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turn over/turn around/turn up等动词词组


本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day7 Week 3”,撒花/撒花,今天是最后一天!


translate from/into 翻译;转变为

  • If something said or written is translated from one language into another,It is said or written again in the second language.
  • If one thing is translated into another,the second happens or is done as result of the first.

treat to 款待

  • If you treat someone to something special which they will enjoy,you but it or arrange it for them.

treat with (用某种物质)处理

  • If something is treated with a particular substance,the substance is put onto or into it in order to clean it,to protect it,or to give it special properties.

trust to 信赖

  • If you trust someone to do something,you believe that they will do it.

trust with 托付

  • If you trust someonee with something important or valuable,you allow them to look after it or deal with it.

try on 试穿

  • If you try on a piece of clothing,you put it on to see if it fits you or if it looks nice.

try out 测试(性能)

  • If you try something out,you test it in order to find out how useful or effective it is or what it is like.

turn away(from) 拒之门外;不再使用

  • If you turn someone away,you do not allow them to enter your country,home,or other place.
  • To turn away from something such as a method or an idea means to stop using it or to become different from it.

turn back 往回走;回头

  • If you turn back of if someone turns you back when you are going somewhere,you change direction and go toward where you started from.
  • If you cannot turn back,you cannot change your plans and decide not to do something,because the action you have already taken makes it impossible.

turn down 拒绝;调低(音量或热度)

  • If you turn down a person or their request or offer,you refuse their request or offer.
  • =When you turn down a radio,heater,or other piece of equipment,you reduce the amount of sound or heat being produced,by adjusting the controls.

turn off 关掉;对…失去兴趣

  • When you turn off a piece of equipment or a supply of something,you stop heat,sound,or water from being produced by adjusting the controls.
  • If something turns you off a particular subject or activity,it makes you have no interest in it.

turn on 打开

  • When you turn on a piece of equipment or a supply of something,you cause heat,sound,or water to be produced by adjusting the controls.

turn out 结果为;被发现是;关掉

  • If something turns out a particular way,it happens in that way or has the result or degree of success indicated.
  • If something turns out to be a particular thing,it is discovered to be that thing.
  • When you turn out something such as a light,you move the switch or knob that controls it so that it stops giving out light or heat.

turn over 翻转;翻身;仔细考虑;移交

  • If you turn something over,or if it turns over,it is moved so that the top part is now facing downward.
  • If you turn over,for example,when you are lying in bed,you move your body so that you are lying in a different position.
  • If you turn something over in your mind,you think carefully about it.
  • If you turn something over to someone,you give it to them when they ask for it,because they have a right to it.

turn around 调转方向;(生意或经济)好转

  • If you turn something around,or if it turns around,it is moved so that it faces the opposite direction.
  • If something such as a business or economy turns around,or if someone turns it around,it becomes successful,after being unsuccessful for a period of time.

turn up (意外或终于) 出现;找到,发现;调高(音量或热度)

  • If you say that someone or something turns up,you mean that they arrive unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time.
  • If you turn something up or if it turns up,you find ,discover,or notice it.
  • When you turn up a radio,heater ,or other piece of equipment,you increase the amount of sound,heat,or power being produced,by adjusting the controls .

use up 耗尽,用光

  • If you use something up,you consume it completely.

wait for 等候

  • When you wait for something or someone,you spend some time doing very little,because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives.

warm up 加热,变暖;热身,预备;(机器或引擎)预热

  • If you warm something up or if it warms up,it gets hotter.
  • If you warm up for an event such as a race,you prepare yourself for it by doing exercises or by practicing just before it starts.
  • When a machine or engine warms up or someone warms it up,it becomes ready for use a little while after being switched on or started.

work out 找到(解决办法);计算;进展顺利;锻炼

  • If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery,you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it.
  • If you work out the answer to a mathematical problem,you calculate it.
  • If a situation works out,it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way.
  • If you work out,you do physical exercises in order to make your body fit and strong.



work out找到(解决办法);计算;进展顺利;锻炼
use up耗尽,用光
warm up加热,变暖;热身,预备;(机器或引擎)预热
trust with托付
turn away(from)拒之门外;不再使用
try out测试(性能)
turn back往回走;回头
turn off关掉;对…失去兴趣
translate from/into翻译;转变为
turn over翻转;翻身;仔细考虑;移交
treat with(用某种物质)处理
try on试穿
turn on打开
treat to款待
wait for等候
trust to信赖
turn around调转方向;(生意或经济)好转
turn out结果为;被发现是;关掉
turn up(意外或终于) 出现;找到,发现;调高(音量或热度)
turn down拒绝;调低(音量或热度)



  1. We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bother to ___ .
  2. I was positive that things were going to ___ fine.
  3. Please ___ the lights when you go out of the room.
  4. You should ___ the wound ___ a medicated spray.
  5. A doctor cannot ___ a dying man in any circumstance.
  6. Tomorrow I’ll ___ myself ___ a whole day’s gardening.
  7. I should prefer you to __ me at the bus stop.
  8. You ought to ___ that radio before you decide to buy it.
  9. In winter,he blew on his hands in order to ___ them ____.
  10. In his career,Horton strove to ___ two entire companies.
  11. Don’t ___ the lamp,because we can see in the firelight.
  12. He couldn’t ____ the equation,so his sister helped him out.
  13. A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to ___.
  14. Do you think in Enlish or ____ mentally ___ your own language?
  15. I don’t advise you to ____ him ___ valuable things.
  16. Remember to ___ the shoes before you buy them.
  17. You should not touch the film winder before you ___ all the film.
  18. Nobody can wishfully ___ the wheel of history.
  19. Don’t forget to ___ the gas for another hour,or the dish will be overcooked.
  20. Can you find me a servant whom I can ___ do the work While I am away from home?


  1. turn up
  2. turn out
  3. turn off
  4. treat with
  5. turn away
  6. treat to
  7. wait for
  8. try out
  9. warm up
  10. turn around
  11. turn on
  12. work out
  13. turn over
  14. translate from
  15. trust with
  16. try on
  17. use up
  18. turn back
  19. turn down
  20. trust to

博主上一篇博文(day6 week3):

trade for/trade with/train for等动词词组
