Admission Control
Admission Control (AC) is the public API endpoint for Libra and it takes public gRPC requests from clients.
Admission Control (AC) serves two types of requests from clients:
- SubmitTransaction - To submit a transaction to the associated validator.
- UpdateToLatestLedger - To query storage, e.g., account state, transaction log, proofs, etc.
Implementation Details
Admission Control (AC) implements two public APIs:
- SubmitTransaction(SubmitTransactionRequest)
- Multiple validations will be performed against the request:
- The Transaction signature is checked first. If this check fails, AdmissionControlStatus::Rejected is returned to client.
- The Transaction is then validated by vm_validator. If this fails, the corresponding VMStatus is returned to the client.
- Once the transaction passes all validations, AC queries the sender's account balance and the latest sequence number from storage and sends them to Mempool along with the client request.
- If Mempool returns MempoolAddTransactionStatus::Valid, AdmissionControlStatus::Accepted is returned to the client indicating successful submission. Otherwise, corresponding AdmissionControlStatus is returned to the client.
- Multiple validations will be performed against the request:
- UpdateToLatestLedger(UpdateToLatestLedgerRequest). No extra processing is performed in AC.
- The request is directly passed to storage for query.
Folder Structure
├── admission_control_proto
│ └── src
│ └── proto # Protobuf definition files
└── admission_control_service
└── src # gRPC service source files
├── # Wrapper to run AC in a separate thread
├── # gRPC service and main logic
├── # Main entry to run AC as a binary
└── unit_tests # Tests
This module interacts with:
The Mempool component, to submit transactions from clients. The Storage component, to query validator storage.