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c语言mallor使用方法,Avaluació de la percepció de la societat mallorquina sobre el valors ecològics i econò...



12 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. The perception of the Majorcan society of the ecological functions and services provided by Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds and their importance to the economy of the island was assessed by (1) the analysis of the cultural frameworks of the news related to this species published in the main daily Majorcan newspapers from October 2001 to August 2003, (2) a review of the actions performed by public and private institutions, and socio-economic and social groups of Mallorca with an interest and/or a mandate on the sustainable use of the marine environment, completed with interviews with representatives of those institutions and groups and, (3) 150 personal interviews performed to Majorcan residents and turists. P. oceanica was known only to the 37% of the persons interviewed, and less than half of these considered the ecological functions and services provided by this species essential. The public and private institutions, and socio-economic and social groups of Mallorca with an interest and/or a mandate on the sustainable use of the marine environment had an adequate knowledge about the ecological values and importance of this species to the economy of the island and considered acceptable the different actions and programs in support of P. oceanica conservation performed by them. However, these knowledge and efforts were not transferred to the Majorcan society, for only 10% of the persons interviewed could name any activity performed in support of the conservation of the marine environment of the island. The number of P. oceanica-related news published was low (74) and reflects the low knowledge of the Majorcan society has about this species. Results are discussed in the framework of the conservation and sustainable uses of this marine ecosystem of high ecological and economical value to Mallorca. Aquest estudi constitueix el projecte fi de carrera de la Llicenciatura en Ciències Ambientals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona de F.J. Medina Pons i fou relalitzat en el marc del project de recerca EVK3-CT-2000-00044 Monitoring and Managing of European Seagrass Beds finanat per la Comissió Europea. Peer reviewed

