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Emmet allows you to write large HTML code blocks at speed of light using well-known CSS selectors. But it’s not the only thing that every web-developer needs: occasionally you have to edit your HTML and CSS code to fix bugs and add new features.

Emmet 能让开发者以光速 :-) 书写大段的 HTML。但是这不是开发者唯一想要的:有时需要编辑 HTML 与 CSS 代码,以修订 bug 和添加新功能。

Emmet offers very unique tools that can greatly improve your editing experience:

Emmet 提供独有的工具,可以极大的提高你的编辑体验:

Expand Abbreviation 展开缩写
Yep, this is the action that expands CSS-like abbreviations into HTML code.
将类似于 CSS 的缩写展开为 HTML 代码。
Match Tag Pair 匹配标签
Selects content, and/or opening and closing HTML tag name from current caret position (a.k.a “balancing”). Super-awesome implementation that works even in non-HTML syntaxes! Implicitly used by many Emmet actions.
从插入符所在的位置选择标签内外内容。更厉害的是在非 HTML 语法下也能使用。Emmet 多数功能隐式的用到此功能。
Go to Matching Pair 跳转到配对标签
Quickly traverses between opening and closing HTML tag.
在 HTML 标签的开始与关闭标记间跳转。
Wrap with Abbreviation 包裹缩写
Same as “Expand Abbreviation” action but intelligently wraps selected content.
Go to Edit Point 跳转编辑点
Quickly traverse between important HTML code points.
在重要的 HTML 编辑点间移动
Select Item 选择
Quickly select important HTML and CSS code parts.
快速选择 HTML 与 CSS 代码片断。
Toggle Comment 切换注释
Toggles comment. Unlike basic editor’s implementations, matches HTML tag, CSS property or rule when there’s no selection.
不同于编辑器的实现,如果没有选择,则对匹配的 HTML 标签, CSS 属性或规则切换注释。
Split/Join Tag 分割合并标签
Splits (<tag /><tag></tag>) or joins (<tag></tag><tag />) HTML/XML tag under current caret position.
将插入符所在的 HTML/XML 标签分割 (<tag /><tag></tag>) 或合并 (<tag></tag><tag />)。
Remove Tag 删除标签
Gracefully removes HTML/XML tag under current caret position.
删除插入符所在的 HTML/XML 标签。
Merge Lines 合并行
Merges selected lines into single one. With no selection, automatically matches nearest HTML tag.
将选中的多行合并为单行。如果没有选择,则自动将最近的 HTML 标签合并。
Update Image Size 更新图片尺寸
Updates matched HTML tag or CSS rule with image size, located under caret.
更新插入符所在的图片(img 标签或 background 等 CSS 属性)的尺寸。
Evaluate Math Expression 计算数学表达式
Evaluates simple math expression
Increment/Decrement Number 增减数字
Increments or decrements number under current caret position with given step.
Reflect CSS Value 重构 CSS 值
Automatically copies CSS value under current caret position to all vendor-prefixed variants.
自动将插入符所在的 CSS 属性值复制给所有带有厂商前缀的属性。
Encode/Decode Image to data:URL 编码/解码图像为 data:URL
Encodes image under caret to data:URL format and vice versa.
将插入符所在的图片编码为 data:URL, 或逆操作。

译注: 查看在 Sublime Text 下各功能的快捷键