

此插件实现了 文档 功能,并且是 Docusaurus 的默认的文档功能插件。


  • npm
  • Yarn
npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs
yarn add @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs

如果你已经安装了 @docusaurus/preset-classic,则不需要再安装此插件。你也可以通过 classic 预设参数 对其进行配置,而不必像下面这样进行配置。


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
         * Path to data on filesystem relative to site dir.
        path: 'docs',
         * Base url to edit your site.
         * Docusaurus will compute the final editUrl with "editUrl + relativeDocPath"
        editUrl: '',
         * For advanced cases, compute the edit url for each markdown file yourself.
        editUrl: function ({
        }) {
          return `${versionDocsDirPath}/${docPath}`;
         * Useful if you commit localized files to git.
         * When markdown files are localized, the edit url will target the localized file,
         * instead of the original unlocalized file.
         * Note: this option is ignored when editUrl is a function
        editLocalizedFiles: false,
         * Useful if you don't want users to submit doc pull-requests to older versions.
         * When docs are versioned, the edit url will link to the doc
         * in current version, instead of the versioned doc.
         * Note: this option is ignored when editUrl is a function
        editCurrentVersion: false,
         * URL route for the docs section of your site.
         * *DO NOT* include a trailing slash.
         * INFO: It is possible to set just `/` for shipping docs without base path.
        routeBasePath: 'docs',
        include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.mdx'], // Extensions to include.
         * Path to sidebar configuration for showing a list of markdown pages.
        sidebarPath: 'sidebars.js',
         * Function used to replace the sidebar items of type "autogenerated"
         * by real sidebar items (docs, categories, links...)
        sidebarItemsGenerator: async function ({
          defaultSidebarItemsGenerator, // useful to re-use/enhance default sidebar generation logic from Docusaurus
          numberPrefixParser, // numberPrefixParser configured for this plugin
          item, // the sidebar item with type "autogenerated"
          version, // the current version
          docs, // all the docs of that version (unfiltered)
        }) {
          // Use the provided data to generate a custom sidebar slice
          return [
            {type: 'doc', id: 'intro'},
              type: 'category',
              label: 'Tutorials',
              items: [
                {type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial1'},
                {type: 'doc', id: 'tutorial2'},
         * The Docs plugin supports number prefixes like "01-My Folder/02.My".
         * Number prefixes are extracted and used as position to order autogenerated sidebar items.
         * For conveniency, number prefixes are automatically removed from the default doc id, name, title.
         * This parsing logic is configurable to allow all possible usecases and filename patterns.
         * Use "false" to disable this behavior and leave the docs untouched.
        numberPrefixParser: function (filename) {
          // Implement your own logic to extract a potential number prefix
          const numberPrefix = findNumberPrefix(filename);
          // Prefix found: return it with the cleaned filename
          if (numberPrefix) {
            return {
              filename: filename.replace(prefix, ''),
          // No number prefix found
          return {numberPrefix: undefined, filename};
         * Theme components used by the docs pages
        docLayoutComponent: '@theme/DocPage',
        docItemComponent: '@theme/DocItem',
         * Remark and Rehype plugins passed to MDX
        remarkPlugins: [
          /* require('remark-math') */
        rehypePlugins: [],
         * Custom Remark and Rehype plugins passed to MDX before
         * the default Docusaurus Remark and Rehype plugins.
        beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [],
        beforeDefaultRehypePlugins: [],
         * Whether to display the author who last updated the doc.
        showLastUpdateAuthor: false,
         * Whether to display the last date the doc was updated.
        showLastUpdateTime: false,
         * By default, versioning is enabled on versioned sites.
         * This is a way to explicitly disable the versioning feature.
        disableVersioning: false,
         * Skip the next release docs when versioning is enabled.
         * This will not generate HTML files in the production build for documents
         * in `/docs/next` directory, only versioned docs.
        excludeNextVersionDocs: false,
         * The last version is the one we navigate to in priority on versioned sites
         * It is the one displayed by default in docs navbar items
         * By default, the last version is the first one to appear in versions.json
         * By default, the last version is at the "root" (docs have path=/docs/myDoc)
         * Note: it is possible to configure the path and label of the last version
         * Tip: using lastVersion: 'current' make sense in many cases
        lastVersion: undefined,
         * The docusaurus versioning defaults don't make sense for all projects
         * This gives the ability customize the label and path of each version
         * You may not like that default version
        versions: {
          Example configuration: 
          current: {
            label: 'Android SDK v2.0.0 (WIP)',
            path: 'android-2.0.0',
          '1.0.0': {
            label: 'Android SDK v1.0.0',
            path: 'android-1.0.0',
         * Sometimes you only want to include a subset of all available versions.
         * Tip: limit to 2 or 3 versions to improve startup and build time in dev and deploy previews
        onlyIncludeVersions: undefined, // ex: ["current", "1.0.0", "2.0.0"]

Markdown Frontmatter

Markdown documents can use the following markdown frontmatter metadata fields, enclosed by a line --- on either side:

  • id: A unique document id. If this field is not present, the document's id will default to its file name (without the extension)
  • title: The title of your document. If this field is not present, the document's title will default to its id
  • hide_title: Whether to hide the title at the top of the doc. By default, it is false
  • hide_table_of_contents: Whether to hide the table of contents to the right. By default it is false
  • sidebar_label: The text shown in the document sidebar and in the next/previous button for this document. If this field is not present, the document's sidebar_label will default to its title
  • sidebar_position: Permits to control the position of a doc inside the generated sidebar slice, when using autogenerated sidebar items. Can be Int or Float.
  • parse_number_prefixes: When a document has a number prefix (001 - My, 2., it is automatically parsed and extracted by the plugin numberPrefixParser, and the number prefix is used as sidebar_position. Use parse_number_prefixes: false to disable number prefix parsing on this doc
  • custom_edit_url: The URL for editing this document. If this field is not present, the document's edit URL will fall back to editUrl from options fields passed to docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
  • keywords: Keywords meta tag for the document page, for search engines
  • description: The description of your document, which will become the <meta name="description" content="..."/> and <meta property="og:description" content="..."/> in <head>, used by search engines. If this field is not present, it will default to the first line of the contents
  • image: Cover or thumbnail image that will be used when displaying the link to your post
  • slug: Allows to customize the document url (/<routeBasePath>/<slug>). Support multiple patterns: slug: my-doc, slug: /my/path/myDoc, slug: /


id: doc-markdown
title: Markdown Features
hide_title: false
hide_table_of_contents: false
sidebar_label: Markdown :)
description: How do I find you when I cannot solve this problem
  - docs
  - docusaurus
slug: /myDoc
My Document Markdown content


Read the i18n introduction first.

Translation files location

  • Base path: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
  • Multi-instance path: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-<pluginId>
  • JSON files: extracted with docusaurus write-translations
  • Markdown files: website/i18n/<locale>/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/<version>

Example file-system structure

│ # translations for website/docs
├── current
│   ├── api
│   │   └──
│   └──
├── current.json
│ # translations for website/versioned_docs/version-1.0.0
├── version-1.0.0
│   ├── api
│   │   └──
│   └──
└── version-1.0.0.json