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Real-Time Rendering of Plant Leaves

Real-Time Rendering of Plant Leaves
LifengWang Wenle Wang∗ Julie Dorsey† Xu Yang‡ Baining Guo Heung-Yeung Shum
Microsoft Research Asia ∗Tsinghua University †Yale University ‡Nankai University
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: Leaves rendered with our approach. (a)-(d) are balata, pelargonium, omoto and prunus leaves respectively.
This paper presents a framework for the real-time rendering of
plant leaves with global illumination effects. Realistic rendering
of leaves requires a sophisticated appearance model and accurate
lighting computation. For leaf appearance we introduce a parametric
model that describes leaves in terms of spatially-variant BRDFs
and BTDFs. These BRDFs and BTDFs, incorporating analysis of
subsurface scattering inside leaf tissues and rough surface scattering
on leaf surfaces, can be measured from real leaves. More importantly,
this description is compact and can be loaded into graphics
hardware for fast run-time shading calculations, which are essential
for achieving high frame rates. For lighting computation,
we present an algorithm that extends the Precomputed Radiance
Transfer (PRT) approach to all-frequency lighting for leaves. In
particular, we handle the combined illumination effects due to lowfrequency
environment light and high-frequency sunlight. This is
done by decomposing the local incident radiance of sunlight into
direct and indirect components. The direct component, which contains
most of the high frequencies, is not pre-computed with spherical
harmonics as in PRT; instead it is evaluated on-the-fly using
pre-computed light-visibility convolution data. We demonstrate our
framework by the rendering of a variety of leaves and assemblies
Keywords: real-time rendering, appearance modeling, reflectance
and shading models, natural phenomena
∗This work was done while Wenle Wang was a visiting student and Xu
Yang was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research Asia.
1 Introduction
Realistic rendering of botanical structures, such as trees, is essential
to portraying plants and landscape scenery, but achieving realism
means confronting many challenges inherent in the composition
and appearance of these structures. Leaves are particularly difficult
to simulate due to their intricate underlying structure and their
complex and subtle interaction with light. The difficulties are exacerbated
in scenes comprised of entire tree models illuminated by
daylight, where accounting for the shadowing effects, in particular,
demands a sophisticated and time-consuming ray tracing approach.
However, there are variety of applications, such as environmental
assessment and games, for which the interactive rendering of plant
models with global illumination effects is desirable.
In this paper, we present a framework for rendering of plant
leaves in real-time with global illumination effects. The basis of
our framework is a realistic leaf appearance model that is amenable
to real-time rendering. This model describes leaf appearance in
terms of a few parametric bidirectional reflectance distribution
functions (BRDF) and bidirectional transmittance distribution functions
(BTDF). These spatially-variant BRDFs and BTDFs are compactly
stored in a set of parameter maps, which can be loaded into
graphics hardware for fast on-the-fly shading calculations. This is
critical for real-time rendering. In our system, a BRDF-BTDF pair
is stored as two 720×540 RGBA textures. In general a spatiallyvariant
BRDF is a 6D function which, at this resolution (720×540),
could easily consume many gigabytes of memory with a brute-force
tabular representation.
For realistic rendering, we derive BRDFs and BTDFs by taking
into account the main scattering behaviors of leaves–i.e., the rough
surface scattering over leaf surfaces and the subsurface scattering
inside leaf tissues. More importantly, we formulate these BRDFs
and BTDFs such that they can be measured from real leaves. The
subsurface scattering inside leaf tissues determines the BTDF and
the BRDF diffuse term [Hanrahan and Krueger 1993]. Our subsurface
scattering analysis is based on LEAFMOD, a radiative transfer
model for a slab of homogeneous material, which has been experimentally
validated with measured data from real leaves [Ganapol
et al. 1998]. Using this model we derive parametric forms for the
BTDF and the BRDF diffuse term, with parameters including the
leaf thickness, as well as the scattering and absorption coefficients
of leaf tissues. We also show that these parametric forms can be
fit to reflectance and transmittance data measured by a linear light
source (LLS) device [Gardner et al. 2003]. As this model incorporates
the key aspects of leaf appearance, it obviates the need for
the complex, three-layer model commonly used in plant rendering
[Baranoski and Rokne 2002] and supports intuitive editing of leaf
appearance. Moreover, the compactness of this representation enables
real-time, realistic rendering.
Rough surface scattering is responsible for the glossy reflection
over leaf surfaces. Graphics researchers have developed a number
of models for the glossy term in the BRDF. However, these models
are primarily based on experimental data of inorganic materials;
it is not clear which, if any, of these models is appropriate for
leaf rendering. We propose the use of the Torrance-Sparrow model
[1967] for rendering the glossy reflection of leaves. Our proposal
is based the work of Ma et al. [1990], who conducted extensive
experiments to establish that Stogryn’s formula for the normalized
scattering cross section per unit area [Stogryn 1967] is well-suited
for leaves. We show that the Torrance-Sparrow model is in fact
equivalent to Stogryn’s formula and thus suitable for leaf rendering.
Like the BRDF diffuse term, the glossy term formulated this
way can also be measured using an LLS device.
With the above appearance model, we render leaves using a
novel two-pass algorithm built upon the Precomputed Radiance
Transfer (PRT) approach [Sloan et al. 2002]. Unlike PRT, which
is intended for low-frequency lighting, our algorithm can capture
high-frequency lighting effects including soft shadows cast by the
