Aspose.Slides for .NET是独特的演示处理API,使应用程序能够读取,编写,修改和转换PowerPoint演示文稿。作为独立的API,它提供了管理PowerPoint关键功能的功能,例如管理文本,形状,表格和动画,向幻灯片添加音频和视频,预览幻灯片等等。
近期,Aspose.Slides for .NET更新至最新版v19.10,现在有一些非常有趣且实用的功能值得为大家讲解一下,比如新增支持字体回退,以及在占位符中设置提示文本,接下来通过一些简单的示例来为大家说明一下!
uint startUnicodeIndex = 0x0B80; uint endUnicodeIndex = 0x0BFF; IFontFallBackRule firstRule = new FontFallBackRule(startUnicodeIndex, endUnicodeIndex, "Vijaya"); IFontFallBackRule secondRule = new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic"); //字体列表也可以通过几种方式添加: string[] fontNames = new string[] { "Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol", "Arial" }; IFontFallBackRule thirdRule = new FontFallBackRule(0x1F300, 0x1F64F, fontNames);
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(); try { IFontFallBackRulesCollection userRulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection(); userRulesList.add(new FontFallBackRule(0x0B80, 0x0BFF, "Vijaya")); userRulesList.add(new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic")); presentation.getFontsManager().setFontFallBackRulesCollection(userRulesList); } finally { if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose(); }
一个提示文本是当它是第一负载,但是当用户开始输入到该消失出现在文本字段的文本的文本字段。基本上,这是为了使用户易于了解要在所选字段中输入的内容。我们知道标准布局和预构建布局包含带有默认文本的占位符,如Click添加标题 或 Click添加字幕。使用Aspose.Slides可以通过访问默认占位符来手动添加提示文本。下面的代码段显示了如何使用此功能:
// The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text(); using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "Presentation2.pptx")) { ISlide slide = pres.Slides[0]; foreach (IShape shape in slide.Slide.Shapes) // iterate through the slide { if (shape.Placeholder != null && shape is AutoShape) { string text = ""; if (shape.Placeholder.Type == PlaceholderType.CenteredTitle) // title - the text is empty, PowerPoint displays "Click to add title". { text = "Click to add custom title"; } else if (shape.Placeholder.Type == PlaceholderType.Subtitle) // the same for subtitle. { text = "Click to add custom subtitle"; } ((IAutoShape)shape).TextFrame.Text = text; Console.WriteLine($"Placeholder with text: {text}"); } } pres.Save(dataDir + "Placeholders_PromptText.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); }