server

cd ./demo.server
npm start
  1. build and run the app
cd ./demo
tns run android
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