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以下代码将打印 1.0 == 1.0 -> False

但是,如果你更换factors[units_from]10.0,并factors[units_to ]1.0 / 2.54它将打印1.0 == 1.0 -> True

#!/usr/bin/env python

base = 'cm'
factors = {
    'cm'        : 1.0,
    'mm'        : 10.0,
    'm'         : 0.01,
    'km'        : 1.0e-5,
    'in'        : 1.0 / 2.54,
    'ft'        : 1.0 / 2.54 / 12.0,
    'yd'        : 1.0 / 2.54 / 12.0 / 3.0,
    'mile'      : 1.0 / 2.54 / 12.0 / 5280,
    'lightyear' : 1.0 / 2.54 / 12.0 / 5280 / 5.87849981e12,

# convert 25.4 mm to inches
val = 25.4
units_from = 'mm'
units_to = 'in'

base_value = val / factors[units_from]
ret = base_value * factors[units_to  ]
print ret, '==', 1.0, '->', ret == 1.0




  • 避免此类问题的最佳方法是什么?…使用Python或一般而言。
  • 我做错什么了吗?


这显然是精简示例的一部分,但是我想做的是带有长度,体积等类,它们可以与相同类但具有不同单位的其他html" target="_blank">对象进行比较。


  • 如果这是一个潜在的危险问题,因为它使程序的行为变得不确定,那么编译器在检测到您正在检查浮点是否相等时应发出警告或错误
  • 编译器是否应支持使用“足够接近”功能替换所有浮点相等性检查的选项?
  • 编译器已经做到了吗,我只是找不到信息。




他还提到Google Tests使用ULP比较,当我查看google代码时,我发现它们提到了与cygnus软件相同的确切链接。




>>> f1 = 25.4
>>> f2 = f1
>>> for i in xrange(1, 11):
...     f2 /= 10.0          # to cm
...     f2 *= (1.0 / 2.54)  # to in
...     f2 *= 25.4          # back to mm
...     print 'after %2d loops there are %2d doubles between them' % (i, dulpdiff(f1, f2))
after  1 loops there are  1 doubles between them
after  2 loops there are  2 doubles between them
after  3 loops there are  3 doubles between them
after  4 loops there are  4 doubles between them
after  5 loops there are  6 doubles between them
after  6 loops there are  7 doubles between them
after  7 loops there are  8 doubles between them
after  8 loops there are 10 doubles between them
after  9 loops there are 10 doubles between them
after 10 loops there are 10 doubles between them


>>> # 0 degrees Fahrenheit is -32 / 1.8 degrees Celsius
... f = -32 / 1.8
>>> s = str(f)
>>> s
>>> # floats between them...
... fulpdiff(f, float(s))
>>> # doubles between them...
... dulpdiff(f, float(s))
import struct
from functools import partial

# (c) 2010 Eric L. Frederich
# Python implementation of algorithms detailed here...
# from http://www.cygnus-software.com/papers/comparingfloats/comparingfloats.htm

def c_mem_cast(x, f=None, t=None):
    do a c-style memory cast

    In Python...

    x = 12.34
    y = c_mem_cast(x, 'd', 'l')

    ... should be equivilent to the following in c...

    double x = 12.34;
    long   y = *(long*)&x;
    return struct.unpack(t, struct.pack(f, x))[0]

dbl_to_lng = partial(c_mem_cast, f='d', t='l')
lng_to_dbl = partial(c_mem_cast, f='l', t='d')
flt_to_int = partial(c_mem_cast, f='f', t='i')
int_to_flt = partial(c_mem_cast, f='i', t='f')

def ulp_diff_maker(converter, negative_zero):
    Getting the ulp difference of floats and doubles is similar.
    Only difference if the offset and converter.
    def the_diff(a, b):

        # Make a integer lexicographically ordered as a twos-complement int
        ai = converter(a)
        if ai < 0:
            ai = negative_zero - ai

        # Make b integer lexicographically ordered as a twos-complement int
        bi = converter(b)
        if bi < 0:
            bi = negative_zero - bi

        return abs(ai - bi)

    return the_diff

# double ULP difference
dulpdiff = ulp_diff_maker(dbl_to_lng, 0x8000000000000000)
# float  ULP difference
fulpdiff = ulp_diff_maker(flt_to_int, 0x80000000        )

# default to double ULP difference
ulpdiff = dulpdiff
ulpdiff.__doc__ = '''
Get the number of doubles between two doubles.

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