sun. We achieve this by decomposing the incident sunlight radiance
at each surface point into direct and indirect components and processing
them separately in two passes. In the first pass, the indirect
component, along with the low-frequency environment light, is efficiently
handled by PRT. In the second pass, we use pre-computed
light-visibility convolution data to enable quick evaluation of the
contribution of the direct sunlight. This avoids the loss of highfrequency
details by not using the low-order spherical harmonics
basis usually required by PRT. The final rendering result is the sum
of the outputs of the two passes.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The following
section reviews existing techniques and compares them with
ours. Section 3 discusses our leaf model and how to fit this model
to reflectance and transmittance data acquired from real leaves. In
Section 4, we describe our two-pass rendering algorithm. Section
5 presents some of our results, and Section 6 discusses areas for
future work.
2 Related Work
Leaf Models: A variety of techniques exist for creating leaf geometry,
which can be modeled as hinged polygons [Bloomenthal 1985],
fractal sets [Demko et al. 1985], or L-systems [Prusinkiewicz et al.
1988; Prusinkiewicz et al. 2001]. Our work focuses on the texture
and appearance of leaves; the leaf geometry may be obtained with
any technique.
Several graphics researchers have studied subsurface scattering
in leaves. Hanrahan and Krueger [1993] modeled leaves as layered
surfaces and used Monte Carlo ray tracing to evaluate the BRDF
and BTDF. Baranoski and Rokne [1997] proposed the algorithmic
BDF model (ABM) which accounts for biological factors that affect
light propagation and absorption in leaves. Baranoski and Rokne
[2001] later introduced the foliar scattering model (FSM), which
gains efficiency over ABM by pre-computing reflectance and transmittance
values and applying a simplified scattering model. Both
the ABM and FSM models are based on Monte Carlo ray tracing.
Recently, Franzke and Deussen [2003] reported good rendering
speeds (several minutes per frame) with a ray tracer based on
a simplified subsurface scattering model. A difficulty with all of
these ray-tracing-based models is that they cannot support the fast
Surface Normal
h +δ (x)
0 θ
0 μ
r θ
i θ
r ϕ
i ϕ
i V
r V
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Our leaf model. (a) The plane-parallel leaf geometry
(after Ganapol et al.), where μ0 is the source direction, h+δ (x) is
the leaf thickness, and z is the coordinate measured from the top
surface. (b) The angles and vectors for the glossy reflectance of the
run-time shading calculations required by real-time rendering. Another
problem is that the parameters of these models are usually set
by hand rather than measured from real leaves.
Researchers have also developed leaf scattering models for
botany and remote sensing applications [Vogelmann 1993; Jacquemoud
and Ustin 2001; Baranoski and Rokne 2002]. These models
typically make heavy use of biological information of plant tissues.
For example, [Govaerts et al. 1996] explicitly modeled the 3D geometry
of internal cellular structure of leaf tissues (epidermis, elongated
palisade cells, and spongy cells) and used Monte Carlo ray
tracing to simulate the propagation of light. Our leaf model does
not depend on detailed knowledge about leaf internal structure; instead
we rely on measured reflectance and transmittance data for
realistic rendering. Essentially, our model is designed for rendering
leaves using measured data, whereas the biologically-based models
are intended for predicting measured data through within-leaf light
transport simulation. Adapting biologically-based models for realtime
rendering is challenging because the light transport simulation
is fairly slow.
There exist many analytical BRDF models, which can be
isotropic [Torrance and Sparrow 1967; Cook and Torrance 1982;
Oren and Nayar 1994] or anisotropic [Kajiya 1985; Ward 1992;
Poulin and Fournier 1990; Ashikhmin et al. 2000]. While these
models are compact and fast to evaluate, most are designed based
on experimental data for inorganic, rather than organic, materials.
In particular, none of the models takes into account subsurface scattering,
which is important for plant tissues.
Leaf Rendering: The realistic rendering of plant and tree models
has a long history in computer graphics (e.g., [de Reffye et al. 1988;
Weber and Penn 1995; Max 1996; Deussen et al. 1998; Meyer et al.
2001; Qin et al. 2003; Reche et al. 2004]). Recent techniques,
including PRT [Sloan et al. 2002; Sloan et al. 2003] and the allfrequency
approach [Ng et al. 2003; Ng et al. 2004], precompute
global transport effects in a way that can be exploited by graphics
hardware for real-time rendering. Our rendering algorithm resembles
these recent techniques in that it pre-computes light transport
information to facilitate run-time rendering. It is worthwhile to note
that the all-frequency approach, while effective for general environment
lighting, is not ideal for our scenario. For our case the
all-frequency approach would have to use a very high-dimensional
signal and have it sampled very densely over all surfaces, making it
impractical for processing a large leaf assembly in real-time.
3 Parametric Leaf Model
We model a leaf as a slab with rough surfaces as illustrated in Fig. 2.
The slab interior is assumed to be homogeneous. The slab surface
is textured with an albedo map γ (x), which accounts for spatially
varying reflectance properties. The slab thickness is written
as h+δ (x), where h is a positive constant for user control of the
overall leaf thickness, and δ (x) is a function that describes local
thickness variations in different parts of the leaf slab. γ (x) and δ (x)
are computed from reflectance and transmission data of real leaves.
In the following we first present our leaf model and then show how
each term of the model is derived.
The reflectance and transmittance properties of each surface (top
or bottom) of the leaf slab are described by a 6D spatially-variant
BRDF fr(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) and BTDF ft(x,θi,φi;θr,φr)
ft (x,θi,φi;θt ,φt) =
e−(σa+σs)(h+δ (x))+

