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Our goal is to make contributing to the Libra project easy and transparent.

The Libra Core project is currently an early-stage prototype, it is undergoing rapid development. Before making any substantial contribution to the project, be sure to discuss it in the Discourse forum to ensure that it fits into the project roadmap.

Contributing to Libra Core

To contribute to Libra Core, ensure that you have the latest version of the codebase. To setup Libra Core with all the necessary dependencies for linting, testing, and building the documentation, run the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/libra/libra.git
$ cd libra
$ cargo install
$ cargo test

Coding Guidelines

For detailed guidance on how to contribute to the Libra Core codebase refer to Coding Guidelines.


All developer documentation is published on the Libra developer site. The developer site is open source, and the code for building the site is located in this repository. The developer site is built using Docusaurus.

If you are familiar with Markdown, you can start contributing!

Pull Requests

During the initial phase of development, we plan to only audit and review the pull requests. As the codebase stabilizes, we will be able to accept pull requests from the community.

To submit your pull request:

  1. Fork the libra repo and create your branch from master.
  2. If you have added code that should be tested, add unit tests.
  3. If you have made changes to APIs, update the relevant documentation, and build and test the developer site.
  4. Verify and ensure that the test suite passes.
  5. Make sure your code passes both linters.
  6. Complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), if you haven't already done so.
  7. Submit your pull request.

Contributor License Agreement

For your pull requests to be accepted by any Libra project, you will need to sign a CLA. You will need to do this only once to work on any Libra open source project. Individuals contributing on their own behalf can sign the Individual CLA. If you are contributing on behalf of your employer, please ask them to sign the Corporate CLA.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to the Code of Conduct, which describes the expectations for interactions within the community.


Libra uses GitHub issues to track bugs. Please include necessary information and instructions to reproduce your issue. Security-related bugs should be reported using our security procedures.



  • Facebook 宣布了其数字货币、钱包和区块链,它新成立了一家子公司 Calibra,其目标是通过 Libra 网络向用户提供金融服务。Calibra 的首个产品将是 Libra 钱包,钱包会通过 Messenger 和 WhatsApp 以及一款独立产品提供给用户,发布时间预计在 2020 年。 Libra 在白皮书中介绍了它的使命:建立一套简单的、无国界的货币和为数十亿人服务的金融基础设施。

  • This guide describes how to use the Libra command line interface (CLI) client to interact with the Libra Blockchain. The CLI is invoked as an interactive shell. It provides basic commands to create ac

  • A keyword match server 为什么需要关键字匹配服务器?你可能想用正则去匹配,不过细想一下,如果有10万个关键字,那不是要用正则匹配10万次。  而是用关键字匹配服务器只需要匹配一次即可,速度非常快,速度只跟你要匹配的原文长度有关。  此外,使用此服务器还可以过滤敏感词之类的用途。 #安装方法#  1.安装libevent(http://monkey.org/~provos/li

  • Libra CMS 是基于 ZF2 的 CMS,能非常容易的创建你自己的网站,只需要使用简单的工具,比如文章管理。 Libra CMS 能非常容易的添加文章,编辑使用 WYSIWYG 编辑器,在文章中上传图片,可以伸缩图片。Libra 提供管理应用,使用: 路由:在管理路由中创建子路由,可以通过 /admin/routeurl 来访问 布局:可以在 view/layout/admin-layout

  • 为CakePHP做贡献有多种方式。以下各节涵盖了各种可以为CakePHP做出贡献的方式: 文档 问题跟踪系统 代码 编码规范 向后兼容性指南

  • 简介 Fuel 是一个社群驱动的框架,并且开放来自任何认为他们可以改进框架或添加功能的人们, 来让框架到达更高水准的贡献。 有许多形式可以做到这一点,从写教学、编写和发布套件, 以促进成为 Fuel 的正式部分(核心、Orm、文档等……)。 贡献程式码 当你遭遇一个错误,或看到问题清单中你能或已解决的问题, 而且你想要将它贡献回框架。根据你所拉取(pull)正在运行的版本分支, 使用 GitHub