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func main() {
    addressNew := Address{"New Address description!"}

    // In the real problem, i know the reflect.Type of value, but
    // the struct came to me as a interface{}, just like this method
    // Return many kinds of values from redis as interface{}, 
    // (Customer, Order, Address, Product, SKU etc), in a generic way,
    // but returns the reflect.Type of value also.
    interfaceSomeValue := getMyValue()

    fmt.Printf("%v", interfaceSomeValue)

    // This portion of code comes from my cache mechanism, that is a library 
    // used by other projects. My cache lib really can't know all others
    // type structs to perform the type assertion, but the cache mechanism know 
    // the reflect.Type of the interface. 
    // If you try at this way, will cause a panic by try to access a FieldByName
    // in a interface, because the Customer comes from getMyValue and 
    // becomes a interface{}, and now a type assertion is 
    // required -> http://play.golang.org/p/YA8U9_KzC9
    newCustomerNewAttribute := SetAttribute(&interfaceSomeValue, "Local", interface{}(addressNew), reflect.TypeOf(Customer{}))

    fmt.Printf("%v", newCustomerNewAttribute)

func SetAttribute(object interface{}, attributeName string, attValue interface{}, objectType reflect.Type) interface{} {
    if reflect.ValueOf(object).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
        panic("need a pointer")

    value := reflect.ValueOf(object).Elem()
    field := value.FieldByName(attributeName)
    valueForAtt := reflect.ValueOf(attValue)
    return value.Interface()




最终,我找到了一种方法。请遵循下面的Go Playground和代码段:


//new approach SetAttribute, without any hard coded type assertion, just based on objectType parameter
func SetAttribute(myUnknownTypeValue *interface{}, attributeName string, attValue interface{}, objectType reflect.Type) {

    // create value for old val
    oldValue := reflect.ValueOf(*myUnknownTypeValue)

    //create a new value, based on type
    newValue := reflect.New(objectType).Elem()
    // set the old value to the new one, making the 
    // implicit type assertion, not hard coding that.

    //set value attribute to the new struct, copy of the old one
    field := newValue.FieldByName(attributeName)
    valueForAtt := reflect.ValueOf(attValue)

    //capture the new value from reflect.Value
    newValInterface := newValue.Interface()
    //set the new value to the pointer
    *myUnknownTypeValue = newValInterface

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