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[AngularFire2] Pagination


Let's see how to do pagination in Firebase:


For the init loading, we only want 3 items:

  findLessonsKeyPreCourseUrl(courseUrl) {
    return this.findCourseByUrl(courseUrl)
      .filter(course => !!course)
      .map((course) => course.$key)
      .switchMap((courseKey) => this.db.list(`lessonsPerCourse/${courseKey}`, {
        query: {
          limitToFirst: 3,
          orderByKey: true

'limitToFirst' --> If not given 'startAt', will start from index 0, and get three items.


Next page: The idea is getting 4 items from the previous page's last item, after that we get rid of first item only keep the rest:

findNextPageLessonsKey(courseUrl: string, from: Lesson, limit: number){
    return this.findCourseByUrl(courseUrl)
      .filter(c => !!c)
      .switchMap((c) => this.db.list(`lessonsPerCourse/${c.$key}`, {
        query: {
          limitToFirst: limit + 1,
          orderByKey: true,
          startAt: from.$key
      .map(lessons => lessons.slice(1, lessons.length));


Previous Page: The same idea as next page, difference is this time we get 4 item from next page's first item, then get rid of the last item only keep the rest:

findPreviousPageLessonsKey(courseUrl: string, end: Lesson, limit: number){
    return this.findCourseByUrl(courseUrl)
      .filter(c => !!c)
      .switchMap((c) => this.db.list(`lessonsPerCourse/${c.$key}`, {
        query: {
          limitToLast: limit + 1,
          orderByKey: true,
          endAt: end.$key
      .map(lessons => lessons.slice(0, lessons.length-1));


