class AstNode VL_NOT_FINAL {
// v ASTNODE_PREFETCH depends on below ordering of members
AstNode* m_nextp = nullptr; // Next peer in the parent's list
AstNode* m_backp = nullptr; // Node that points to this one (via next/op1/op2/...)
AstNode* m_op1p = nullptr; // Generic pointer 1
AstNode* m_op2p = nullptr; // Generic pointer 2
AstNode* m_op3p = nullptr; // Generic pointer 3
AstNode* m_op4p = nullptr; // Generic pointer 4
AstNode** m_iterpp
= nullptr; // Pointer to node iterating on, change it if we replace this node.
const VNType m_type; // Node sub-type identifier
// ^ ASTNODE_PREFETCH depends on above ordering of members
// VNType is 2 bytes, so we can stick another 6 bytes after it to utilize what would
// otherwise be padding (on a 64-bit system). We stick the attribute flags, broken state,
// and the clone count here.
AstGenerate:对应的是一个generate block;
AstNode有一个重要特性type hierarchy(类型层次结构),即所有子类如果不是final,那么其必须是抽象类,并且类名前缀为AstNode*。astgen脚本就是基于此(后面会介绍)。
AstNode具有下一个(next)和前一个(previous) AST的概念,例如一个block中的next语句和previous语句。这类语句的AST指针可以通过back和next的方法获取。
class VNVisitor VL_NOT_FINAL : public VNDeleter {
friend class AstNode;
/// Call visit()s on nodep
void iterate(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on nodep
void iterateNull(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on nodep's children
void iterateChildren(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on nodep's children in backp() order
void iterateChildrenBackwards(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on const nodep's children
void iterateChildrenConst(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on nodep (maybe nullptr) and nodep's nextp() list
void iterateAndNextNull(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on const nodep (maybe nullptr) and nodep's nextp() list
void iterateAndNextConstNull(AstNode* nodep);
/// Call visit()s on const nodep (maybe nullptr) and nodep's nextp() list, in reverse order
void iterateAndNextConstNullBackwards(AstNode* nodep);
/// Return edited nodep; see comments in V3Ast.cpp
AstNode* iterateSubtreeReturnEdits(AstNode* nodep);
#include "V3Ast__gen_visitor.h" // From ./astgen
// Things like:
// virtual void visit(AstBreak* nodep) { visit((AstNodeStmt*)(nodep)); }
// virtual void visit(AstNodeStmt* nodep) { visit((AstNode*)(nodep)); }
class V3Graph VL_NOT_FINAL {
V3List<V3GraphVertex*> m_vertices; // All vertices
static int s_debug;
friend class V3GraphVertex;
friend class V3GraphEdge;
friend class GraphAcyc;
double orderDFSIterate(V3GraphVertex* vertexp);
void dumpEdge(std::ostream& os, V3GraphVertex* vertexp, V3GraphEdge* edgep);
void verticesUnlink() { m_vertices.reset(); }
static int debug();
virtual ~V3Graph();
static void debug(int level) { s_debug = level; }
virtual string dotRankDir() const { return "TB"; } // rankdir for dot plotting
void clear(); // Empty it of all vertices/edges, as if making a new object
void clearColors();
bool empty() const { return m_vertices.empty(); }
V3GraphVertex* verticesBeginp() const { return m_vertices.begin(); }
/// Assign same color to all vertices in the same weakly connected component
/// Thus different color if there's no edges between the two subgraphs
void weaklyConnected(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
/// Assign same color to all vertices that are strongly connected
/// Thus different color if there's no directional circuit within the subgraphs.
/// (I.E. all loops will occur within each color, not between them.)
void stronglyConnected(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
/// Assign a ordering number to all vertexes in a tree.
/// All nodes with no inputs will get rank 1
void rank(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
void rank();
/// Sort all vertices and edges using the V3GraphVertex::sortCmp() function
void sortVertices();
/// Sort all edges and edges using the V3GraphEdge::sortCmp() function
void sortEdges();
/// Order all vertices by rank and fanout, lowest first
/// Sort all vertices by rank and fanout, lowest first
/// Sort all edges by weight, lowest first
/// Side-effect: assigns ranks to every node.
void order();
// Similar to order() but does not assign ranks. Caller must
// ensure that the graph has been ranked ahead of the call.
void orderPreRanked();
/// Make acyclical (into a tree) by breaking a minimal subset of cutable edges.
void acyclic(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
/// Remove any redundant edges, weights become MAX of any other weight
void removeRedundantEdges(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
/// Remove any redundant edges, weights become SUM of any other weight
void removeRedundantEdgesSum(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp);
/// Remove any transitive edges. E.g. if have edges A->B, B->C, and A->C
/// then A->C is a "transitive" edge; it's implied by the first two
/// (assuming the DAG is a dependency graph.)
