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支持 Quorum 开发


Truffle supports development with Quorum, a version of Ethereum that adds new features on top of what Ethereum already provides. Specifically, Quorum adds the ability to create private blockchains between select participants, and more importantly adds transaction privacy on top of normal Ethereum transactions.

It is highly recommended you read our tutorial on building a dapp on Quorum before using Truffle with Quorum.

Both the tutorial and this page have been updated for at least version 5.0.9 of truffle.


  • Quorum support was completely broken in version 5.0.0, and basic support was restored in 5.0.9. Make sure you have at least 5.0.9.

  • Privacy support (via privateFor) has been restored in 5.0.14. You must use at least 5.0.14 or v4 (npm i -g truffle@v4) to use privacy features.


To use Quorum, you must modify your network in truffle-config.js to include a parameter type set to "quorum". See the example below.

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 22000, // replace with quorum node port you wish to connect to
      network_id: "*",
      type: "quorum"

Using Privacy Features

Privacy features have been restored in Truffle 5.0.14. They are also available in v4.

Please refer to the Quorum tutorial to learn more about how to use the privacy features within Quorum. Here are some quick references for privacy within the tutorial: