由于 workerman 的mysql组件在操作事物的时候需要在一个独立的db连接里面处理,如果相同的连接处理一个事物可能会造成异常,所以开发了一个db连接池,代码如下,如果有问题,欢迎交流指教
use Workerman\MySQL\Connection as DbConn;
class DbPool
* db connection pool
* @var resource
public static $_db = null;
* db connection pool
* @var array
public static $_dbs = [];
* db mapping to pool
public static $_dbsPool = [];
* 闲置分配和设置锁
* @var boolean
public static $_idleLock = false;
* 连接池默认数量
* @var int
public static $_defaultDbConnPoolNum = 100;
* make a db connection
* @
public static function initDbConn()
if (self::$_db === null) {
self::$_db = self::createDbConn();
return self::$_db;
* Create a new db connection
* @return db instance
public static function createDbConn()
$config = $GLOBALS['app_conf']['db'];
return new DbConn(
* Get a DB connection instance
* @param mixed $useTrans Defaults to false
* @return object The db connection instance
public static function getDB($useTrans = false)
if ($useTrans === false) {
return self::initDbConn();
if (!isset(self::$_dbsPool[$useTrans])) {
$index = self::getIdle($useTrans); // 获取置的连接,如果有,用闲置
if ($index === false || !isset(self::$_dbs[$index])) {
$index = 'dbConn_' . md5(microtime(true) . count(self::$_dbs));
self::$_dbs[$index] = self::createDbConn();
self::$_dbsPool[$useTrans] = $index;
} else {
$index = self::$_dbsPool[$useTrans];
return self::$_dbs[$index];
* close db conn
* @param mixed $useTrans defaults to false
public static function closeDB($useTrans = false)
if ($useTrans !== false and isset(self::$_dbsPool[$useTrans])) {
if (count(self::$_dbs) > self::$_defaultDbConnPoolNum) {
$index = self::$_dbsPool[$useTrans];
self::$_dbs[$index] = null;
} else {
self::setIdle($useTrans); // 将连接设置为闲置
if ($useTrans === false) {
self::$_db = null;
* 从pool获取一个闲置的连接, 并赋值为指定的连接transToken
* @return mixed 找到闲置则返回连接索引,否则返回false
private static function getIdle($transToken)
if (self::$_idleLock === true) {
self::$_idleLock = true;
foreach (self::$_dbsPool as $key => $item) {
if (strpos($key, 'idle_') === 0) {
self::$_dbsPool[$transToken] = self::$_dbsPool[$key];
self::$_idleLock = false;
return self::$_dbsPool[$transToken];
self::$_idleLock = false;
return false;
* 将一个连接设置为闲置
private static function setIdle($transToken)
if (self::$_idleLock === true) {
self::$_idleLock = true;
if (isset(self::$_dbsPool[$transToken])) {
$key = 'idle_' . md5(microtime(true));
$tmp = self::$_dbsPool[$transToken];
self::$_dbsPool[$key] = $tmp;
self::$_idleLock = false;