/// This algorithm can be expensive.
void removeTransitiveEdges();
/// Call loopsVertexCb on any one loop starting where specified
void reportLoops(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp, V3GraphVertex* vertexp);
/// Build a subgraph of all loops starting where specified
void subtreeLoops(V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp, V3GraphVertex* vertexp, V3Graph* loopGraphp);
/// Debugging
void dump(std::ostream& os = std::cout);
void dumpDotFile(const string& filename, bool colorAsSubgraph) const;
void dumpDotFilePrefixed(const string& nameComment, bool colorAsSubgraph = false) const;
void dumpDotFilePrefixedAlways(const string& nameComment, bool colorAsSubgraph = false) const;
void userClearVertices();
void userClearEdges();
static void selfTest();
virtual void loopsMessageCb(V3GraphVertex* vertexp);
virtual void loopsVertexCb(V3GraphVertex* vertexp);
一些遍历(passes)算法是通过图算法实现的,类V3Graph用来表示这些图。这些图是有向的,算法用来操纵图并把图结构输出生成 `GraphViz <https://www.graphviz.org>`__ dot格式的文件,V3Graph.h提供了这个类的文档。
class V3GraphVertex VL_NOT_FINAL {
// Vertices may be a 'gate'/wire statement OR a variable
friend class V3Graph;
friend class V3GraphEdge;
friend class GraphAcyc;
friend class GraphAlgRank;
V3ListEnt<V3GraphVertex*> m_vertices; // All vertices, linked list
V3List<V3GraphEdge*> m_outs; // Outbound edges,linked list
V3List<V3GraphEdge*> m_ins; // Inbound edges, linked list
double m_fanout; // Order fanout
uint32_t m_color; // Color of the node
uint32_t m_rank; // Rank of edge
union {
void* m_userp; // Marker for some algorithms
uint32_t m_user; // Marker for some algorithms
void verticesPushBack(V3Graph* graphp);
void fanout(double fanout) { m_fanout = fanout; }
void inUnlink() { m_ins.reset(); } // Low level; normally unlinkDelete is what you want
void outUnlink() { m_outs.reset(); } // Low level; normally unlinkDelete is what you want
V3GraphVertex(V3Graph* graphp, const V3GraphVertex& old);
explicit V3GraphVertex(V3Graph* graphp);
//! Clone copy constructor. Doesn't copy edges or user/userp.
virtual V3GraphVertex* clone(V3Graph* graphp) const {
return new V3GraphVertex(graphp, *this);
virtual ~V3GraphVertex() = default;
void unlinkEdges(V3Graph* graphp);
void unlinkDelete(V3Graph* graphp);
virtual string name() const { return ""; }
virtual string dotColor() const { return "black"; }
virtual string dotShape() const { return ""; }
virtual string dotStyle() const { return ""; }
virtual string dotName() const { return ""; }
virtual string dotRank() const { return ""; }
virtual uint32_t rankAdder() const { return 1; }
virtual FileLine* fileline() const { return nullptr; } // nullptr for unknown
virtual int sortCmp(const V3GraphVertex* rhsp) const {
// LHS goes first if of lower rank, or lower fanout
if (m_rank < rhsp->m_rank) return -1;
if (m_rank > rhsp->m_rank) return 1;
if (m_fanout < rhsp->m_fanout) return -1;
if (m_fanout > rhsp->m_fanout) return 1;
return 0;
uint32_t color() const { return m_color; }
void color(uint32_t color) { m_color = color; }
uint32_t rank() const { return m_rank; }
void rank(uint32_t rank) { m_rank = rank; }
double fanout() const { return m_fanout; }
void user(uint32_t user) { m_user = user; }
uint32_t user() const { return m_user; }
void userp(void* userp) { m_userp = userp; }
void* userp() const { return m_userp; }
V3GraphVertex* verticesNextp() const { return m_vertices.nextp(); }
V3GraphEdge* inBeginp() const { return m_ins.begin(); }
bool inEmpty() const { return inBeginp() == nullptr; }
bool inSize1() const;
uint32_t inHash() const;
V3GraphEdge* outBeginp() const { return m_outs.begin(); }
bool outEmpty() const { return outBeginp() == nullptr; }
bool outSize1() const;
uint32_t outHash() const;
V3GraphEdge* beginp(GraphWay way) const { return way.forward() ? outBeginp() : inBeginp(); }
/// Error reporting
void v3errorEnd(std::ostringstream& str) const;
void v3errorEndFatal(std::ostringstream& str) const;
/// Edges are routed around this vertex to point from "from" directly to "to"
void rerouteEdges(V3Graph* graphp);
/// Find the edge connecting ap and bp, where bp is wayward from ap.