fr(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) =

γ (x)
cosθi cosθr cos4α
m(x)2 )
4π m(x)2 , (1)
where A and B are constants given below, x = (x,y) is the position
on the leaf surface, (θi,φi) and (θr,φr) describe the incident and
reflected directions as Fig. 2 illustrates. There are also three parameters
related to subsurface light transport: the absorption coefficient
σa and scattering coefficient σs of the material inside the leaf slab,
and the leaf thickness h.
The BRDF fr(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) consists of a diffuse term and a
glossy term. The diffuse term accounts for the diffuse reflection
due to subsurface scattering [Hanrahan and Krueger 1993]. The
diffuse term is independent of the incident and reflected directions.
Thus we have
fr(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) =
ρd(x)+ fs(x,θi,φi;θr,φr),
where fs(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) is the glossy term that describes the glossy
reflection due to surface roughness. Later we shall derive a formula
for the diffuse reflectance ρd(x), based on analysis of subsurface
light transport. The BTDF has only a diffuse term and can be written
ft (x,θi,φi;θt ,φt) =
ρt (x),
because light transmitted through materials becomes diffuse.
Subsurface Scattering: Now we derive formulae for the diffuse
reflectance ρd(x) and transmittance ρt(x). Explicit expressions of
ρd(x) and ρt (x) will allow us to answer important questions such as
how the leaf BRDF and BTDF vary as the leaf thickness h changes.
Another benefit of the explicit expressions is that they allow us to
derive a more compact leaf model from the measured data, as we
shall see. Our surbsurface scattering analysis is based on a withinleaf
radiative transfer model called LEAFMOD, which has been experimentally
validated with reflectance and transmittance data measured
from real leaves [Ganapol et al. 1998].
In general the radiative transfer equation can be written as
Ω·∇I(r,Ω)+σt I(r,Ω) =σs

dΩ p(Ω
where σt =σa +σs and r = (x,y, z). At a given point x = (x,y) on
a homogeneous slab, we can rewrite this equation in 1D form as


∂ z

I(z,μ) =σs

f (μ
where I(z,μ) is the radiance at z in direction μ =cosθ , μ =cosθ ,
and f (μ
,μ) is the azimuthal average of the general phase function
,Ω). Let τ =σtz be the optical path length. In LEAFMOD, the
leaf interior is assumed to be filled with isotropic material based on
biological considerations [Ganapol et al. 1998]. Thus f (μ
,μ) = 12
and we have



