创建 MySQL 数据库及用户


MySQL 是一个使用广泛的数据库服务器,你肯定会在某些节点上安装配置 MySQL 服务器。 本节将向你展示如何安装配置 MySQL 服务器,以及如何为应用程序自动创建数据库和用户。


  1. 如果你还没有 MySQL 模块,先创建一个:

    # mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/mysql
    # mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/manifests
    # mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/files
  2. 使用如下内容创建 /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/server.pp 文件:

    class mysql::server {
      package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed }
      service { "mysql":
        enable => true,
        ensure => running,
        require => Package["mysql-server"],
      file { "/etc/mysql/my.cnf":
        owner => "mysql", group => "mysql",
        source => "puppet:///mysql/my.cnf",
        notify => Service["mysql"],
        require => Package["mysql-server"],
      exec { "set-mysql-password":
        unless => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p${mysql_password}
        command => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot password ${mysql_
        require => Service["mysql"],
  3. 使用如下内容创建 /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/files/my.cnf 文件:

    port = 3306
    socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    nice = 0
    user = mysql
    socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    port = 3306
    datadir = /var/lib/mysql
    !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
  4. 添加如下代码到 /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp 文件:

    $mysql_password = "secret"
  5. 运行 Puppet:

    # puppet agent --test
    info: Retrieving plugin
    info: Caching catalog for cookbook.bitfieldconsulting.com
    info: Applying configuration version '1309448283'
    notice: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/Package[mysql-server]/ensure:
    ensure changed 'purged' to 'present'
    notice: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]/owner:
    owner changed 'root' to 'mysql'
    notice: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]/group:
    group changed 'root' to 'mysql'
    info: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]:
    Scheduling refresh of Service[mysql]
    info: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]:
    Scheduling refresh of Service[mysql]
    notice: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/Service[mysql]/enable: enable
    changed 'false' to 'true'
    notice: /Stage[main]/Mysql::Server/Service[mysql]: Triggered
    'refresh' from 2 events
    notice: Finished catalog run in 61.78 seconds


  1. 添加如下代码到 /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/server.pp 文件:

    define db( $user, $password ) {
      include mysql::server
      exec { "create-${name}-db":
        unless  => "/usr/bin/mysql -u${user} -p${password}${name}",
        command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p${mysql_password} -e
         \"create database ${name}; grant all on ${name}.* to
         ${user}@localhost identified by '$password'; flush
        require => Service["mysql"],
  2. 添加如下代码到一个节点:

    mysql::server::db { "johnstest":
      user => "john",
      password => "johnstest",
  3. 运行 Puppet:

    # puppet agent --test
    info: Retrieving plugin
    info: Caching catalog for cookbook.bitfieldconsulting.com
    info: Applying configuration version '1309449259'
    notice: /Stage[main]//Node[cookbook]/Mysql::Server::Db[johnstest]/
    Exec[create-johnstest-db]/returns: executed successfully
    notice: Finished catalog run in 1.61 seconds
  4. 检查数据库是否已经创建,以及用户和权限的正确性:

    # mysql -ujohn -pjohnstest johnstest
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 36
    Server version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10 (Ubuntu)
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current
    input statement.


mysql::server 类安装 MySQL,并使用你在 site.pp 文件中设置的 root 用户口令配置 MySQL。 名为 mysql::server::dbdefine 允许我们使用一个指定的名字创建数据库, 以及一个能访问此数据库的相关的 MySQL 用户。 例如,一个典型的 web 应用程序可能需要一个以应用程序命名的数据库, 以及一个可以登录数据库的特定用户名。


要创建多个数据库,只需添加多个 mysql::server::db 实例:

mysql::server::db { [ "test1", "test2", "test3" ]:
  user => "john",
  password => "johnstest",