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14 网络 channels




The netchan package is being reworked. While it was in earlier versions of Go, it is not in Go 1. It is available in the old/netchan package if you still need it. This chapter describes this old version. Do not use it for new code.

现在netchan包正在重新设计。出于对Go 1之前版本的兼容性考虑,可以在old/netchan下找到它。这一章描述的是旧版本的使用。请不要在新代码中使用它.



There are many models for sharing information between communicating processes. One of the more elegant is Hoare's concept of channels. In this, there is no shared memory, so that none of the issues of accessing common memory arise. Instead, one process will send a message along a channel to another process. Channels may be synchronous, or asynchronous, buffered or unbuffered.


Go has channels as first order data types in the language. The canonical example of using channels is Erastophene's prime sieve: one goroutine generates integers from 2 upwards. These are pumped into a series of channels that act as sieves. Each filter is distinguished by a different prime, and it removes from its stream each number that is divisible by its prime. So the '2' goroutine filters out even numbers, while the '3' goroutine filters out multiples of 3. The first number that comes out of the current set of filters must be a new prime, and this is used to start a new filter with a new channel.


The efficacy of many thousands of goroutines communicating by many thousands of channels depends on how well the implementation of these primitives is done. Go is designed to optimise these, so this type of program is feasible.


Go also supports distributed channels using the netchan package. But network communications are thousands of times slower than channel communications on a single computer. Running a sieve on a network over TCP would be ludicrously slow. Nevertheless, it gives a programming option that may be useful in many situations.


Go's network channel model is somewhat similar in concept to the RPC model: a server creates channels and registers them with the network channel API. A client does a lookup for channels on a server. At this point both sides have a shared channel over which they can communicate. Note that communication is one-way: if you want to send information both ways, open two channels one for each direction.

Go的网络channel模型某种意义上和RPC模型类似:服务器创建channel然后用网络channel API注册它们,客户端在服务器上查询channel。这样服务器和客户端就有了一个可以相互通信的共享channel。注意这种通信是单向的,如果你想要双向发送信息,为每个方向单独创建一个channel。

Channel server


In order to make a channel visible to clients, you need to export it. This is done by creating an exporter using NewExporter with no parameters. The server then calls ListenAndServe to lsiten and handle responses. This takes two parameters, the first being the underlying transport mechanism such as "tcp" and the second being the network listening address (usually just a port number.


For each channel, the server creates a normal local channel and then calls Export to bind this to the network channel. At the time of export, the direction of communication must be specified. Clients search for channels by name, which is a string. This is specified to the exporter.


The server then uses the local channels in the normal way, reading or writing on them. We illustrate with an "echo" server which reads lines and sends them back. It needs two channels for this. The channel that the client writes to we name "echo-out". On the server side this is a read channel. Similarly, the channel that the client reads from we call "echo-in", which is a write channel to the server.


The server program is


/* EchoServer
package main

import (

func main() {

  // exporter, err := netchan.NewExporter("tcp", ":2345")
 exporter := netchan.NewExporter()
  err := exporter.ListenAndServe("tcp", ":2345")

  echoIn := make(chan string)
  echoOut := make(chan string)
  exporter.Export("echo-in", echoIn, netchan.Send)
  exporter.Export("echo-out", echoOut, netchan.Recv)
  for {
    fmt.Println("Getting from echoOut")
    s, ok := <-echoOut
    if !ok {
      fmt.Printf("Read from channel failed")
    fmt.Println("received", s)

    fmt.Println("Sending back to echoIn")
    echoIn <- s
    fmt.Println("Sent to echoIn")


func checkError(err error) {
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())

Note: at the time of writing, the server will sometimes fail with an error message "netchan export: error encoding client response". This is logged as Issue 1805

注意:在这篇教程写下的时候,服务器可能会收到“netchan export: error encoding client response”的错误消息,这个问题被登记为Issue 1805。

Channel client


In order to find an exported channel, the client must import it. This is created using Import which takes a protocol and a network service address of "host:port". This is then used to import a network channel by name and bind it to a local channel. Note that channel variables are references, so you do not need to pass their addresses to functions that change them.