I(τ ,μ) =

I(τ ,μ)dμ
, (2)
where ω = σs
To obtain the diffuse reflectance ρd and transmittance ρt we follow
[Ganapol et al. 1998; Siewert 1978]. Let μ0 = cosθ0 with θ0 =
0. The adaxial (front surface) and abaxial (back surface) boundary
conditions are
I(0,μ) =δ (μ −μ0), I(Δ,−μ) = 0, (3)
where μ > 0, Δ is the optical thickness defined as σ
t h0 for a physical
thickness h0. The boundary condition I(Δ,−μ) depends on the
Lambertian reflectance rs of the surface adjacent to the back leaf
surface and in our case rs = 0.
The diffuse reflectance ρd =

μI(0,−μ)dμ and the transmittance
ρt =

μI(Δ,μ)dμ are obtained by solving I(0,−μ) and
I(Δ,μ) from Eq. (2) with boundary conditions Eq. (3). Expanding
the exit radiances in a set of shifted Legendre polynomials ψn(μ),
we solve Eq. (2) and get
ρd =

anψn(μ)μdμ, ρt =

where an and bn are constants and N is chosen such that two solutions
of consecutive orders are within relative error of 10−3. Finally,
ρd =
σa +σs
, ρt = e−(σa+σs)h0 +
σa +σs
where A and B are constants determined by an and bn from Eq. (4)
A =

