with data as (
select 1 id, ‘A’ name, ‘fruit’ r_group, ‘2007’ year, ‘04’ month, 5 sales from dual union all
select 2 id, ‘Z’ name, ‘fruit’ r_group, ‘2007’ year, ‘04’ month, 99 sales from dual union all
select 3 id, ‘A’ name, ‘fruit’ r_group, ‘2008’ year, ‘05’ month, 10 sales from dual union all
select 4 id, ‘B’ name, ‘vegetable’ r_group, ‘2008’ year, ‘07’ month, 20 sales from dual
select t.*,
(sum(sales) over (partition by name, r_group
order by year, month
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) -sales ) as opening,
sum(sales) over (partition by name, r_group
order by year, month
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) as closing
from data t
order by year , month
year | month | name | r_group | sales | opening | closing |
2007 | 04 | 'A' | fruit | 5 | 0 | 5 |
2007 | 04 | 'Z' | fruit | 99 | 0 | 99 |
2008 | 05 | 'A' | fruit | 10 | 5 | 15 |
2008 | 07 | 'B' | vegetable | 20 | 0 | 20 |
select year, month, r_group, sum(sales) sales, sum(opening) opening, sum(closing) closing from (
select t.*,
(sum(sales) over........
group by year, month, r_group
order by year, month
year | month | r_group | sales | opening | closing |
2007 | 04 | fruit | 104 | 0 | 104 |
2008 | 05 | fruit | 10 | 5 | 15 |
2008 | 07 | vegetable | 20 | 0 | 20 |
这是 错误的 。请注意,2008年根本没有考虑过name =’Z’的值。由于累积函数是向后工作的,因此在2008年没有向后追溯的name
select 1 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007', year '04' month, 5 sales from dual union all
select 2 id, 'Z' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007', year '04' month, 99 sales from dual union all
select 3 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2008', year '05' month, 10 sales from dual union all
select 4 id, 'Z' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2008', year '05' month, 0 sales from dual union all
select 5 id, 'B' name, 'vegetable' r_group, '2008', year '07' month, 20 sales from dual ))
year | month | name | r_group | sales | opening | closing |
2007 | 04 | 'A' | fruit | 5 | 0 | 5 |
2007 | 04 | 'Z' | fruit | 99 | 0 | 99 |
2008 | 05 | 'A' | fruit | 10 | 5 | 15 |
2008 | 05 | 'Z' | fruit | 0 | 99 | 99 |
2008 | 07 | 'B' | vegetable | 20 | 0 | 20 |
year | month | r_group | sales | opening | closing |
2007 | 04 | fruit | 104 | 0 | 104 |
2008 | 05 | fruit | 10 | 104 | 114 |
2008 | 07 | vegetable | 20 | 0 | 20 |
一种相当简单的方法(类似于AskTom链接显示的方法)是提取所有年/月对,以及所有名称/ r_group对,然后将它们交叉连接:
with data as (
select 1 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007' year, '04' month, 5 sales from dual union all
select 2 id, 'Z' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007' year, '04' month, 99 sales from dual union all
select 3 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2008' year, '05' month, 10 sales from dual union all
select 4 id, 'B' name, 'vegetable' r_group, '2008' year, '07' month, 20 sales from dual
select a.year, a.month, b.name, b.r_group, nvl(d.sales, 0) as sales
from (select distinct year, month from data) a
cross join (select distinct name, r_group from data) b
left join data d on d.year = a.year and d.month = a.month and d.name = b.name and d.r_group = b.r_group
order by year, month, name, r_group;
---- -- - --------- ----------
2007 04 A fruit 5
2007 04 B vegetable 0
