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CentOS 5.X 安装 GForge ,安装 postgresql (gforge安装)



在做下面动作之前我的subversion 已经安装完毕,网上有很多关于这方面的教程我就不说了,我也是参考网上教程弄的,你们自己查吧。


[root@server ~]# wget http://gforge.org/download/install-gforge-as-571-src.zip
[root@server ~]# unzip install-gforge-as-571-src.zip
[root@server ~]# cd gforge-as-571-src
[root@server gforge-as-571-src] yum install php*
[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# yum install -y postgresql-server postgresql svn wget poppler-utils wv php-pgsql php-gd php-ldap php-xml php-mbstring
[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# php check-deps.php
-=# Welcome to GForge DB-Installer v5.0 #=-
-=# GForge Dependencies Checker #=-

Checking PHP version... Ok (5.1.6)
Checking... cvs
Checking... psql
Checking... svn
Checking... ssh
Checking... wget
Checking... pdftotext
Checking... wvText
Checking... apache
Checking PHP support for... PostgreSQL
Checking PHP support for... GD
Checking PHP support for... LDAP
Checking PHP support for... MultiByte
Checking classes... DOMDocument

All dependencies seem to be installed
Starting postgresql service:                               [  OK  ]

[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# php install-gforge-1-deps.php CENTOS5

-=# Welcome to GForge Pre-Installer v5.0 #=-
Do you want to perform an (I)nitial installation or an (U)pgrade of the system [I/u]?
[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# php install-gforge-2-db.php
[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# php install-gforge-3.php CENTOS5
[root@server gforge-as-571-src]# crontab crontab.in

说明 :1.如果出现 postgresql 无法启动 可以编辑一下 他的配置文件 可能是默认端口没有开启

             2.如果出现  “ERROR : Could not find tsearch2.sql file”    查看http://blog.csdn.net/youngqj/article/details/7373141

How to Fix “ERROR : Could not find tsearch2.sql file” While Starting the PostgreSQL Database

I would like to share with you the simple step to fix below error when trying to start or configuring the postgresql database. This was tested on CentOS 5.5 x86_64 bit.

ERROR : Could not find tsearch2.sql file


  1. yum install postgresql-contrib  



              上传到服务器,然后修改 /etc/php.ini  增加如下代码:


ionCube Loader]

如果PHP加载了Zend Guard 模块 那么要放在该模块上面,比如我的(不需要复制下面代码)

[ionCube Loader]

[Zend Guard]

重新启动 apache









# unzip install-gforge-as-561-src.zip

# cd gforge-as-561-src

# more INSTALL 查看安装说明。


# yum install php

# php install-gforge-1-deps.php CENTOS5(可支持以下的操作系统:[FC4|FC5|RHEL4|RHEL5|DEBIANETCH|UBUNTU6|UBUNTU7|UBUNTU9|CENTOS43|CENTOS5])


-=# Welcome to GForge Pre-Installer v5.0 #=-
Do you want to perform an (I)nitial installation or an (U)pgrade of the system [I/u]?

提示选择安装还是升级程序,输入 I




Database Name gforge5
Database Username  gforge

Database Password  <your password>



 * Creating 'gforge' Group...
 * Creating 'gforge' User...
 * Creating Database User 'gforge'...

 * Dumping GForge FTI DB
WARNING:  changing return type of function update_vectors from "opaque" to "trigger"

* Enter the Admin Username (gforgeadmin):gforgeadmin    //gforge系统管理员用户名

* Enter the Site Admin Password:  <your password>    //gforge系统管理员密码

Enter the Apache group (apache): apache       //apache 用户组

Enter the Apache username (apache):apache      //apache 用户
Enter the Hostname for GForge (example: gforge5.company.com):   //gforge服务器域名

 Enter the Name for your GForge Install (example: MyGForge):MyGForge   //gforge名称

Be sure to read README.PERFORMANCE !
GForge5 has been successfully installed and configured.




The ioncube-encoded version of GForge AS can be sped up significantly
by pre-loading the ioncube loaders. This can increase performance by
up to 50-75% and is noticeable on slower or busy servers. To do this,
go to the ioncube directory in gforge5 like this:

cd /opt/gforge5/ioncube

And run the loader-helper script.

php ioncube-loader-helper.php

Type 1 to get the instructions for the line that you need to be placed
into your php.ini. Place the line as directed and restart apache.

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Usually, adding a line like this to your php.ini will be correct, but
verify using the script above:

zend_extension = /opt/gforge5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so


Q: GForge AS Seems slow, what can I do?

A: GForge AS is written almost entirely in object-oriented code and
requires a fairly decent CPU to rip through it quickly and generate

1) If you are on a vmware server, make sure the CPU of the base
server is not saturated. If there are too many interrupts and/or
the CPU is saturated, it will take longer to serve up the complex
pages for GForge.

2) Use the installer to install gforge on a real machine and be
sure to follow the README.PERFORMANCE document in the doc root. Any
reasonably modern server should easily handle GForge when it's
installed directly on the server instead of in a vmware image.

3) Make sure enough memory is allocated to your system. If you're
running vmware, make sure the guaranteed memory is at least 768MB
or some swapping can occur and that will really kill performance.

4) If you're running an older vmware server product, the
downloadable vmware image may not perform well in compatibility
mode. You'll probably want to create a new vm on your server with
centos5 and use the GForge installer.



# cd /opt/gforge5/ioncube

# php ioncube-loader-helper.php

提示后选1 ,看到如下信息

ionCube Loader Install Assistant

Analysis of your system configuration shows:

| PHP Version      | 5.1.6                     |
| Operating System | Linux                     |
| Threaded PHP     | No                        |
| php.ini file     | /etc/php.ini              |
| Required Loader  | ioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so |

To install the Loader in your php.ini file, edit or create the file


and add the following line before any other zend_extension lines:

  zend_extension = /<path>/ioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so

where /<path>/ is where you've installed the loader, e.g. /usr/local/ioncube/

If there are no zend_extension lines already, you can put the
line at any point in the file.

Finally, stop and restart your web server software for the changes to
take effect.

Installing the Loader for run-time loading

To install for runtime loading, create a directory called ioncube
at or above the top level of your encoded files, and ensure that the directory
contains the ioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so loader. If run-time install of
the Loader is possible on your system then encoded files should automatically
install the loader when needed.
由红色部分内容可知 php.ini 需要添加:

# vim /etc/php.ini

如果存在zend_extension ='……',在前面添加zend_extension = /opt/gforge5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.1.so,否则在最后添加此句。



# /etc/init.d/httpd restart






