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PHP - 如何在PDF文件中设置字段的值,然后保存?


我正在构建一个应用程序来帮助为我的网站设置 PDF 表单。我有使用的标准表单,但每次将标准表单添加到新帐户时都需要更改 PDF 文件中的一些隐藏字段。

使用 PHP 如何更新 PDF 文件中字段的值,然后保存文件?我假设我需要使用某种 PHP-PDF 库,所以一个免费的库会有所帮助。

(表单已使用 Adobe Acrobat 使用表单字段进行编程,并且具有唯一的字段名称。我需要做的就是使用字段名称作为键更新几个现有字段)


PDF File Location = www.mysite.com/accounts/john_smith/form.pdf
PDF Field to update (Field Name) = "account_directory"
PDF Field value to be set = "john_smith"




$data = array();
$field_name = "account_directory";
$field_value = "john_smith";
$data[$field_name] = $field_value;
/* Make $data as big as you need with as many field names/values 
as you need to populate your pdf */

$pdf_template_url = 'http://yoursite.com/yourpath/yourtemplate.pdf';
include 'createXFDF.php';
$xfdf = createXFDF( $pdf_template_url, $data );

/* Set up the temporary file name for xfdf */
$filename = "temp_file.xfdf";

/* Create and write the XFDF for this application */
$directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/path_to_temp_files/";
$xfdf_file_path = $directory.$filename ; /* needed for PDFTK */
// Open the temp xfdf file and erase the contents if any
$fp = fopen($directory.$filename, "w");
// Write the data to the file
fwrite($fp, $xfdf);
// Close the xfdf file

/*  Write the pdf for this application - Temporary, then Final */
$pdf_template_path = '/yourpath/yourtemplate.pdf';
$pdftk = '/path/to/pdftk'; /* location of PDFTK */
$temp_pdf_file_path = substr( $xfdf_file_path, 0, -4 ) . 'pdf'; 

$command = "$pdftk $pdf_template_path fill_form $xfdf_file_path output $temp_pdf_file_path"; 
/* Note that the created file is NOT flattened so that recipient
can edit form - but this is not enough to allow edit with
Adobe Reader: will also need to remove the signature with PDFTK cat */

exec( $command, $output, $ret );

/* Workaround to get editable final pdf */ 
$pdf_path_final = $directory. "your_final_filename.pdf" ;
$command2 = "$pdftk $temp_pdf_file_path cat output $pdf_path_final";
exec( $command2, $output2, $ret2 );
/* Your pdf is now saved 

/* Remember to UNLINK any files you don't want to save - the .xfdf and the temporary pdf */
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