Maintainer’s guide
Commit policy
- Pull requests from outside contributors require a review from a maintainer.
- Maintainers should avoid working on a master branch directly and create branches for everything. A code review from another maintainer is recommended but not required, use your best judgment.
Release process
Releases happen on a 6-week schedule. Currently due to a long break the date of the next release is not set.
- Update with everything interesting since the last update.
- Update version numbers using the three-part x.y.z notation everywhere:
- The header in (this is where the site looks for the latest version number)
attribute in package.json"version"
attribute in package-lock.json (run npm install)- Two places in docs/ (
- Commit the version changes and tag the commit with the plain version number (no “v.” or anything like that)
- Push the commit and the tags to master (
git push && git push --tags
Pushing the tag triggers the update process which can be monitored at
When something didn’t work and it’s fixable in code (version numbers mismatch, last minute patches, etc), simply make another release incrementing the third (revision) part of the version number.