μψn(μ)dμ, B =

The above equations hold at every point x = (x,y). By adding
γ (x) and δ (x) to account for albedo variations and local thickness
details respectively, we can extend the above analysis to the whole
leaf and obtain
ρd(x) =
γ (x), ρt (x) = e−(σa+σs)(h+δ (x))+
In the above equation, h is a constant for user control of the leaf
thickness whereas the local thickness variation function δ (x) is obtained
by fitting it to the transmittance data measured from real
leaves. Note that ρd (x) is not affected by the leaf thickness h.
Note that rs = 0 comes from the fact that our leaf reflectance
and transmittance are measured with the LLS device, in which the
surface adjacent to the abaxial leaf surface is made nearly nonreflective
by covering the light box with a diffuse dark gel [Gardner
et al. 2003].
Rough Surface Scattering: The glossy term fs(x,θi,φi;θr ,φr) describes
the glossy reflection due to the rough surface of the slab
model. On a rough surface light is scattered in various directions.
Because surface roughness of a leaf is large compared to the wavelength
of the incident light and undulates at a large scale, we can
apply Kirchhoff rough surface scattering theory [Beckmann and
Spizzichino 1963]. Stogryn [1967] has derived the following formula
for the normalized scattering cross section per unit area for
isotropic rough surfaces using Kirchhoff rough surface scattering
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: A set of BRDF and BTDF parameter maps for the front
surface of a leaf slab. (a) Albedo map γ (x). (b) The local thickness
variation function δ (x). (c) The specular intensity map ρ(x). (d)
The specular roughness map m(x).
σ 0
k =
l2(1+cosθi cosθr +sinθi sinθr cos(ϕr −ϕi))2
(cosθi +cosθr)4σ 2
exp(−l2(sin2θi +sin2θr +2sinθi sinθr cos(ϕr −ϕi))
4σ2(cosθi +cosθr)2 ),
where l is the correlation length and σ is the RMS height and the
angles θi, θr, ϕi, and ϕr are illustrated in Fig. 2. Ma et al. experimentally
established that Stogryn’s formula are suitable for rough
surface scattering on leaf surfaces [1990].
Let m(x) = 2σ
l be the root mean square slope of the microfacets
at point x. We have
σ 0
k =
· exp(−tan2α/m(x)2)
m(x)2 , (6)
where α is the angle between the surface normal N and the half
vector H between the incident and reflected light directions as illustrated
in Fig. 2. From this we can express the glossy reflection
as follows
fs(x,θi,φi;θr,φr) =
cosθi cosθr cos4α
· e−tan2α/m(x)2
4π m(x)2 , (7)
where ρs(x) is called the specular intensity map, and m(x) the specular
roughness map. Eq. (7) is Cook-Torrance model with the geometrical
attenuation factor and the Fresnel term merged into ρs(x).
See Appendix A in the conference DVD for derivation details.
Fitting BRDF and BTDF:We obtain our final BRDFs and BTDFs
by fitting these parametric models in Eq. (1) to reflectance and
transmittance data measured from real leaves. We acquire this data
using an LLS device we built following [Gardner et al. 2003]. Two
BRDF-BTDF pairs are acquired, one for each of the top and bottom
surfaces of the leaf slab. For each surface, we fit a diffuse lobe
and a specular lobe to the reflectance data acquired by the LLS device
and thus obtain the diffuse reflectance ρd (x), specular intensity
map ρs(x) and specular roughness map m(x). We also measure the
transmittance ρt (x) for each surface.
From an estimated leaf thickness h and measured ρd(x) and
ρt (x), we can compute σa, σs, γ (x) and δ (x) as follows. We first
solve for σa and σs values at every point x using the following equations:
ρd(x) =
σa +σs
, ρt (x) = e−(σa+σs)h+
σa +σs
Then we average these values over the leaf surface to get two scalar
constants σa and σs. Once σa and σs are known, it is straightforward
to get γ (x) and δ (x) using Eq. (5). In practice we have to
iterate through the above equations multiple times because σa, σs,
ρd(x), and ρt(x) all have RGB channels.
Fig. 3 exhibits a set of parameter maps for a surface of the leaf
slab. Recovering the parameters γ (x), δ (x), σa, and σs through
the fitting process has two advantages. First, it removes the redundancy
in the measured diffuse transmittance ρ
t (x) and makes the
leaf model more compact. The measured ρ
t (x) has RGB channels.
In contrast δ (x) is only a greyscale map that can be stored in the
alpha-channel of one of the texture maps needed for the BRDF parameters.
As a result, no separate texture map is needed to store the
BTDF. The other advantage is that we can now perform meaningful
editing of leaf appearance by perturbing parameters such as σa, σs,
and the leaf thickness h from their estimated values. See Fig. 7 for
editing examples.
4 Lighting Computation
In this section we present a two-pass algorithm for real-time rendering
of plant leaves with global illumination. Our approach builds
upon the PRT framework [Sloan et al. 2002]. Unlike PRT, which is
intended for low-frequency lighting, our algorithm is designed for
illumination that includes both a low-frequency environment map
and the sun, an all-frequency source.
Our goal is efficient global illumination, including the important
high-frequency lighting and detailed, soft shadowing effects due to
the sun. To achieve this goal, our algorithm decomposes the sunlight
illumination at each surface point into direct and indirect components
and processes them separately in two rendering passes. In
the first pass, the indirect component, along with the low-frequency
environment light, is efficiently handled by PRT. In the second pass,
we quickly evaluate the contribution of the direct component using
pre-computed light-visibility convolution data at all vertices in the
scene. The second pass does not use a low-order spherical harmonics
basis and thus avoids the loss of high-frequency details. The
final rendering result is the sum of the outputs of the two passes.
Sunlight Decomposition: According to the formulation of [Sloan
et al. 2002; Kautz et al. 2002], PRT pre-computes and stores a linear
operatorMp at every surface point p in the scene. Mp transforms the
source lighting vector l into a transferred incident radiance vector
lT (p) = Mpl with lT (p) representing the local incident radiance at
p. Mp attenuates the source lighting by shadowing and increases it
through inter-reflections.
We pre-compute Mp with a ray-tracer, in which both BRDF and
BTDF are evaluated at each surface point to account for the fact
that leaves are translucent. The exit radiance at a surface point p for
the given view direction vp, e(p,vp), is computed as a dot product
e(p,vp) = b(vp)lT (p), where b(vp) is a view-dependent BRDFBTDF
Our source lighting vector l = S +E, where S is the sunlight
and E is the low-frequency environment light. Since Mp is a linear
operator, the exit radiance is
e(p,vp) = b(vp)ST (p)+b(vp)ET (p), (8)
where ST (p) = MpS and ET (p) = MpE. In order to capture highfrequency
details of the soft shadows cast by the sun, we decompose
the transferred sunlight radiance ST (p) into a direct component
d (p) and an indirect component ST
i (p). ST
d (p) consists of all
sunlight illumination at p that comes directly from the sun. ST
i (p)
includes of all indirect sunlight illumination at p through transmissions
and inter-reflections. Thus Eq. (8) becomes
e(p,vp) = b(vp)ST
d (p)+b(vp)ST
i (p)+b(vp)ET (p)
= b(vp)ST
d (p)+b(vp)(ST
i (p)+ET (p)). (9)
We shall discuss the first term shortly. For the second term, we obtain
i (p)+ET (p) using PRT, with the modification that we only
record the indirect component of the transferred sunlight radiance.
This modification is straightforward because the transfer operator
Mp is pre-computed with a ray tracer, and the direct illumination is
simply the first light bounce. Since PRT projects Mp, S, and E onto
a low-order spherical harmonics basis, we only get low-frequency
visual effects for the second term in Eq. (9). This is not an issue
for E which is assumed to be of low-frequency. For the sunlight S,
the limitation of PRT implies that inter-reflections involving S are
captured only at low-frequencies.
-80 -40 0 40 80
Ground Truth
Our Method
(a) (b)
Figure 4: BRDF approximation inside the solid angle subtended by
the sun. (a) At point P, we compare the rendering results with and
without the approximation for a variety of sunlight directions. (b)
The intensity comparison at P. The ground truth is generated by
ray tracing.
Now we examine the first term in Eq. (9). We wish to compute
d (p) directly without involving low-order spherical harmonics
basis and thus avoid the loss of high-frequency visual effects. By
d (p) =

