2.1 更新内容 Windsor 3.2


Windsor 3.2 is a minor update over version 3.0/3.1. It does contain a set of new features and fixes that make it a worthwhile update. Below is a (non-comprehensive) list of highlights of the release.

:information_source: For more details see changes.txt and breakingchanges.txt files distributed as part of the package)

.NET 4.5 and Silverlight 5 support

Windsor 3.2 adds .NET 4.5 and Silverlight 5 build. It is also the last version to support Silverlight and .NET 3.5.

Improvements to bound lifestyle

Bound lifestyle now allows you to bind to the nearest matched component in the graph, not just the first found.

For the graph of component dependencies above, the following registration of repository will result in WelcomeScreenViewModel and most of its sub-graph sharing one instance of the repository, but the subgraphs that are viewmodels themselves (like MenuViewModel will have their own, new instance.


Components with potentially duplicated dependencies diagnostic

A new diagnostic has been added to the container detecting duplicated dependencies. Basically for components like

public class HasDuplicates
    public HasDuplicates(IFoo foo)
        Foo = foo;

    public IFoo Foo { get; set; }

With default registration this component will appear to be exposing two dependencies (one via constructor, another via the property). However in reality this is a single dependency, as the constructor already sets the property.

Windsor treats them as two dependencies and will try to satisfy both. The new diagnostic scans for situations like that.

Removing those duplicates will make Windsor's life easier (it won't have to do the work twice) and will help you avoid potentially tricky problems.

Diagnostic logging in the container

The container now internally does some logging to help you gain better insight into what's happening in the container. Also if you're extending the container, you can access the logger yourself and log information from your extensions.

By default Windsor will log with TraceLogger (the messages can be seen in Visual Studio Output Window) but you can change it to any other logger.

var container = new WindsorContainer();
((IKernelInternal)container.Kernel).Logger = new ConsoleLogger();

The type of information currently being logged includes:

  • When Windsor tries to resolve an optional dependency, but fails due to an exception, the exception is logged.
  • When registering a type by convention and ignoring it due to an existing registration for that type, this fact is logged.

Revamped property filtering API. breaking change

Windsor 3.1 added ability to control which properties on the type to expose as dependencies, which to ignore, and which to make mandatory. However the API was confusing and broken. Therefore in Windsor 3.2 some parts of the API became obsolete, and clearer (and not broken) methods were introduced.

:warning: Obsolete API: The .Properties overloads that take Predicate<PropertyInfo> are now obsolete. It is strongly advised to migrate their usage to one of the other methods.

Those methods will be removed in Windsor 4}

             .PropertiesIgnore(p => p.PropertyType.Is<ICommand>())
             .PropertiesRequire(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(IBus)));

In addition to the overload taking PropertyFilter enum value, we now have two methods: PropertiesIgnore and PropertiesRequire that clearly indicate what happens to the properties matched by their respective predicates. In addition to the one shown in the example, another overload to each of them exists, that takes the ComponentModel in addition to PropertyInfo for use in more advanced scenarios.

:information_source: First match wins: As is the case elsewhere in Windsor, when multiple property filtering rules match a single property the first one wins. So in this example even if the base type of MainViewModel had a property of type IBus it would be ignored because the first rule specified all base properties are ignored, and the rule requiring IBus comes after. The outcome would be different if we swapped the calls around

Multiple BasedOn in a single registration

Sometimes it makes sense to register two groups of components at once.


It is now possible to follow a BasedOn call with one or more OrBasedOn calls. The registration above will find all types that implement either IFoo or IBar and then register each of them with the appropriate interface as the service.

:information_source: Types implementing both interfaces: If you have a type like the following

public class FooBar: IFoo, IBar
   // stuff

The registration above will register the component for FooBar as exposing both IFoo and IBar as services.}

Dependency on embedded resource

A helper method was added to easily specify a dependency on a value coming from an embedded resource. This is useful for example when specifying dependencies on translatable strings.

            .DependsOn(Dependency.OnResource<Resources>("title", "MainWindowTitle")));

Notice the call uses Resources class, generated by VIsual Studio when using resources. Alternative overload takes a ResourceManager instance instead.

Filtering constructors with DoNotSelectAttribute

In some rare cases you might want Windsor to ignore the greediest constructor on your component, similarily to how DoNotWireAttribute ignores properties. A DoNotSelectAttribute has been added to do just that.

public class MyComponent
   public MyComponent() { }

   [DoNotSelect] // this constructor will be completely ignored
   public MyComponent(IFoo foo)
      Foo = foo;

   public IFoo Foo {get; private set;}