2007 04 Z fruit 99
2008 05 A fruit 10
2008 05 B vegetable 0
2008 05 Z fruit 0
2008 07 A fruit 0
2008 07 B vegetable 20
2008 07 Z fruit 0
---- -- - --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2007 04 A fruit 5 0 5
2007 04 B vegetable 0 0 0
2007 04 Z fruit 99 0 99
2008 05 A fruit 10 5 15
2008 05 B vegetable 0 0 0
2008 05 Z fruit 0 99 99
2008 07 A fruit 0 15 15
2008 07 B vegetable 20 0 20
2008 07 Z fruit 0 99 99
当与您的第二个级别(来自另一个查询)进行汇总时,将为例如2007/04 / vegetable生成额外的行:
---- -- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2007 04 fruit 104 0 104
2007 04 vegetable 0 0 0
2008 05 fruit 10 104 114
2008 05 vegetable 0 0 0
2008 07 fruit 0 114 114
2008 07 vegetable 20 0 20
with data as (
select 1 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007' year, '04' month, 5 sales from dual union all
select 2 id, 'Z' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2007' year, '04' month, 99 sales from dual union all
select 3 id, 'A' name, 'fruit' r_group, '2008' year, '05' month, 10 sales from dual union all
select 4 id, 'B' name, 'vegetable' r_group, '2008' year, '07' month, 20 sales from dual
select year,
sum(sales) sales,
sum(opening) opening,
sum(closing) closing
from (
select t.*,
(sum(sales) over (partition by name, r_group
order by year, month
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) -sales ) as opening,
sum(sales) over (partition by name, r_group
order by year, month
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) as closing
from (
select a.year, a.month, b.name, b.r_group, nvl(d.sales, 0) as sales
from (select distinct year, month from data) a
cross join (select distinct name, r_group from data) b
left join data d
on d.year = a.year and d.month = a.month and d.name = b.name and d.r_group = b.r_group
) t
where sales != 0 or opening != 0 or closing != 0
group by year, month, r_group
order by year, month;
---- -- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2007 04 fruit 104 0 104
2008 05 fruit 10 104 114
2008 07 fruit 0 114 114
2008 07 vegetable 20 0 20
您可以进一步过滤结果,以删除汇总销售价值仍为零的行,尽管如果这样做的话,则不再需要 在 汇总 之前
本文向大家介绍Angularjs 实现动态添加控件功能,包括了Angularjs 实现动态添加控件功能的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 实现下面这样的需求: 点击增加一块数据盘,会出现数据盘选项。 (1)最开始,想到原生JavaScript,jQuery (appendChild()等方法结合AngularJS来添加新的元素。但是突然发现控件里面的数据绑定,原生javascript没法控制
本文向大家介绍JSP实现添加功能和分页显示实例分析,包括了JSP实现添加功能和分页显示实例分析的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了JSP实现添加功能和分页显示的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: 学习目标: ① 进一步掌握MVC设计模式; ② 掌握添加功能的实现; ③ 掌握分页显示功能的实现。 主要内容: ① 通过用户信息添加功能进一步介绍MVC模式; ② 通过用户信息的分
谢谢, 巴特
问题内容: 我实质上是试图浏览html文件的文件夹。我想将它们嵌入到二进制文件中,并能够根据请求解析它们以用于模板执行目的。(如果我的措词不正确,请原谅)。 任何想法,技巧,窍门或实现此目的的更好方法将不胜感激。 问题答案: 我使用大多数Go Web应用程序执行此操作。我使用go-bindata从要嵌入的所有文件中自动生成Go源代码,然后将其编译为二进制文件。所有这些都是在构建过程中自动完成的。
本文向大家介绍Android中实现记事本动态添加行效果,包括了Android中实现记事本动态添加行效果的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文主要给大家介绍了关于Android实现记事本动态添加行的相关内容,分享出来供大家参考学习,下面来一起看看详细的介绍: 先看效果图: 这是昨天在群里面有人在问这个问题,在这里顺便记录一下,这个效果我们可以自定义EditText,实现起来也不难 看详细步骤
问题内容: 我想使用python下载和解析网页,但是要访问它,我需要设置一些cookie。因此,我需要先通过https登录到网页。登录时刻涉及将两个POST参数(用户名,密码)发送到/login.php。在登录请求期间,我想从响应头中检索cookie并将其存储,以便可以在请求中使用它们来下载/data.php网页。 我将如何在python(最好是2.6)中做到这一点?如果可能,我只想使用内置模块。