android手机emacs,android - What happened to emacs' java? - Stack Overflow


First of all, I do not want to start a religious war here, and pardon me for telling you a little story first.

I originally chose emacs as my editor of choice during the time when I was able to make a choice. As an intern I was forced to use Vi for a small software shop where we are required to ssh to the servers (not to mention a very slow connection) and edit code from there because we're not allowed to have local copies of the source code. During that time, I was an Emacs uber noob who doesn't know about tramp. I didn't even know that I could start a shell at Emacs, so I gave Vi a try just to see what's in it for me.

At first, it felt like being forced to wear clothes I don't like, but time passed by and I came to like Vim. Two years of vim (and still counting) has been very productive learning experience for me. My current setup involves xmonad - a window manager, gnu screen - for fast shell switching, firefox with vimperator, and of course, vim. At work, I do my coding stuff using Vim+Eclim because all my other co-workers use Eclipse

and I have to conform somewhat. In my workplace, I'm regarded as the guy who knows his way around Vim; but still, I secretly use Emacs at home.

I want to get back up to speed in Emacs, but in order for me to do that, I must use it for what I'm currently doing at work because I spend most of my time there. Vim+Eclim really helped me a lot with java stuff (code completion, imports, etc.) and I'm thinking of using its Emacs port, but I'm also trying out other alternatives that would not require me to have an eclipse process running in the background. Basically, I want something with code completion and on-save compile like what Eclipse/Eclim has. Is jdee/malabar mode enough to do this? Also, I'm coding Android stuff and I want Emacs to know where the Android libraries are, since most of the fundamental ones aren't usually imported as normal.