fr(s,vp)Sd (s)V(p, s) sz ds,
where fr(s,vp) is the BRDF, Sd(s) is the sunlight as a function of
the light direction s, V(p, s) is the visibility function of the sun at p,
sz is the “cosine factor” (z-component of s), and Ω is the hemisphere
of light directions. For general incident lighting, the integral in the
above expression is quite expensive to evaluate. For the special case
of sunlight, we can quickly calculate this integral by pre-computing
the light-visibility convolution at all vertices in the scene.
Light-Visibility Convolution: We model the sun as an area light
source of the shape of a circular disk. Let Ω0 be the solid angle
extended by the sun disk and s0 be the sunlight direction. Sd (s) is
non-zero only inside Ω0. Since the sun is far away, Ω0 is very small
and we have
d (p) =

fr(s,vp)Sd(s)V(p, s) sz ds
≈ fr(s0,vp)Vs0(p), (10)
Vs0 (p) =

Sd(s)V(p, s) sz ds (11)
is called the light-visibility convolution (LVC) at p. Vs0(p) is essentially
a shadow factor that accounts for the illumination at p by an
area source. In Eq. (10) we approximately regard the BRDF as constant
inside the solid angle Ω0 extended by the sun disk. We found
that this is a fairly accurate approximation, as Fig. 4 demonstrates.
For a given sunlight direction s0, the light visibility map Vs0 consists
of the LVC values Vs0 (p) of all vertices p in the scene. Fig. 5
shows computation of the light visibility map. The most important
fact about the light visibility maps is that they can be pre-computed.
With Vs0 (p) available, we can quickly evaluate b(vp)ST
d (p) at runtime
accordingly to Eq. (8). Here we take advantage of our parametric
BRDF model, which is compact and can be loaded into the
GPU for fast calculations.
To pre-compute all light visibility maps, we first calculate the
LVC value Vs0 (p) at all vertices p for all sunlight directions s0.
Then we rebin the LVC data for each sunlight direction s0 to obtain
the corresponding light visibility map Vs0 . For a given vertex p
Mesh Visi. map V(p,s) Sun light Sd(s)
= LVC Vs(p)
Figure 5: Computing the light-visibility convolution at point p with
the sun visibility V(p, s) and the sun mask Sd(s).
and sunlight direction s0, the evaluation of Vs0 (p) may be thought
of as a ray casting process: a set of rays are cast from p to the sun
disk and for each ray, the contribution to the light-visibility convolution
integral is calculated using Sd (s) and the sun visibility at p.
The final value of the integral is the sum of contributions of all cast
Because the evaluation of Vs0(p) is part of the pre-processing
step, we can afford to use more expensive techniques without worrying
about our system’s run-time performance. Nevertheless, there
is an efficient way to compute Vs0 (p) for all sunlight directions s0.
With a cube map placed around p, we can render the scene onto the
cube map using graphics hardware, producing in effect the values
of Sd (s)V(p, s)sz at all cube map pixels. Then for every sunlight
direction s0, we obtain the light-visibility convolution integral as
the pixelwise dot-product of the cube map with the sun mask corresponding
to s0.
Compression: The collection of light visibility maps of all sunlight
directions is fairly large and needs compression for efficient
processing. For a 32×32×6 environment map and a scene with
100k vertices, the collection of all light visibility maps takes about
600 MB (each pixel of a light visibility map takes a byte). Fortunately,
to render a given frame we only need to uncompress a single
light visibility map, since the sunlight direction is fixed per frame.
A light visibility map is small (100 KB in the above example) and
can be decoded quickly. We uncompress the light visibility map
on the CPU and upload the result onto the GPU as vertex attributes.
For compression, we apply run-length encoding (RLE) to each light
visibility map. RLE is a lossless scheme that preserves image quality
and supports real-time rendering. For the above example, RLE
compresses the 600 MB of light visibility data down to 100 MB.
Other compression schemes of course could be used to improve the
compression ratio.
Rebinning the LVC values for each sunlight direction is important
for compression. If the LVC values were rebinned for every
vertex, we would have to randomly access these data when rendering
each frame. In that case, data coding and decoding becomes
difficult due to the random access.
Level of Detail: To accelerate our PRT rendering pass, we construct
a discrete geometry LOD for each leaf mesh and derive radiance
transfer matrices for all LOD meshes. Specifically, we first
pre-compute the radiance transfer matrices at the finest-level mesh
vertices. Then we derive the radiance transfer matrices at coarselevel
mesh vertices using a simple averaging scheme with Gaussian
weights. Let p be a vertex on the coarse mesh. The transfer matrix
at p is a weighted sum of the transfer matrices of vertices of the
finest mesh (that is, only those vertices within a given radius r from
p within the surface, rather than the spherical, neighborhood.) Once
