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TorqueBox 2.3.1 发布,Ruby 应用平台




TorqueBox 2.3.1 发布了,这是一个小更新版本,修复了一些突出的 bug。


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  • [TORQUE-1012] - Eager loading for messaging is not working with ruby DSL and a shared pool
  • [TORQUE-1020] - rake torquebox:archive fails on Windows
  • [TORQUE-1028] - Session data is not available in Stomplets
  • [TORQUE-1029] - Memory leak in MessageProcessor with Rails development mode
  • [TORQUE-1031] - Web contexts should be normalized
  • [TORQUE-1036] - An app requiring an incremental configured with torquebox.rb crashes at deployment
  • [TORQUE-1037] - Update to JRuby 1.7.3
  • [TORQUE-1049] - Constant Foo not defined for Object errors when starting multiple services in Rails applications
  • [TORQUE-1055] - Improper use of StartContext.asynchronous() and .execute() can starve MSC threads
  • [TORQUE-1057] - Race condition in ScheduledJob can cause NPE on start
  • [TORQUE-1058] - Applications with multiple Services sometimes fail to boot
  • [TORQUE-1078] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during startup
  • [TORQUE-1081] - TorqueBox Stomp rack handler breaks on Ruby 1.9 because it does not follow the Rack spec