# 需要导入模块: import mpmath [as 别名]
# 或者: from mpmath import matrix [as 别名]
def traverseTheHierarchy(self, startingStructureName=None, delegateFunction = None,
transformPath = [], rotateAngle = 0, transFlags = (0,0,0), coordinates = (0,0)):
#since this is a recursive function, must deal with the default
#parameters explicitly
if startingStructureName == None:
startingStructureName = self.rootStructureName
#set up the rotation matrix
if(rotateAngle == None or rotateAngle == ""):
rotateAngle = 0
rotateAngle = math.radians(float(rotateAngle))
mRotate = mpmath.matrix([[math.cos(rotateAngle),-math.sin(rotateAngle),0.0],
#set up the translation matrix
translateX = float(coordinates[0])
translateY = float(coordinates[1])
mTranslate = mpmath.matrix([[1.0,0.0,translateX],[0.0,1.0,translateY],[0.0,0.0,1.0]])
#set up the scale matrix (handles mirror X)
scaleX = 1.0
scaleY = -1.0
scaleY = 1.0
mScale = mpmath.matrix([[scaleX,0.0,0.0],[0.0,scaleY,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0]])
#we need to keep track of all transforms in the hierarchy
#when we add an element to the xy tree, we apply all transforms from the bottom up
transformPath += [(mRotate,mScale,mTranslate)]
if delegateFunction != None:
delegateFunction(startingStructureName, transformPath)
#starting with a particular structure, we will recursively traverse the tree
#********might have to set the recursion level deeper for big layouts!
if(len(self.structures[startingStructureName].srefs)>0): #does this structure reference any others?
#if so, go through each and call this function again
#if not, return back to the caller (caller can be this function)
for sref in self.structures[startingStructureName].srefs:
#here, we are going to modify the sref coordinates based on the parent objects rotation
# if (sref.sName.count("via") == 0):
self.traverseTheHierarchy(startingStructureName = sref.sName,
delegateFunction = delegateFunction,
transformPath = transformPath,
rotateAngle = sref.rotateAngle,
transFlags = sref.transFlags,
coordinates = sref.coordinates)
# else:
# print "WARNING: via encountered, ignoring:", sref.sName
#when we return, drop the last transform from the transformPath
del transformPath[-1]