Warning: This information refers to third-party sites, products, or modules that are not maintained by the Expressjs team. Listing here does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation from the Expressjs project team.
Here are a few of the many books on Express:
- Express.js in Action, Manning Publications, April 2016.
- Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node, Manning Publications, early 2015.
- Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node, Second Edition, Manning Publications, April 2017.
- Pro Express.js: Master Express.js: The Node.js Framework For Your Web Development, Apress, December 2014.
- Mastering Web Application Development with Express, Packt Publishing, September 2014.
- Web Development with Node and Express, O’Reilly Media, July 2014.
- Node.js in Action, Manning Publications, October 2013.
- Express Web Application Development, Packt Publishing, June 2013.
- express - Middleware für node.js, texxtoor, September 2015. In deutscher Sprache / in German language
- JADE - die Template Engine für node.js, texxtoor, September 2015. In deutscher Sprache / in German language
- Node Web Development, 2nd edition, Packt Publishing, August 2013
- Builder Book: Build a Full Stack JavaScript Web App from Scratch, self-published, February 2018.
- MERN Quick Start Guide, Packt Publishing, May 2018
- Functional Design Patterns for Express.js, self-published, June 2019.
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- StrongLoop Blog: Express category
- Hage Yaapa’s Blog: Express category
- Codeforgeek Blog: Express category
- Baboon Blog: Express category (Persian language)
- Techforgeek Blog: Express category
- RoseHosting.com Blog: Express tag
- ThisHosting.Rocks: Express tag
- Code with Hugo blog: Express tag
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Edit the Markdown file and add a link to your blog, then submit a pull request (GitHub login required). Follow the format of the above listings.
Video tutorials
- Learning ExpressJS: Express category
- Learn Express.js in 14 days - Practice Projects included