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title: saiku+kettle整合(八)saiku展示改善 tags:

  • OLAP categories: saiku date: 2016-08-25 18:18:54


  1. 开源版本在使用时总是提示升级,既然获得了源码,那就该删的删了


```diff Index: saiku-ui/index.html IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== --- saiku-ui/index.html (revision 32bd3199e3190067603af3910c265547e2b93cc2) +++ saiku-ui/index.html (revision ) @@ -251,11 +251,6 @@ <%= data.logo %>
-<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="template-upgrade">
-            <div class="upgradeheader">
-                You are using Saiku Community Edition, please consider <a target="_blank" href="http://saiku.meteorite.bi/support">purchasing support, or entering a sponsorship agreement with us</a> to support development. <a href="mailto:info@meteorite.bi?subject=Supporting Saiku">info@meteorite.bi</a><span class="close_tab sprite"></span>
-            </div>
-        </script>
 <script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="template-logincount">
             <div class="upgradeheader">
Index: saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/Upgrade.js
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/Upgrade.js	(revision 32bd3199e3190067603af3910c265547e2b93cc2)
+++ saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/Upgrade.js	(revision )
@@ -51,25 +51,9 @@
 				if (Settings.LICENSE.licenseType != undefined && (Settings.LICENSE.licenseType != "trial" && Settings.LICENSE.licenseType != "Open Source License")) {
 					return this;
-				if (Settings.LICENSE != undefined && Settings.LICENSE.licenseType === "trial") {
-					var yourEpoch = parseFloat(Settings.LICENSE.expiration);
-					var yourDate = new Date(yourEpoch);
-					self.remainingdays = self.daydiff(new Date(), yourDate);
-					$(this.el).append("<div><div id='uphead' class='upgradeheader'>You are using a Saiku Enterprise" +
-						" Trial license, you have "+ self.remainingdays+" days remaining. <a href='http://www.meteorite.bi/saiku-pricing'>Buy licenses online.</a></div>");
-					return self;
-				}
-				else {
+		}
+		else {
-					$(this.el).append("<div><div id='uphead' class='upgradeheader'>You are using Saiku Community" +
-						" Edition, please consider upgrading to <a target='_blank' href='http://meteorite.bi'>Saiku Enterprise</a>, or entering a <a href='http://meteorite.bi/products/saiku/sponsorship'>sponsorship agreement with us</a> to support development. " +
-						"<a href='http://meteorite.bi/products/saiku/community'>Or contribute by joining our community and helping other users!</a></div></div>");
-					return self;
-				}
-		}
-		else {
 				if(Saiku.session.get("notice") != undefined && Saiku.session.get("notice")!=null && Saiku.session.get("notice")!=""){
 					$(this.el).append("<div><div id='uphead' class='upgradeheader'>Notice:"+Saiku.session.get("notice")+"</div>");
@@ -78,22 +62,7 @@
 					Settings.LICENSE.licenseType != "Open Source License")) {
 					return this;
-				if (Settings.LICENSE.licenseType === "trial") {
-					var yourEpoch = parseFloat(Settings.LICENSE.expiration);
-					var yourDate = new Date(yourEpoch);
-					self.remainingdays = self.daydiff(new Date(), yourDate);
-					$(this.el).append("<div><div id='uphead' class='upgradeheader'>You are using a Saiku Enterprise" +
-						" Trial license, you have "+ self.remainingdays+" days remaining. <a href='http://www.meteorite.bi/saiku-pricing'>Buy licenses online.</a></div>");
-					return self;
-				}
-				else {
-					$(this.el).append("<div><div id='uphead' class='upgradeheader'>You are using Saiku Community" +
-						" Edition, please consider upgrading to <a target='_blank' href='http://meteorite.bi'>Saiku Enterprise</a>, or entering a <a href='http://meteorite.bi/products/saiku/sponsorship'>sponsorship agreement with us</a> to support development. " +
-						"<a href='http://meteorite.bi/products/saiku/community'>Or contribute by joining our community and helping other users!</a></div></div>");
-					return self;
-				}
Index: saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/SplashScreen.js
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/SplashScreen.js	(revision 32bd3199e3190067603af3910c265547e2b93cc2)
+++ saiku-ui/js/saiku/views/SplashScreen.js	(revision )
@@ -75,57 +75,7 @@
         return false;
     template: function() {
-        var template = $("<div> <div id='splash'> <nav> <ul> <li class='active'><a class='welcome head'" +
-                " href='#'>Welcome</a></li> <li><a class='features head' href='#'>Features</a></li> <li><a" +
-                " class='help head' href='#'>Get Help</a></li> <li class='enterprisetoggle enterprise'><a" +
-                " class='enterprise head'" +
-                " href='#'>Enterprise</a></li> </ul> <h2>Explore Data. Visualise. Act.</h2> </nav> <section" +
-                " class='stabs'> <section style='margin-top:50px;min-height:700px;' id='welcome'> <div" +
-                " style='width:50%;float:left;'> <h1 class='saikulogo'>Saiku</h1> <p>Saiku has the power to change" +
-                " the way you think about your business and make decisions.   Saiku provides powerful, web based" +
-                " analytics for everyone in your organisation. Quickly and easily analyse data from any data  source" +
-                " to discover what is really happening inside and outside your organisation. <i class='icon" +
-            " icon-remove' style='"+
-        "height: 100px;"+
-        "'></i>  </p> <h2>Quick" +
-                " Links</h2> <ul class='quicklinks'> <li><a class='run_query' href='#'>Create a new query</a></li>" +
