4.6. EntityNameResolvers


org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver 接口是一个解析给定实体实例的实体名称的合约。这个接口定义了一个单一的方法 resolveEntityName,它传递实体实例并预期返回合适的实体名称(null 指明解析器不知道如何解析给定实体实例的实体名称)。一般说来,org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver 在动态模型里最为有用。其中的例子是把代理接口用作你的域模型。Hibernate Test Suite 在 org.hibernate.test.dynamicentity.tuplizer2 下有具有完全相同风格的例子。下面是该包里的一些代码:

 * A very trivial JDK Proxy InvocationHandler implementation where we proxy an interface as
 * the domain model and simply store persistent state in an internal Map.  This is an extremely
 * trivial example meant only for illustration.
public final class DataProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {
        private String entityName;
        private HashMap data = new HashMap();

        public DataProxyHandler(String entityName, Serializable id) {
                this.entityName = entityName;
                data.put( "Id", id );

        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                String methodName = method.getName();
                if ( methodName.startsWith( "set" ) ) {
                        String propertyName = methodName.substring( 3 );
                        data.put( propertyName, args[0] );
                else if ( methodName.startsWith( "get" ) ) {
                        String propertyName = methodName.substring( 3 );
                        return data.get( propertyName );
                else if ( "toString".equals( methodName ) ) {
                        return entityName + "#" + data.get( "Id" );
                else if ( "hashCode".equals( methodName ) ) {
                        return new Integer( this.hashCode() );
                return null;

        public String getEntityName() {
                return entityName;

        public HashMap getData() {
                return data;

public class ProxyHelper {
    public static String extractEntityName(Object object) {
        // Our custom java.lang.reflect.Proxy instances actually bundle
        // their appropriate entity name, so we simply extract it from there
        // if this represents one of our proxies; otherwise, we return null
        if ( Proxy.isProxyClass( object.getClass() ) ) {
            InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler( object );
            if ( DataProxyHandler.class.isAssignableFrom( handler.getClass() ) ) {
                DataProxyHandler myHandler = ( DataProxyHandler ) handler;
                return myHandler.getEntityName();
        return null;

    // various other utility methods ....


 * The EntityNameResolver implementation.
 * IMPL NOTE : An EntityNameResolver really defines a strategy for how entity names should be
 * resolved.  Since this particular impl can handle resolution for all of our entities we want to
 * take advantage of the fact that SessionFactoryImpl keeps these in a Set so that we only ever
 * have one instance registered.  Why?  Well, when it comes time to resolve an entity name,
 * Hibernate must iterate over all the registered resolvers.  So keeping that number down
 * helps that process be as speedy as possible.  Hence the equals and hashCode impls
public class MyEntityNameResolver implements EntityNameResolver {
    public static final MyEntityNameResolver INSTANCE = new MyEntityNameResolver();

    public String resolveEntityName(Object entity) {
        return ProxyHelper.extractEntityName( entity );

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return getClass().equals( obj.getClass() );

    public int hashCode() {
        return getClass().hashCode();

public class MyEntityTuplizer extends PojoEntityTuplizer {
        public MyEntityTuplizer(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, PersistentClass mappedEntity) {
                super( entityMetamodel, mappedEntity );

        public EntityNameResolver[] getEntityNameResolvers() {
                return new EntityNameResolver[] { MyEntityNameResolver.INSTANCE };

    public String determineConcreteSubclassEntityName(Object entityInstance, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
        String entityName = ProxyHelper.extractEntityName( entityInstance );
        if ( entityName == null ) {
            entityName = super.determineConcreteSubclassEntityName( entityInstance, factory );
        return entityName;


为了注册 org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver,用户必须:

  1. 实现自定义的 Tuplizer 并实现 getEntityNameResolvers 方法。

  2. registerEntityNameResolver 方法注册到 org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl(它是 org.hibernate.SessionFactory 的实现类)。