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java canvas背景透明度_Java VLCJ画布和绘图ontop与透明背景(Java VLCJ canvas and drawing ontop with transparent backgr...


I have spent a bit of time researching about whether it is possible to draw on top of a VLCJ movie within a Java application. I have found a few bits of conflicting advice some saying it is not possible and some referencing articles which have moved on oracle.com.

Can someone clarify if it is or is not possible to draw java2d graphics like rectangles/lines which also have transparent backgrounds so the video stream underneath can be viewed whilst the shapes are present on screen?

If this is not possible with vlcj what would be a good alternative for a linux and windows compatible media player allowing for annotation over a playing video stream? Please note i do not have to be limited to java but something where i can get re-use out of developed drawing routines for multiple platforms would be ideal.