-                " <li><a href='#' title='Dashboards' class='run_dashboards'>Create a dashboard</a></li> <li> " +
-                " <a href='http://saiku.meteorite.bi' target='_blank'>Visit the website</a></li> " +
-                "<li><a href='#' class='help head'>Tutorials</a></li> </ul> " +
-                "<p class='fixed'><a class='enterprisetoggle button' href='http://meteorite.bi' target='_blank'>Get Enterprise</a></p> " +
-                "<h2>News</h2> <div id='news'></div> </div> <div style='width:40%;margin-left:10%;float:left;' id='dyn_content' class='enterprisetoggle'> " +
-                "<h2>Discover more about Saiku</h2><p>Saiku Analytics provides both a Community Version and an Enterprise Version with added features. " +
-                "To find out more you can <a href='http://meteorite.bo'>visit our website</a> or watch the videos on our " +
-                "<a href='https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChivLeroOJx0_JamfuZ_XHA'>Youtube channel</a>.</p>" +
-                "<p>If you are using Saiku Analytics in a business or commercial product, you can help give back in many ways. " +
-                "Swing by our <a href='http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=##saiku'IRC channel</a> and help foster the community, " +
-                "join the <a href='http://community.meteorite.bi'>mailing lists</a> and ask/answer questions, <a href='http://meteorite.bi'>sponsor a new feature</a>, " +
-                "or best of all <a href='http://www.meteorite.bi/saiku-pricing'>purchase an EE license</a>, which funds development of Saiku Community Edition " +
-                "along with Enterprise Edition.</p><div></div> </div> </section> <section style='display:none !important;margin-top:50px' id='features'> " +
-                "<h1 class='saikulogo'>Saiku</h1> <h2>Features</h2> <h3>Web Based Analysis</h3> " +
-                "<p>Saiku provides the user with an entirely browser based experience. We support all modern browsers, and our user interface is 100% HTML and Javascript. " +
-                "<br/>Saiku uses REST based communications, this allows the development of custom user interfaces and " +
-                "facilitates the easy integration of the Saiku Server into other applications and services.</p> " +
-                "<h3>Standards Compliant</h3> <p>Saiku is based upon the Microsoft MDX query language and will work on " +
-                "most JDBC compliant data sources. We also provide a number of connectors to NOSQL data sources.</p>" +
-                " <h3>Dynamic charting</h3> <p>Saiku uses a flexible charting engine to provide a wide range of charts and graphs. " +
-                "These are all HTML & Javascript only and don't require flash to be installed on the computer.</p> " +
-                "<h3>Pluggable visualisation engine</h3> <p>Saiku Enterprise boasts a fully pluggable visualisation engine. " +
-                "This allows developers to build third party extensions and plug them into Saiku Enterprise to extend or " +
-                "replace the existing visualisations.</p> </section> <section style='display:none !important;margin-top:50px' id='help'> " +
-                "<h1 class='saikulogo'>Saiku</h1> " +
-                "<h2>Help</h2> <p>We provide Training, Consulting and Support to ensure " +
-                "you get the most from Saiku and your data. Our services cover all aspects of data analysis including data strategy, " +
-                "design, architecture, deployment and application/software support.</p> <table style='margin-bottom:100px;'> <tr> " +
-                "<th>Tutorials</th><th>Wiki</th> <th>Support</th> </tr> <tr><td>We have a number of click through" +
-                " tutorials to help get your started: <ul><li><a href='#'  class='beg_tut'>Beginners(Query building" +
-                " and" +
-                " charts)</a></li></ul>" +
-                " <td>Why" +
-                " not try  our new <a" +
-                " href='http://wiki.meteorite.bi' target='_blank'>Wiki site</a>" +
-                "<br/>for community documentation.</td> <td>If you require more, <br/><a href='mailto:info@meteorite.bi'>contact us</a> for support!.</td> </tr> </table> </section>" +
-                " <section style='display:none !important;margin-top:50px' id='enterprise'> <h1 class='saikulogo'>Saiku</h1> <h2>Enterprise</h2> <p>Saiku Enterprise is our fully supported and tested server and Pentaho plugin system. Buy Saiku Enterprise from as little as $15 per user per month and enjoy the addtional features Saiku Enterprise has to offer</p> <p>To find out more visit our <a href='http://meteorite.bi' target='_blank'>site</a> or <a href='mailto:info@meteorite.bi'>schedule a call</a> with one of us and we can show you why you should choose Saiku Enterprise!</p> </section> </section> </div> </div>").html() || "";
+        var template = $("我大f6就是66666").html() || "";
         return _.template(template)({
             //    cube_navigation: Saiku.session.sessionworkspace.cube_navigation



# Supply Parameters Via URL #

If you have a parameterised Saiku report, from version 3.1 you can pass values to the parameter via the url, for example:


in the report I saved a parameter called my\_param in the url I prefix this parameter name with param so Saiku knows to inject it into the query.


1.  1.  首先新建报表
    2.  保存报表到指定路径
    3.  将路径作为参数传入  





[Saiku_Tips_and_Tricks]: http://wiki.meteorite.bi/display/SAIK/Saiku+Tips+and+Tricks