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OpenRTMFP/Cumulus Primer(1)入门介绍与部署CumulusServer

  • 作者:柳大·Poechant
  • 博客:Blog.csdn.net/poechant
  • 邮箱:zhongchao.ustc@gmail.com
  • 日期:April 10th, 2012

1 背景介绍

OpenRTMFP 可以帮助你实现 Flash 的实时应用的高并发扩展,OpenRTMFP/Cumulus 是基于 GNU General Public License 的。

  • OpenRTMFP: Real Time Media Flow Protocol
  • POCO: POrtable COmponents,是一个强大的开源 C++ 库。其在 C++ 开发中的角色,相当于 Java Class Library、苹果的 Cocoa、.NET framework。

2 准备工作


External DependenciesOfficial SiteWindowsLinux/OSX
OpenSSLOfficial SiteDownloadDownload
LuaOfficial SiteDownloadDownload
POCOOfficial SiteDownloadDownload


  • POCO for linux: 版本必须是 1.4.0 或更高,否则会引起 TCP 相关的 bug。

3 安装

3.1 外部依赖的安装

Windows 下略,Linux 下基本就是:

sudo make install


sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libpoco-dev  liblua5.1-0-dev

3.2 安装 OpenRTMFP/Cumulus

cd ../CumulusServer

如果出现了.h文件、lib 库找不到的情况,请修改 OpenRTMFP-Cumulus/CumulusLib/Makefile 或 OpenRTMFP-Cumulus/CumulusServer/Makefile。
1. 错误“./sources/Script.h:30:25: 错误:lua5.1/lua.h:没有那个文件或目录”

2. 编译成功,但运行时发生错误“error while loading shared libraries: libPocoFoundation.so.12”
解决办法:运行 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

4 配置

通过编写OpenRTMFP-Cumulus/CumulusServer/CumulusServer.ini文件来为 OpenRTMFP-Cumulus 进行个性化配置(默认是没有这个文件的),这个文件的内容形如:

port = 1985 
udpBufferSize = 114688
keepAlivePeer = 10
keepAliveServer = 15


  • 公开给 Client 的端口号:port, equals 1935 by default (RTMFP server default port), it’s the port used by CumulusServer to listen incoming RTMFP requests.
  • UDP 缓冲区字节数:udpBufferSize, allows to change the size in bytes of UDP reception and sending buffer. Increases this value if your operating system has a default value too lower for important loads.
  • keepAliveServer, time in seconds for periodically sending packets keep-alive with server, 15s by default (valid value is from 5s to 255s).
  • keepAlivePeer, time in seconds for periodically sending packets keep-alive between peers, 10s by default (valid value is from 5s to 255s).
  • edges.activated, activate or not the edges server on the RTMFP server (see CumulusEdge, Scalability page for more details about CumulusEdge). By default, CumulusServer stays a RTMFP server without edges ability (default value is false).
  • edges.port, port for the edges server, to accept incoming new CumulusEdge instances (see CumulusEdge, Scalability page for more details about CumulusEdge). By default, it’s the port 1936.

    Warning: This port will receive plain text request from edges, for this purpose it should not be made public. It’s very important for security consideration. It must be available only for CumulusEdge instances, and anything else.

  • edges.attemptsBeforeFallback, number of CumulusEdge attempt connections before falling back to CumulusServer (see CumulusEdge, Scalability page for more details about CumulusEdge). By default the value is 2 (in practical, 2 attempts happens after 5 sec approximately).
  • smtp.host, configure a SMTP host to use mails feature provided by Cumulus in server application (see Server Application, Sockets page for more details about mails feature). By default the value is localhost.
  • smtp.port, configure a SMTP port to use mails feature provided by Cumulus in server application (see Server Application, Sockets page for more details about mails feature). By default the value is 25.
  • smtp.timeout, configure a SMTP timeout session in seconds to use mails feature provided by Cumulus in server application (see Server Application, Sockets page for more details about mails feature). By default the value is 60 seconds.
  • 日志路径:logs.directory, directory where are written log files (CumulusServer/logs by default).
  • 日志文件名称:logs.name, name of log file (log by default).

5 启动

Windows 下的启动方法为:

CumulusServer.exe /registerService [/displayName=CumulusServer /description="Open Source RTMFP Server" /startup=automatic]

Unix-like 下的启动方法为:

sudo ./CumulusServer --daemon [--pidfile=/var/run/CumulusServer.pid]


sudo ./CumulusServer --daemon --pidfile=./CumulusServer.pid

6 基本使用

本地 Flash client 可以通过如下语句连接:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();



7 扩展 CumulusServer——Server Application

启动CumulusServer后,会在可执行文件的目录下出现一个www目录,该目录的作用,就是作为 Server Application 的默认根目录。具体的对应关系如下:

rtmfp://host:port/                   ->     [CumulusServer folder]/www/main.lua (root application)
rtmfp://host:port/myApplication      ->     [CumulusServer folder]/www/myApplication/main.lua
rtmfp://host:port/Games/myGame       ->     [CumulusServer folder]/www/Games/myGame/main.lua

另外要提醒的是,如果main.lua文件被修改,则不需要重启CumulusServer,因为 Server Application 的创建是一种动态的方式。

CumulusServer 的详细扩展方式会在下一篇文章中介绍。



