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bps 模式_BPS的完整形式是什么?


bps 模式

BPS:每秒位和字节 (BPS: Bits and Bytes per Second)

BPS is an abbreviation of "Bits per Second" and also an abbreviation of "Bytes per Second".


In the field of telecommunication, the transmission rate of data is measured as the standard number of bits, characters, or symbols or data blocks per unit time transmitting by using the means through a connection of communications in a structure of data-transmission. The regular data rate units are numerous manifolds of bits per second (bit/s) and bytes per second (B/s). For example, in the field of networking, 64kbits/s transmitted in an ISDN broadcasting channel or uncompressed telephone line, which means 64kbits/s is 64,000 bits/s or 8,000 bytes/s.

在电信领域,数据的传输速率被测量为通过在数据传输的结构中通过通信连接使用该装置来传输的每单位时间的标准位数,字符,符号或数据块。 常规数据速率单位是每秒比特(bit / s)和每秒字节(B / s)的众多流形。 例如,在网络领域中,在ISDN广播信道或未压缩的电话线上传输的64kbit / s,这意味着64kbit / s是64,000bit / s或8,000byte / s。

To make a distinction between bits/s and bytes/s:


  • A byte is a common unit of measurement of information in the form of kilobyte, kibibyte, megabyte, mebibyte, gigabyte, gibibyte, terabyte, tebibyte, etc. A byte is a collection of 8 bits (octet).
  • 字节是信息的常见度量单位,其形式为千字节,千字节,兆字节,兆字节,千兆字节,千兆字节,兆兆字节,兆字节等。字节是8位(八位字节)的集合。
  1. 1 KBps = 1 kilobyte per second

    1 KBps =每秒1 KB

  2. 1 MBps = 1 megabyte per second

    1 MBps = 1兆字节每秒

  3. 1GBps = 1 gigabyte per second

    1GBps = 1 GB /秒

  1. 1 KBps = 8*1 kilobits per second = 8 Kbps

    1 KBps = 8 * 1 kb /秒= 8 Kbps

  2. 1 MBps = 8*1 megabits per second = 8 Mbps

    1 MBps = 8 * 1兆位每秒= 8 Mbps

  3. 1GBps =  8*1 gigabits per second = 8 Gbps

    1GBps = 8 * 1吉比特每秒= 8 Gbps

  • The decimal SI prefixes kilo, mega, giga, tera, etc, are signifies as:


    1. 3 =10003 = 1000 11
    2. 6 =10006 = 1000 22
    3. 9 =10009 = 1000 33
    4. 12 =100012 = 1000 44
  • The binary prefixes kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, etc are signifies as:


    1. 10 =102410 = 1024 11
    2. 20 =102420 = 1024 22
    3. 30 =102430 = 1024 33
    4. 40 =102440 = 1024 44
  • In the case of informal condition, when 1024 is taken as a close approximation of 1000, the two resultant prefixes are equivalent.




    1. 1 kB (kilobyte) = 1000 bytes = 8000 bits
    2. 10bytes = 1024 bytes = 8192 bits10字节= 1024字节= 8192位
    3. 1 kb (kilobit) = 125 bytes = 1000 bits
    4. 10bits = 1024 bits = 128 bytes10位= 1024位= 128字节
  • Reference: Data rate units

    参考: 数据速率单位

    Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'B'

    Algo标签在: 词典 –'B '

    翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bps-full-form.aspx

    bps 模式
