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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 徐欣德
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Outline Client

The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is designed for use with the Outline Server software, but it is fully compatible with any Shadowsocks server.

The client's user interface is implemented in Polymer 2.0. Platform support is provided by Cordova and Electron, with additional native components in this repository.

Requirements for all builds

All builds require npm, in addition to other per-platform requirements. After cloning this repo install all dependencies with the command.

npm ci

Building the web app

Outline clients share the same web app across all platforms. This code is located in the src/www directory. If you are making changes to the shared web app and do not need to test platform-specific functionality, you can test in a desktop browser by running:

npx gulp build --platform=browser
npx cordova run browser

The latter command will open a browser instance running the app. Browser platform development will use fake servers to test successful and unsuccessful connections.

UI components are located in src/www/ui_components. The app logic is located in src/www/app.

Tip: Build with (export BUILD_ENV=development; npx gulp build --platform=browser) to enable source maps.

Building the Android app

Additional requirements for Android:

  • Android Studio 4+
  • Android SDK 29

To build for android, run:

npx gulp build --platform=android

To rebuild after modifying platform dependent files, run:

npx cordova platform rm android && npx gulp build --platform=android

If this gives you unexpected Cordova errors, run:

npm run clean && npm ci && npx gulp build --platform=android

Cordova will generate a new Android project in the platforms/android directory. Install the built apk by platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-armv7-debug.apk

To learn more about developing for Android, see docs/android-development.

Building for Android with Docker

A Docker image with all pre-requisites for Android builds is included. To build:

  • Install dependencies with ./tools/build/build.sh npm ci
  • Then build with ./tools/build/build.sh npx gulp build --platform=android

Apple (macOS and iOS)

Additional requirements for Apple:

  • An Apple Developer Account. You will need to be invited to join the "Jigsaw Operations LLC" team
  • XCode 11+ (download)
  • XCode command line tools: xcode-select --install

To open the macOS project on XCode:

open ./platforms/osx/Outline.xcodeproj

To open the iOS project on XCode:

open ./platforms/ios/Outline.xcodeproj

To build for macOS (OS X), run:

npx gulp build --platform=osx

To build for iOS, run:

npx gulp build --platform=ios

To learn more about developing for Apple, see docs/apple-development


Unlike the Android and Apple clients, the Windows and Linux clients use the Electron framework, rather than Cordova.


Additional requirements for building on Windows:

  • Cygwin. It provides the "missing Unix pieces" required by build system such as rsync (and many others). It may be necessary to manually choose to install rsync in the Cygwin installer.

To build the Electron clients, run:

npm run do src/electron/build

To run the Electron clients, run:

npm run do src/electron/run

To package the Electron clients into an installer executable, run:

npm run do src/electron/package_[linux|windows]

Error reporting

To enable error reporting through Sentry for local builds, run:

export SENTRY_DSN=[Sentry development API key]
[platform-specific build command]

Release builds on CI are configured with a production Sentry API key.

  • 介绍 今天给大家介绍一个后端开发辅助的好工具 —— REST Client,插件如其名这就是一个 REST 的客户端插件,把我们的 VSCode 转化为一个 REST 接口测试的利器 我们一般都会用 PostMan 来完成接口测试的工作,因为用起来十分简单快捷,但是一直以来我也在寻找更好的方案,一个不用切换窗口多开一个 app 的方案 —— 终于在使用 VSCode 一段时版本间,我找到了 RES

  • 描述 (Description) outline属性是一个简写属性,用于设置元素周围轮廓的宽度,颜色和样式。 可能的值 (Possible Values) 《outline-color》 - 属性outline-color的任何允许值。 《outline-style》 - 属性大纲样式的任何允许值。 《outline-width》 - 属性outline-width的任何允许值。 适用于 (App

  • An open, extensible, wiki for your team built using React and Node.js. Try out Outline using our hosted version at www.getoutline.com. This is the source code that runs Outline and all the associated

  • 描述 (Description) outline-width属性定义元素周围的轮廓宽度。 可能的值 (Possible Values) length - 任何长度单位。 此属性的长度单位可能不是负数。 thin - 比设置为medium的轮廓更薄的轮廓。 medium - 比设置为薄的轮廓更粗的轮廓,并且比设置为粗的轮廓更薄。 thick - 比设置为medium的轮廓更粗的轮廓。 适用于 (Ap

  • 描述 (Description) outline-color属性设置元素周围outline-color 。 可能的值 (Possible Values) color - 任何有效的颜色值。 invert - 轮廓执行绘制区域的颜色反转。 适用于 (Applies to) 所有HTML元素。 DOM语法 (DOM Syntax) object.style.outlineColor = "red";

  • Outline Server This repository has all the code needed to create and manage Outline servers onDigitalOcean. An Outline server runs instances of Shadowsocks proxies andprovides an API used by the Outli

  • 描述 (Description) outline-color属性确定元素周围轮廓的样式。 可能的值 (Possible Values) none - 没有绘制轮廓。 dotted - 轮廓绘制为一系列点。 dashed - 轮廓绘制为一系列短线段。 solid - 轮廓绘制为单个不间断线。 double - 轮廓绘制为一对不间断的线条。 groove - 绘制轮廓,好像它是刻在文档表面的沟槽。 r