wget https://files.molo.ch/builds/centos-7/moloch-1.5.2-1.x86_64.rpm
1.2 安装(按提示操作)
rpm -ivh moloch-1.5.2-1.x86_64.rpm
Instructions for using the prebuilt Moloch packages.
Please report any bugs or feature requests by opening an issue at https://github.com/aol/moloch/issues
Basic Moloch Installation steps:
1) Download a Moloch build for 64bit Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Centos 6, or Centos 7 from http://molo.ch/index.html#downloads
2) Install package
3) Configure basic moloch items by running the Configure script (this needs to be done only once)
4) The Configure script can install elasticsearch for you or you can install yourself
/sbin/start elasticsearch # for upstart/Centos 6/Ubuntu 14.04
systemctl start elasticsearch.service # for systemd/Centos 7/Ubuntu 16.04
5) Initialize/Upgrade Elasticsearch Moloch configuration
a) If this is the first install, or want to delete all data
/data/moloch/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 init
b) If this is an update to moloch package
/data/moloch/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 upgrade
6) Add an admin user if a new install or after an init
/data/moloch/bin/moloch_add_user.sh admin "Admin User" THEPASSWORD --admin
7) Start everything
a) If using upstart (Centos 6 or sometimes Ubuntu 14.04):
/sbin/start molochcapture
/sbin/start molochviewer
b) If using systemd (Centos 7 or Ubuntu 16.04 or sometimes Ubuntu 14.04)
systemctl start molochcapture.service
systemctl start molochviewer.service
8) Look at log files for errors
9) Visit http://MOLOCHHOST:8005 with your favorite browser.
user: admin
password: THEPASSWORD from step #6
Any configuration changes can be made to /data/moloch/etc/config.ini
See https://github.com/aol/moloch/wiki/FAQ#moloch-is-not-working for issues
Additional information can be found at:
* https://github.com/aol/moloch/wiki/FAQ
* https://github.com/aol/moloch/wiki/Settings
# 优化es
[root@moloch elasticsearch]# vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
# Xms represents the initial size of total heap space
# Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space
#抓包经常会把硬盘用完,当硬盘使用空间到80% es 就开始报警 ,直接把报警关掉的。
[root@moloch elasticsearch]# vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: false
# 关于pcap的数据包 我是使用moloch来控制删除
[root@moloch ~]# vim /data/moloch/etc/config.ini
# Delete pcap files when free space is lower then this in gigabytes OR it can be
# expressed as a percentage (ex: 5%). This does NOT delete the session records in
# the database. It is recommended this value is between 5% and 10% of the disk.
# Database deletes are done by the db.pl expire script
freeSpaceG = 5%
# es使用moloch自带的脚本来控制删除
[root@moloch db]# vi /data/moloch/db/daily.sh
# This script is only needed for Moloch deployments that monitor live traffic.
# It drops the old index and optimizes yesterdays index.
# It should be run once a day during non peak time.
/data/moloch/db/db.pl $ESHOSTPORT expire daily $RETAINNUMDAYS
# 在做个定时任务
[root@moloch ~]# crontab -e01 04 * * * /data/moloch/db/daily.sh >> /data/moloch/logs/daily.log 2>&1
# MOST IMPORTANT, use basic magicMode, libfile kills performance
# pfring/snf might be better
# Increase by 1 if still getting Input Drops
# Defaults
pcapWriteSize = 2560000
# Start with 5 packet threads, increase by 1 if getting thread drops
# Set to number of packets a second
maxPacketsInQueue = 200000