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新概念系列之《Part1 Lesson 141 Sally's first train ride》


excited adj 兴奋的
exciting adj 使人兴奋的,刺激的
An exciting book
get on
1.登上 (train, bus, plane) 骑上 (bike, horse) 反义词: get off
Get in 上小汽车 反义词: get out of
Eg: I am afraid I didn’t get on very well in the exam.
3.把… 穿上,盖上
Get your coat on
Get off 脱下,取下,拿开

middle-aged 中年的

uglier 比较级 ugliest最高级

amused amuse 使开心
amusing 令人发笑的
Nothing amuses his after his girlfriend was dead.

embarrassed 尴尬的 embarrass 使尴尬
embarrassing 令人尴尬的

kindly 和蔼的
方式副词 修饰动词

curiously 好奇地 方式副词

powder 香粉 washing powder 洗衣粉 baby powder 爽身粉

compact 带镜的化装粉

opposite adj 相反的,对立的 opposite sex 异性
Eg: The store is opposite the station.

smile 笑容 give me a smile 给我个笑容
sb be all smiles 笑容满面
sb be all tears 泪流满面

funny adj 可笑的,滑稽的
Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party. I decided to take her by train.
decided to do sth. 决定做某事 I decided to take her by train
Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.
had +V-ed 过去完成时 (过去的过去)
She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.
定语从句she saw 修饰 everthing
everthing (that)she saw
Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. ‘Hello, little girl,’ she said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.
be dressed in 穿着..衣服
After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact. She then began to make up her face.‘Why are you doing that?’Sally asked.‘To make myself beautiful,’the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly. ‘But you are still ugly,’Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!