The following client gets two channels to and from the echo server, and then writes and reads ten messages:


/* EchoClient
package main

import (

func main() {
  if len(os.Args) != 2 {
    fmt.Println("Usage: ", os.Args[0], "host:port")
  service := os.Args[1]

  importer, err := netchan.Import("tcp", service)

  fmt.Println("Got importer")
  echoIn := make(chan string)
  importer.Import("echo-in", echoIn, netchan.Recv, 1)
  fmt.Println("Imported in")

  echoOut := make(chan string)
  importer.Import("echo-out", echoOut, netchan.Send, 1)
  fmt.Println("Imported out")

  for n := 0; n < 10; n++ {
    echoOut <- "hello "
    s, ok := <-echoIn
    if !ok {
      fmt.Println("Read failure")
    fmt.Println(s, n)

func checkError(err error) {
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())

Handling Timeouts


Because these channels use the network, there is alwasy the possibility of network errors leading to timeouts. Andrew Gerrand points out a solution using timeouts: "[Set up a timeout channel.] We can then use a select statement to receive from either ch or timeout. If nothing arrives on ch after one second, the timeout case is selected and the attempt to read from ch is abandoned."

因为channel使用网络通信,存在因为网络错误导致超时的可能性。Andrew Gerrand提出了一个办法timeouts: "[Set up a timeout channel.]我们可以使用select语句从ch或是timeout接受信息。如果超过1秒钟ch没有收到信息,timeout通道被选择,放弃从ch获取信息。

timeout := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
    time.Sleep(1e9) // one second
    timeout <- true

select {
case <- ch:
    // a read from ch has occurred
case <- timeout:
    // the read from ch has timed out

Channels of channels


The online Go tutorial at http://golang.org/doc/go_tutorial.html has an example of multiplexing, where channels of channels are used. The idea is that instread of sharing one channel, a new communicator is given their own channel to have a privagye conversation. That is, a client is sent a channel from a server through a shared channel, and uses that private channel.


This doesn't work directly with network channels: a channel cannot be sent over a network channel. So we have to be a little more indirect. Each time a client connects to a server, the server builds new network channels and exports them with new names. Then it sends the names of these new channels to the client which imports them. It uses these new channels for communicaiton.


A server is


/* EchoChanServer
package main

import (

var count int = 0

func main() {

  exporter := netchan.NewExporter()
  err := exporter.ListenAndServe("tcp", ":2345")

  echo := make(chan string)
  exporter.Export("echo", echo, netchan.Send)
  for {
    sCount := strconv.Itoa(count)
    lock := make(chan string)
    go handleSession(exporter, sCount, lock)

    echo <- sCount

func handleSession(exporter *netchan.Exporter, sCount string, lock chan string) {
  echoIn := make(chan string)
  exporter.Export("echoIn"+sCount, echoIn, netchan.Send)

  echoOut := make(chan string)
  exporter.Export("echoOut"+sCount, echoOut, netchan.Recv)
  fmt.Println("made " + "echoOut" + sCount)

  lock <- "done"

  for {
    s := <-echoOut
    echoIn <- s
  // should unexport net channels

func checkError(err error) {
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())

and a client is


/* EchoChanClient
package main

import (

func main() {
  if len(os.Args) != 2 {
    fmt.Println("Usage: ", os.Args[0], "host:port")
  service := os.Args[1]

  importer, err := netchan.Import("tcp", service)

  fmt.Println("Got importer")
  echo := make(chan string)
  importer.Import("echo", echo, netchan.Recv, 1)
  fmt.Println("Imported in")

  count := <-echo

  echoIn := make(chan string)
  importer.Import("echoIn"+count, echoIn, netchan.Recv, 1)

  echoOut := make(chan string)
  importer.Import("echoOut"+count, echoOut, netchan.Send, 1)

  for n := 1; n < 10; n++ {
    echoOut <- "hello "
    s := <-echoIn
    fmt.Println(s, n)

func checkError(err error) {
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())



Network channels are a distributed analogue of local channels. They behave approximately the same, but due to limitations of the model some things have to be done a little differently.
