


  1. 介绍
    1. 对象和属性
      1. 例子
        1. API 参考:chrome.bookmarks
          1. 方法
            1. create
            2. get
            3. getChildren
            4. getRecent
            5. getTree
            6. move
            7. remove
            8. removeTree
            9. search
            10. update
          2. 事件
            1. onChanged
            2. onChildrenReordered
            3. onCreated
            4. onImportBegan
            5. onImportEnded
            6. onMoved
            7. onRemoved
          3. 类型
            1. BookmarkTreeNode

        使用chrome.bookmarks模块来创建、组织和管理书签。也可参看 Override Pages,来创建一个可定制的书签管理器页面。



          "name": "My extension",
          "permissions": [


        书签是按照树状结构组织的,每个节点都是一个书签或者一组节点(每个书签夹可包含多个节点)。每个节点都对应一个 BookmarkTreeNode 对象。

        可以通过 chrome.bookmarks API来使用BookmarkTreeNode的属性。例如,当调用函数 create(),可以传入参数新节点的父节点(父节点ID),以及可选的节点索引,标题和url属性。可参看 BookmarkTreeNode 来获取节点的信息。


        下面的 代码创建了一个标题为 "Extension bookmarks"的书签夹。函数create()的第一个参数指定了新书签夹的属性,第二个参数定义了一个在书签夹创建后要执行的回调函数

        chrome.bookmarks.create({'parentId': bookmarkBar.id,
                                 'title': 'Extension bookmarks'},
                                function(newFolder) {
          console.log("added folder: " + newFolder.title);


        chrome.bookmarks.create({'parentId': extensionsFolderId,
                                 'title': 'Extensions doc',
                                 'url': 'http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions'});

        使用该API的实例请参看 basic bookmarks sample。其他例子和源码请参看 Samples

        API 参考:chrome.bookmarks






        void chrome.bookmarks.create(, object bookmark, function callback)




        bookmark ( optional enumerated Type array of object )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        parentId 父节点ID ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        index ( optional enumerated Type array of integer )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        title ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        url ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        callback ( optional enumerated Type array of function )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.



        The callback parameter should specify a function that looks like this:


        function(BookmarkTreeNode result) {...};
        result ( optional enumerated BookmarkTreeNode array of paramType )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        method name

        void chrome.module.methodName(, )


        A description from the json schema def of the function goes here.



        Callback function

        The callback parameter should specify a function that looks like this:

        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(Type param1, Type param2) {...};

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.


        void chrome.bookmarks.get(, string or array of string idOrIdList, function callback)




        idOrIdList ( optional enumerated Type array of string or array of string )
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        callback ( optional enumerated Type array of function )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.




        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(array of BookmarkTreeNode results) {...};
        results ( optional enumerated Type array of BookmarkTreeNode array of paramType paramType )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.


        void chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(, string id, function callback)




        id ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        callback ( optional enumerated Type array of function )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.




        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(array of BookmarkTreeNode results) {...};
        results ( optional enumerated Type array of BookmarkTreeNode array of paramType paramType )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.


        void chrome.bookmarks.getRecent(, integer numberOfItems, function callback)




        numberOfItems ( optional enumerated Type array of integer )
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        callback ( optional enumerated Type array of function )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.




        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(array of BookmarkTreeNode results) {...};
        results ( optional enumerated Type array of BookmarkTreeNode array of paramType paramType )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.


        void chrome.bookmarks.getTree(, function callback)




        callback ( optional enumerated Type array of function )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.



        回调参数 parameter 指定的回调函数如下:

        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(array of BookmarkTreeNode results) {...};
        results ( optional enumerated Type array of BookmarkTreeNode array of paramType paramType )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.

        method name

        void chrome.module.methodName(, )


        A description from the json schema def of the function goes here.



        Callback function

        The callback parameter should specify a function that looks like this:

        If you specify the callback parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this:

        function(Type param1, Type param2) {...};

        This function was added in version . If you require this function, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.


        void chrome.bookmarks.move(, string id, object destination, function callback)




        id ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        destination ( optional enumerated Type array of object )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the manifest key minimum_chrome_version can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
        parentId ( optional enumerated Type array of string )
        Description of this parameter from the json schema.
        This parameter was added in version . You must omit this parameter in earlier versions, and you may omit it in any version. If you require this parameter, the mani