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^ 3到10 ^


对于10 ^ 3和10 ^ 4来说一切都很好,但是一旦我获得10 ^


另外,我发现问题不太可能是由于某种原因,算法必须通过递归在几乎排序和排序的列表中而不是其他列表类型,通过递归调用数组部分的划分,因为它可以对具有10 ^
5个值的随机列表进行排序,这比具有10 ^ 5个值的几乎已排序的列表需要更多的分区。



 * Performs a quick sort given the indexes of the bounds of an integer array
 * @param arr The array to be sorted
 * @param highE The index of the upper element
 * @param lowE The index of the lower element
public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int highE, int lowE)
    //Only perform an action if arr.length > 30, otherwise insertion sort [recursive base case])
    if (lowE + 29 < highE)
        //Get the element and then value of the pivot
        int pivotE = findPivot(arr, highE, lowE);
        int pivotVal = arr[pivotE], storeE = lowE;

        //Swap the pivot and the last value.
        swapElements(arr, pivotE, highE);

        //For each element in the selection that is not the pivot, check to see if it is lower than the pivot and if so, move it to the leftmost untouched element.
        for (int i = lowE; i < highE; i++)
            if (arr[i] < pivotVal)
                swapElements(arr, storeE, i);

                //Increment storeE so that the element that is being switched moves to the right location

        //Finally swap the pivot into its proper position and recrusively call quickSort on the lesser and greater portions of the array
        swapElements(arr, storeE, highE);                   
        quickSort(arr, storeE - 1, lowE);
        quickSort(arr, highE, storeE + 1);
        insertSort(arr, highE, lowE);

 * Finds the pivot element
 * @param arr The array to be sorted
 * @param highE The index of the top element
 * @param lowE The index of the bottom element
 * @return The index of the pivot.
public static int findPivot(int[] arr, int highE, int lowE)
    //Finds the middle element
    int mid = (int) Math.floor(lowE + (highE - lowE) / 2);

    //Returns the value of the median of the first, middle and last elements in the array.
    if ((arr[lowE] >= arr[mid]) && (arr[lowE] >= arr[highE])) 
        if (arr[mid] > arr[highE]) {return mid;}
        else {return highE;}
    else if ((arr[mid] >= arr[lowE]) && (arr[mid] >= arr[highE])) 
        if (arr[lowE] > arr[highE]) {return lowE;}
        else {return highE;}
        if (arr[lowE] > arr[mid]) {return lowE;}

    return mid;

 *Performs an insertion sort on part of an array
 * @param arr The array to be sorted.
 * @param highE The index of the top element.
 * @param lowE The index of the low element.
public static void insertSort(int[] arr, int highE, int lowE)
    //Sorts elements lowE to i in array, with i being gradually incremented.
    for (int i = lowE + 1; i <= highE; i++)
        for (int j = i; j > lowE; j--)
            if (arr[j] < arr[j - 1])
                swapElements(arr, j, j-1);
            else {break;}


 * Creates a random list
 * @param arr The array to place the list inside of
public static void randomList(int[] arr)
    //Places a random number at each element of the array

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
        arr[i] = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * RAND_MAX);

 * Creates a nearly sorted list of random numbers
 * @param arr the array to place the list inside of
public static void nearSortList(int[] arr)
    //Creates a sorted list in arr

    int swaps = (int) (Math.ceil(Math.pow((Math.log(arr.length)), 2.0)));

    //The two values to be switched each time
    int a, b;

    //Performs a number of swaps equal to swaps [log(N) ^ 2] rounded up, with numbers switched no more than ln(N) places away
    for (int i = 0; i < swaps; i++)
        a = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length);

        b = (int) (a + Math.random() * 2 * Math.log(arr.length) - Math.log(arr.length));

        //Accounts for cases in which b is either greater or smaller than the array bounds
        if (b < 0)
            b = -b;
        else if (b >= arr.length)
            b = -1 * (arr.length - b);

        swapElements(arr, a, b);

 * Creates a random list with many unique values in
 * @param arr the array to place the list inside of
public static void fewUniqueList(int[] arr)
    int[] smallArr = new int[(int) Math.floor(Math.pow(arr.length, 9.0 / 10.0))];

    //Creates a smaller array of random values

    //Fills the larger list up with values from the smaller list, ensuring aproximately N / N ^ (9/10) instances of each number in the array and ensuring, at most, there are N ^ (9/10) (rounded down) unique values in the large array
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
        arr[i] = smallArr[(int) Math.floor(Math.random() * smallArr.length)];

 * Creates a reversed list of random numbers
 * @param arr the array to place the list inside of
public static void reversedList(int[] arr)
    //Creates a sorted list in arr

    //Switches each ith elements with its mirror on the other end of the array until the value of i reaches the middle of the array
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) (arr.length / 2.0); i++)
        swapElements(arr, i, arr.length - 1 - i);

 * Creates a sorted list of random numbers using a merge sort
 * @param arr the array to place the list inside of
public static void sortList(int[] arr)
    //Creates a random list in arr


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if (storeE - 1 - lowE < highE - storeE + 1)
    quickSort(arr, storeE - 1, lowE);
    quickSort(arr, highE, storeE + 1);
    quickSort(arr, highE, storeE + 1);
    quickSort(arr, storeE - 1, lowE);


好的,现在很明显,递归深度远大于我为几乎已排序和已排序列表指定的深度。但是现在我需要弄清楚为什么会这样,为什么随机列表的深度为10 ^









public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int highE, int lowE)
    while (true)
        if (lowE + 29 < highE)
            quickSort(arr, storeE - 1, lowE);

            // not doing this any more
            //quickSort(arr, highE, storeE + 1);

            // instead, simply set the parameters to their new values
            // highE = highE;
            lowE = storeE + 1;
            insertSort(arr, highE, lowE);


public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int highE, int lowE)
    while (lowE + 29 < highE)
        quickSort(arr, storeE - 1, lowE);
        lowE = storeE + 1;
    insertSort(arr, highE, lowE);





quickSort(arr, 100, 0)
   quickSort(arr, 49, 0)
      quickSort(arr, 24, 0)
         insertion sort
      quickSort(arr, 49, 26)
         insertion sort
   quickSort(arr, 100, 51)
      quickSort(arr, 76, 0)
         insertion sort
      quickSort(arr, 100, 74)
         insertion sort


quickSort(arr, 100, 0)
   quickSort(arr, 49, 0)
      quickSort(arr, 24, 0)
         break out of the while loop
         insertion sort
   lowE = 26
   break out of the while loop
      insertion sort
lowE = 51
run another iteration of the while-loop
    quickSort(arr, 76, 0)
      break out of the while loop
      insertion sort
lowE = 74
break out of the while loop
   insertion sort



  • 我有一个执行快速排序的应用程序。在我开始给它一些更大的数字(我第一次得到它是10000000)之前,它工作得很好。我知道是由递归引起的,但我不明白为什么我的应用程序会因此而崩溃。如有任何建议,将不胜感激。这是我的密码:

  • 尝试使用Hoare分区方案实现快速排序,但我遇到了一个问题,即无论数组大小如何,更改pivot的索引都会导致溢出。代码: 这个实现选择低索引(这里名为min)作为轴心元素,这样做很好。但是,将pivot元素更改为任何其他索引都会导致StackOverflow错误,而与正在排序的数组的大小无关。(错误参考第3行,其中调用了partition())我最好在(min,max)范围内随机选择pivot元素

  • 前几天我看了一个演讲,演讲者使用了McIlroy的论文《快速排序的致命对手》中概述的技术来生成数组的输入。为将触发O(n2行为的基元类型排序。该序列导致pivot选择总是将数组大小减少一个常数,这导致了Java数组。sort函数导致堆栈溢出。 根据JDK的源文件,快速排序实现函数没有防止堆栈溢出的保护措施。通过让排序例程不触发两次递归调用,而是使用时循环为较大的子数组重用当前堆栈帧,并且只递归一次

  • 我一直在玩Java 8 ,我决定对 和 流进行微基准测试。正如预期的那样, 的速度是原来的两倍,但还是出现了其他一些问题--如果我在将数据传递给 之前先对其进行排序,则与传递未排序列表相比, Map->Collect/code>得到结果所需的时间要多出5-8倍。 下面是一个更好的基准测试代码 结果也是相似的: 那么,我的问题是为什么过滤一个未排序的列表比过滤一个已排序的列表更快呢?

  • 我已经在链接中看到了(http://bigocheatsheet.com/)插入排序的复杂性与冒泡排序相同,堆排序也优于这两种排序。但是,当我创建一个示例程序并比较插入排序所花费的时间时,我感到难以置信。 类用于测试排序算法。 泡泡排序类 用于插入排序的类 堆排序类 用于创建数组的类 我尝试了所有的情况,比如最好的情况、最坏的情况和一般情况。但在所有情况下,插入排序都比冒泡排序和堆排序快得多。理论

  • 我有一个点列表,每个点都是一个大小为2的小列表。我想按x的递增顺序对点列表进行排序,如果x值相等,我就按y的递减顺序排序来打破平局。 我编写了一个自定义比较器来对点进行排序,如下所示: 以下是排序前的输入: 以下是使用上述比较器排序后产生的结果: 观察:- 输入按x的升序排序。 (5,12)被正确地放在(5,10)之前 (9,-15)被正确地放在(9,-1000)之前 然而,(10001,-10)