CSS classes reference


Stylable classes

keywordkeyword in a regular Algol-style language
built_inbuilt-in or library object (constant, class, function)
typeuser-defined type in a language with first-class syntactically significant types, like Haskell
literalspecial identifier for a built-in value (“true”, “false”, “null”)
numbernumber, including units and modifiers, if any.
regexpliteral regular expression
stringliteral string, character
substparsed section inside a literal string
symbolsymbolic constant, interned string, goto label
classclass or class-level declaration (interfaces, traits, modules, etc)
functionfunction or method declaration
titlename of a class or a function at the place of declaration
paramsblock of function arguments (parameters) at the place of declaration
doctagdocumentation markup within comments
metaflags, modifiers, annotations, processing instructions, preprocessor directive, etc
meta-keywordkeyword or built-in within meta construct
meta-stringstring within meta construct
Tags, attributes, configs
sectionheading of a section in a config file, heading in text markup
tagXML/HTML tag
namename of an XML tag, the first word in an s-expression
builtin-names-expression name from the language standard library
attrname of an attribute with no language defined semantics (keys in JSON, setting names in .ini), also sub-attribute within another highlighted object, like XML tag
attributename of an attribute followed by a structured value part, like CSS properties
variablevariable in a config or a template file, environment var expansion in a script
bulletlist item bullet in text markup
codecode block in text markup
emphasisemphasis in text markup
strongstrong emphasis in text markup
formulamathematical formula in text markup
linkhyperlink in text markup
quotequotation in text markup
selector-tagtag selector in CSS
selector-id#id selector in CSS
selector-class.class selector in CSS
selector-attr[attr] selector in CSS
selector-pseudo:pseudo selector in CSS
template-tagtag of a template language
template-variablevariable in a template language
additionadded or changed line in a diff
deletiondeleted line in a diff
operatorreasonml operator such as pipe
pattern-matchreasonml pattern matching matchers
typingtype signatures on function parameters
constructortype constructors
module-accessscope access into a ReasonML module
moduleReasonML module reference within scope access

Language names and aliases

The language names and aliases table has moved to the project README.