composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
"bower-asset/fabric": "*"
并composer update在控制台中运行命令(在项目文件夹中)
composer update
Asset Pipeline 本文介绍 Asset Pipeline。 读完本文,你将学到: Asset Pipeline 是什么以及其作用; 如何合理组织程序的静态资源; Asset Pipeline 的优势; 如何向 Asset Pipeline 中添加预处理器; 如何在 gem 中打包静态资源; 1 Asset Pipeline 是什么? Asset Pipeline 提供了一个框架,用于连
Asset Packagist Composer + Bower + NPM = friends forever! This package is the core part of https://asset-packagist.org/ project. Asset Packagist allows installation of Bower and NPM packages as native
AspNet.Mvc.AssetVersioning Adds a UrlHelper.VersionedContent URL extension helper to append SHA256 hash to content URLs in ASP.NET MVC 5. Install Install-Package AspNet.Mvc.AssetVersioning Usage In Vi
NPM/Bower Dependency Manager for Composer The Composer Asset Plugin allows you to manage project assets (css, js, etc.) in your composer.jsonwithout installing NPM or Bower. This plugin works by trans
Ember Asset Loader Provides experimental support for the Asset Manifest RFC and Asset Loader Service RFC. Usage Ember Asset Loader does three primary things: Provides a base class to easily generate a
pwa-asset-generator ✨ Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration. Automatically generates icon and splash screen images, favicons and mstile images. Updates manifest.json and index.html file
Hexo 本地图片插件可以转换图片相对路径 为 asset_img,使用本插件即可实现 Typora 等 Markdown 编辑器预览与 Hexo 发布预览均能正常显示图片。 使用 npm install hexo-asset-img --save hexo-typora├── apppicker.jpg├── logo.png└── rules.jpghexo-typora.md Make su
Machine Learning in Asset Management Follow this link for SSRN paper. Sov.ai Research Lab (Sponsorship) Animated Investment Management Research at Sov.ai — Sponsoring open source AI, Machine learning,