this LOD hierarchy is constructed for PRT, rendering is straightforward:
we need only to determine the current mesh LOD level for
each vertex, and then compute the radiance transfer from the corresponding
adjacent PRT LODs.
Discussion: Instead of pre-computing and storing the LVC values
at all vertices and for all sunlight directions, we could try to cast soft
shadows on-the-fly using a shadow algorithm. However, it is hard to
compute soft shadows for a large leaf assembly because it tends to
generate complicated self-occlusions. For example, in a leaf assem1
2 3
Figure 6: The user interface for editing leaf appearance.
bly, a leaf is often simultaneously a receiver and an occluder, which
makes it impossible to use convolution shadow textures [Soler and
Sillion 1998]. With a large number of leaves, shadow volume techniques
including [Assarsson and Akenine-M´oller 2003] would suffer
impractically heavy fill rates. “Smoothies” is a fast soft shadow
technique that seems applicable to leaves, however, the geometrically
approximate shadows could cause disruptive artifacts, particularly
in close-up views [Chan and Durand 2003].
Although we developed our two-pass algorithm with sunlight in
mind, our approach is applicable to the rendering of other types of
scenes illuminated by an environment map as well as several small
area light sources. There is no restriction on the shapes of the area
light sources, but they must be small enough for the constant BRDF
approximation to be sufficiently accurate.
5 Results
We implemented our system in OpenGL on a PC with a 2.8 GHz
Pentium IV processor and an ATI Radeon 9800Pro graphics card.
We also built an LLS device following [Gardner et al. 2003]. In
this section we report rendering results using leaf reflectance and
transmittance data acquired with our LLS device.
Figure 7: Appearance editing examples. Top row shows the results
of changing leaf thickness, and the thicker leaf is shown on the
left. The bottom row shows the results of changing the absorption
coefficient σa.
Leaf Model and Appearance Editing: A leaf model consists of
two pairs of BRDFs and BTDFs: one pair for the top surface of
the leaf slab and the other for the bottom. For each BTDF, we
store the thickness detail map δ (x). For each BRDF, we store three
maps: the albedo map γ (x), the specular intensity map ρs(x), and
the specular roughness map m(x). These four maps are stored as
two RGBA textures of resolution 720×540. One texture contains
γ (x) in its RGB channels and δ (x) in the alpha channel. The other
texture contains ρs(x) in its RGB channels and m(x) in the alpha
channel. In total a leaf model is stored as four RGBA textures.
Fig. 6 shows a simple user interface for editing leaf appearance.
The bottom panel (Panel #1) exhibits the parameter maps
such as the albedo maps, the specular intensity maps, and the specular
roughness maps for the top and bottom leaf surfaces. The top
right panel (Panel #3) controls the subsurface scattering parameters
including the leaf thickness and the RGB channels of the absorption
and scattering coefficients. The editing result is interactively
displayed in the middle window (Window #2) to give the user immediate
feedback. Fig. 7 shows examples of leaf appearance editing.
Appendix B in the conference DVD provides additional editing
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8: Rendering quality comparison. (a) The result by PRT. (b)
Our result. (c) The ground truth as rendered by ray tracing.
Rendering: Fig. 8 compares the rendering quality of our system
with PRT and the ground truth generated by ray tracing. Our result
compares favorably with the ground truth. As expected, highfrequency
details of shadows are lost in the PRT result but they are
well captured by our system.
Fig. 1 and Fig. 10 show images with a variety of different leaves
that were modeled and rendered with our system. Notice the soft
edge of the elm leaves is well captured, which would be difficult to
do using previous approaches. Table 1 provides detailed information
for Fig. 1 and Fig. 10. The rendering resolution is 800×600.
The “SH data” column provides for each model the number of
mesh vertices and the size of spherical harmonics data in megabytes
(MB). This data is used for the PRT rendering pass, in which we
use fifth order spherical harmonics with 25 coefficients. The “LVC
data” column provides for each model the number of mesh vertices
and the size of the light-visibility convolution data. Since spherical
harmonics data only contains low-frequency information, a relatively
sparse sampling is sufficient. For the all-frequency LVC data,
a higher sampling density is required.
Model SH data LVC data Fps
# vertices size (MB) # vertices size (MB)
Balata 3799 9.3 33767 50.6 41.2
Omoto 2778 7.4 59770 69.6 38.5
Pelargonium 3927 10.4 58169 60.1 40.8
Alpinia 2978 8.0 43154 65.9 45.9
Prunus 2534 6.8 43126 55.8 37.2
Elm 3827 9.4 44687 59.8 41.8
Table 1: Rendering performance statistics for Fig. 1 and Fig. 10.
The rendering speeds are reported in the “fps” column. The precomputation
