PortAudio是一个免费的、跨平台的、开放源码的音频I/O库。它可以让你用C或C++来编译并在多种平台能够运行的简单音频程序,包括Windows、Macintosh OS X和UNIX(OSS / ALSA)。它旨在促进不同平台上开发人员之间的音频软件融合。许多应用程序已经使用PortAudio库进行音频I/O处理。
PortAudio provides a very simple API for recording and/or playing sound using a simple callback function or a blocking read/write interface. Example programs are included that play sine waves, process audio input (guitar fuzz), record and playback audio, list available audio devices, etc.
The Portaudio Wiki is maintained by the community of PortAudio developers. It has the most up-to-date information and is recommended as a starting point for exploring PortAudio. PortAudio developers and users keep in touch on the PortAudio mailing list. Please feel free to join.