/// If edge is not found returns nullptr. O(edges) performance.
V3GraphEdge* findConnectingEdgep(GraphWay way, const V3GraphVertex* waywardp);
for (V3GraphEdge *edgep = vertexp->inBeginp();
edgep = edgep->inNextp()) {
class V3GraphEdge VL_NOT_FINAL {
// Wires/variables aren't edges. Edges have only a single to/from vertex
enum Cutable : uint8_t { NOT_CUTABLE = false, CUTABLE = true }; // For passing to V3GraphEdge
friend class V3Graph;
friend class V3GraphVertex;
friend class GraphAcyc;
friend class GraphAcycEdge;
V3ListEnt<V3GraphEdge*> m_outs; // Next Outbound edge for same vertex (linked list)
V3ListEnt<V3GraphEdge*> m_ins; // Next Inbound edge for same vertex (linked list)
V3GraphVertex* m_fromp; // Vertices pointing to this edge
V3GraphVertex* m_top; // Vertices this edge points to
int m_weight; // Weight of the connection
bool m_cutable; // Interconnect may be broken in order sorting
union {
void* m_userp; // Marker for some algorithms
uint64_t m_user; // Marker for some algorithms
void init(V3Graph* graphp, V3GraphVertex* fromp, V3GraphVertex* top, int weight,
bool cutable = false);
void cut() { m_weight = 0; } // 0 weight is same as disconnected
void outPushBack();
void inPushBack();
V3GraphEdge(V3Graph* graphp, V3GraphVertex* fromp, V3GraphVertex* top,
const V3GraphEdge& old) {
init(graphp, fromp, top, old.m_weight, old.m_cutable);
//! Add DAG from one node to the specified node
V3GraphEdge(V3Graph* graphp, V3GraphVertex* fromp, V3GraphVertex* top, int weight,
bool cutable = false) {
init(graphp, fromp, top, weight, cutable);
//! Clone copy constructor. Doesn't copy existing vertices or user/userp.
virtual V3GraphEdge* clone(V3Graph* graphp, V3GraphVertex* fromp, V3GraphVertex* top) const {
return new V3GraphEdge(graphp, fromp, top, *this);
virtual ~V3GraphEdge() = default;
virtual string name() const { return m_fromp->name() + "->" + m_top->name(); }
virtual string dotLabel() const { return ""; }
virtual string dotColor() const { return cutable() ? "yellowGreen" : "red"; }
virtual string dotStyle() const { return cutable() ? "dashed" : ""; }
virtual int sortCmp(const V3GraphEdge* rhsp) const {
if (!m_weight || !rhsp->m_weight) return 0;
return top()->sortCmp(rhsp->top());
void unlinkDelete();
V3GraphEdge* relinkFromp(V3GraphVertex* newFromp);
int weight() const { return m_weight; }
void weight(int weight) { m_weight = weight; }
bool cutable() const { return m_cutable; }
void cutable(bool cutable) { m_cutable = cutable; }
void userp(void* user) { m_userp = user; }
void* userp() const { return m_userp; }
void user(uint64_t user) { m_user = user; }
uint64_t user() const { return m_user; }
V3GraphVertex* fromp() const { return m_fromp; }
V3GraphVertex* top() const { return m_top; }
V3GraphVertex* closerp(GraphWay way) const { return way.forward() ? fromp() : top(); }
V3GraphVertex* furtherp(GraphWay way) const { return way.forward() ? top() : fromp(); }
static bool followNotCutable(const V3GraphEdge* edgep) { return !edgep->m_cutable; }
static bool followAlwaysTrue(const V3GraphEdge*) { return true; }
V3GraphEdge* outNextp() const { return m_outs.nextp(); }
V3GraphEdge* inNextp() const { return m_ins.nextp(); }
V3GraphEdge* nextp(GraphWay way) const { return way.forward() ? outNextp() : inNextp(); }
template <class T_Graph = V3Graph> // Or sometimes const V3Graph
class GraphAlg VL_NOT_FINAL {
T_Graph* const m_graphp; // Graph we're operating upon
const V3EdgeFuncP m_edgeFuncp; // Function that says we follow this edge
GraphAlg(T_Graph* graphp, V3EdgeFuncP edgeFuncp)
: m_graphp{graphp}
, m_edgeFuncp{edgeFuncp} {}
~GraphAlg() = default;
inline bool followEdge(V3GraphEdge* edgep) {
return (edgep->weight() && (m_edgeFuncp)(edgep));