time for each of these examples is about 15 minutes.
Fig. 11 shows the rendering results of a balata tree with over
500k vertices. For such a large model, our system achieves renders
at about 10 fps.
Fig. 9 compares our method with the all-frequency shadow technique
[Ng et al. 2003]. The image qualities of the two approaches
are comparable; the main difference is in rendering speeds. For dynamic
viewpoint and dynamic lighting, our method achieves over
35 fps. For glossy surfaces such as leaf surfaces, an all-frequency
approach with dynamic viewpoint is not currently available. For
this reason, the all-frequency approach with fixed viewpoint (called
“image relighting” in [Ng et al. 2003]) is used and it runs at the
speed of about 5 fps. In image relighting, a 32×32×6 environment
map is used and about 1000 wavelet coefficients are retained
(16%). The visibility value is quantized to 1 byte. The compression
ratio is about 6.25. The image size is 800×600.
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Quality comparison with the all-frequency approach. (a)
Result by the all-frequency approach. (b) Our result.
6 Summary and Discussion
We have presented a framework for real-time rendering of plant
leaves with global illumination effects. A key component of our
framework is a parametric leaf model that is both sophisticated
enough to incorporate subsurface scattering and rough surface scattering
and compact enough to support real-time rendering. Our leaf
model can be captured from real leaves, which makes it easy to
create highly realistic leaf appearance models. Another important
component of our framework is a two-pass algorithm that renders
global illumination effects without loosing high-frequency details
of shadows. We have demonstrated our framework by rendering a
variety of plant leaves.
Our system suggests several interesting areas for future work.
The geometric modeling of leaf structures is an active area in computer
graphics. An attractive area for future work might involve
combining our appearance modeling technique with a more elaborate
geometric model. Our leaf model does not consider small
features such as hairs on leaves [Fuhrer et al. 2004]. This is a
topic that merits much additional research. Finally, our framework
is aimed at the rendering of leaves from broadleaf plants. In the
future, we would like to develop an approach for rendering other
types of leaves, such as those from conifers.
Our work demonstrates that when measured data is available, it
can lead to significantly simpler appearance models, without compromising
the quality – indeed, in this case, substantially enhancing
the speed and quality – of the rendered results. Moreover, there is a
difference between the model required to predict the details of how
light interacts with a material and the model needed to describe
that interaction. That is, there is no need to model the interior of a
material in order to predict an appearance that can be captured via
measurement. This is a new way to think about appearance modeling
of leaves and other thin objects, which differs from conventional
thinking and practice. However, we demonstrate that this approach
is both viable and promising.
While there has been extensive recent work in computer graphics
in the areas of capture and real-time rendering, these two areas have
to large extent developed in isolation from one another. In developing
a complete, end-to-end system, we demonstrate that there is
great benefit in establishing a relationship between these two seemingly
disparite problems: what is captured and how it is stored can
be coupled directly to the rendering algorithm, thereby yielding efficient,
high-fidelity rendering of materials with very complex appearances.
Last, in computer graphics, the rendered results, as perceived
by the viewer, are ultimately what count. Raw, measured data, on
the other hand, can lead to results that are far from what the user
desires. One of they key challenges in appearance modeling is determining
and providing the appropriate handles, such that a user
can achieve the desired results. The ability to edit select aspects of
appearance data is crucial in this regard. The leaf model presented
in this paper is an example of a model that provides intuitive control
parameters. An exciting area for future work is the development of
comparable models for a broader classes of materials.
Figure 10: Rendering results of clusters of elm and balata leaves.
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank Jiaping Wang
and Andrew Gardner for their help in building LLS device. Many
thanks to Zhunping Zhang for implementing the initial system for
leaf appearance editing and to Steve Lin for his help in video production.
We also want to thank Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and
Xin Tong for useful discussions. The geometry models of leaves
and branches were made by Mingdong Xie. We are grateful to the
anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and comments.
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